MAC or PC..... why?



  • kmboffice88
    I was a PC girl my whole life. When I went away to college I bought a Dell laptop and it died after two years. After that I bought a MacBook. Four years later, this baby is still going strong. No issues. Plus, I hate the customer support on the PC end. With an Apple product, you can just take it to the apple store and see someone in person (no waiting on the phone for hours).
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    I thought I was a PC person and had a sony VAIO for my first two years of college .. looking back .. POS!! it was done after two years and I have now had my Macbook pro for 2+++ years and still working great. For what I need it for, a MAC is perfect.
  • AmberMcDowell
    Most def a MAC all the way. The reasons virus's, doesn't crash, Apple customer service is awesome if you do have a problem. I have had this mac book that I am typing on right now for 4 solid years with only one thing ever going wrong and it was fixed immediately by the Apple people. You just can't get any of that from a PC.
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    Once you go Mac, you never go back. But, seriously. It's user-friendly, fantastic for digital media/arts, fast, well-built, and sleek-looking. I got one for school; it's one of my favorite purchases.

    lol love this
    i'v had a mac for years, only been in the pc world hospital twice....and still running fast. a mac every time for me. looks a sexy mother too
  • jessicaacampbell1
    jessicaacampbell1 Posts: 133 Member
    Simple answer is an iMac. No need for the long explanation just go into a Bestbuy store to look a PC product and then compare your experience in an Apple store. That should give you a taste of what you plan to experience with your laptop in the future. Happy hunting!

    Post your final decision.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Oh snap. I have a Toshiba laptop. :( lmao.
    I had an HP that died on me after a couple of years as well...
    so I broke down & bought an iMac.
    It's AMAZING.
    But I use it for web design & creative things.
    Also, I found that Macs have a pretty simple interface.
    Once you get the hang of them, it's like second nature.
    Sometimes it's a pain trying to find programs that worked for Windows to work on Mac,
    but that's kind of rare now.
    Both have their pros & cons--
    but I'd recommend Mac, definitely.
  • lightstruck1
    lightstruck1 Posts: 52 Member
    Mac. I can NEVER go back to PC. I have had no issues with Mac's, and way too many with PC's. They are faster, cleaner, more simple to use and built better. Plus they look fabulous. And with the edition of iCloud all my Apple products seamlessly sync up (iPod, iPhone, Macbook Pro, Apple TV). