MAC or PC..... why?



  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    i love my mac and it loves me back. its easy to use. doesn't get virus and never runs slow. plus it has tons of free apps/games and i can get for the kids. so for me, it's a win/win.
  • runningkatze
    I'm a tech person and have PC (Windows, Linux) and Macs that I own and/or use. Frankly, they all have their places. If I had to recommend one for a home user today - I'd probably recommend a Mac. If you need to have Windows for any reason, you can install a VM (Virtual Machine) or Boot Camp your Mac (native install of Windows on a partition of the Mac's harddrive - assuming an intel processor.

    Mac's are intuitive, have great interfaces with iPhone and iPad. Since getting my first MBP to use regularly (at work), I've been more productive than I ever was on my Windows machine. Not really sure why that is, since Windows has become a lot more stable/useful over the years.

    BTW, Apple's support is pretty darn good too. I like knowing that there is a knowledgeable source I can go to for help (the "Geniuses" at an Apple store). Good luck with your choice.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I spent most of my career in high tech production, first a few years as an electronics technician, then as a production supervisor. From my experience, the techie people preferred PCs and the non-techs preferred Macs. This was an international company with thousands of computers in use. IT was usually called to assist the PC users more because they were attempting more technical tasks with their PCs than those using Macs. I have only been briefly exposed to using a Mac and I would never buy anything but a PC. That said, I never used a Mac for an extended period of time.

    Edit: Over the years, I have used many brands of PCs. Some seem to be more reliable than others. My home PC was always an HP, but the last one in a mini-tower crapped out after only 2 years because of the small enclosed space. Last year, I replaced it with a big honkin' ASUS, which I :heart:
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    Once you go Mac, you never go back. But, seriously. It's user-friendly, fantastic for digital media/arts, fast, well-built, and sleek-looking. I got one for school; it's one of my favorite purchases.

  • runningkatze
    I've used both, but would only ever buy a PC. Macs are media computers. I need a good all-rounder.

    Macs are most definitely great "all-rounder" computers. I use mine for basic things such as writing documents/spreadsheets, etc. (incidentally, with Microsoft products), email and web surfing; for my professional life of doing those things plus project management related work; for technical things, like managing my other machines, writing software; and for playing games.

    Oh. Right. Almost forgot: I also use it for managing my photo library.

    (See my previous post: I use Windows, Macs, and Linux OSes pretty equally across the board. For the average home user today, I'd probably recommend a Mac.)
  • stomponya
    I built my own desktop, and for $1500 my PC is way faster than any overpriced apple product. Macs are nice, but they are too expensive for what you get. Just my opinion.
  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    I've always been PC (HP!) but my folks convinced me to get a Mac, and I got one about 2 weeks ago. The transition has been so easy; I'd feared not being able to get used to different things, but there's really not a whole lot that is different. I put Microsoft Word for Mac on it, since I hate the Mac application for documents, but other than that, I'm really enjoying it. Some of the features are really fun, like the apps (and since I don't have an iPhone, that's something kind of novel to me!), and the dashboard, and the trackpad gestures, etc.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I'm a PC person...I will always be a PC person. My impression is that Macs are like designer shoes or clothes, you spend a ton of money for something that makes you feel like you got a great deal, but you can find everything you need on a PC for a whole lot cheaper. I had a Dell for 5 years...3 of which it was trudged around rural Africa in the heat and dirt with the only problem being a virus that forced me to re-install my OS. My next computer was again a Dell...which is what I'm typing on right now. I've had a few problems but my warranty is set up that I never have to part with my computer. I call customer service, figure out what's going on and they send a technician to my home or office with the spare parts and fix it right there and then. I'm without a computer for a matter of hours not days. I love the customization ability of PCs.... I can get any size hard drive I want with any amount of memory and speed, and most times still stay within $1000. But yes...PCs have get the warranty. I would never buy a computer...regardless of PC or Mac if it weren't covered for a minimum of 3 years.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    The iMac computers are fantastic and I'm using mine now. I'm not sold on the iPhone at all. As a matter of fact, I stopped drinking the iPhone koolaid a while back ago. Looking to get into the Android market as soon as I can change phones.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Macs are very shiny.

    I run Linux, windows, os x and bsd. If I wasn't a programmer, I'd drink the apple kook-aid and stick with their products.

    I can do everything I need on my fairly inexpensive iMac. And I don't have to dink around getting my iPod and iPad synced up to it.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Au contraire, it is PCs that are junk. Had it not been for Apple to show them how, they wouldn't even have Windows, which is an out-and-out ripoff of the Mac desktop -- an inferior ripoff, I might add. AB:PIP:BA -- that's the kind crap PC users used to have to type in to transfer a file. Go with the user-friendly innovators: Choose a Mac.

    You are sorta wrapping all PCs up with a tidy bow here. If all PCs were junk, everyone would have a Mac.
  • stomponya
    Android is great. I'm not an Apple hater, but Android is just as good for way less.
  • soniams
    soniams Posts: 95 Member
    I recently made the switch from PC to Mac (I still use PC at work). Biggest difference for me on the Mac is no viruses. This cannot be underestimated. My old PC at home just stopped functioning because of all the problems and I was especially vigilant in trying to keep my computer virus free but they get in. Don't have to worry about this on the Mac.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    i have a MacBook and a Mac desktop! Will never throw away money on a PC again. The are great computers never have any issues what so ever! No over heating on my MacBook and the battery lasts me for 2-3 usually!
  • danapellerin
    danapellerin Posts: 34 Member
    I'm a web developer and have worked in IT for 20 years. Whether you like Windows of Mac OS is really a personal choice. I use both daily, but it's my opinion that Mac software is generally more elegant, polished and easy to use, especially when you look at lifestyle apps like iPhoto & iMovie which are fantastic. For office type software, it's a draw. It's also my experience that Mac OS is just more stable and requires less tweaking and maintenance. But again, it's like arguing Chevy vs Ford or Star Wars vs Star Trek. If I wasn't a developer, I could easily live on either platform full time.

    Hardware wise, I feel Apple's build quality is second to none and I know many developers who have to run Windows, do it on Apple hardware just because it's so nice. I've owned several Dell's and HP laptops over the years and my 15" MacBook Pro blows them away. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    My Toshiba laptop just died on me after only two years. The Dell before that lasted about that long as well. I've always been a PC girl but am I missing out by not going MAC? Any opinions and/or advice appreciated!

    What will you be using it for? Do you have any specific requirements that would tie you to a particular operating system?

    Personally, I prefer to stay out of the Apple walled garden. Yes, they just work, but you are limited to what Apple thinks is best. I don't care about coolness factor of Macs. I want options and the ability to customize it as I see fit. My wife does have an ipod touch, which she primarily uses for games and videos.

    I think it is interesting when people complain about their PCs not lasting long. Every PC I have built has lasted for many years. My sons are using 2 laptops we bought, running Windows, that have been working great (no viruses, no malware) - one of them is an almost 10 year old IBM Thinkpad, and the other is at least 5 years old now. Even when I ran Windows I was able to maintain and solve any problems, without having to reinstall the operating system.

    Do what works for you, but I'll stick with my own PC running Linux, knowing that I still have plenty of options, both on the software and the hardware side.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I recently made the switch from PC to Mac (I still use PC at work). Biggest difference for me on the Mac is no viruses. This cannot be underestimated. My old PC at home just stopped functioning because of all the problems and I was especially vigilant in trying to keep my computer virus free but they get in. Don't have to worry about this on the Mac.

    Au contraire - my desktop and my laptop are both Windows and with the right software, they have remained virus free since the day I booted them. The problem is a lot of Windows users don't properly protect their systems; I assume Macs just use more secure software to begin with. Internet Explorer is a major failing of Windows, but you can easily rectify that by installing Firefox (my preference), Opera or Chrome. Anyway, as I said earlier, PC for me. Macs just aren't capable of what I want to do with them. My current desktop is an Acer with a Dual Core i5, and my laptop a Dell XPS 15(fantastically well built actually) with 6gb RAM and a Quad Core i7 processor.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    The iMac computers are fantastic and I'm using mine now. I'm not sold on the iPhone at all. As a matter of fact, I stopped drinking the iPhone koolaid a while back ago. Looking to get into the Android market as soon as I can change phones.

    So you aren't drinking the iPhone kool-aid but you're drinking the Android kool-aid....well done :) It's not kool-aid, it picking a phone you enjoy.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member

    I'd say look at what you want it to do. What programs you want it to run. Look at the optimal requirements for the most aggressive program you want to use and shoot a little higher.
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    Once you go Mac, you never go back!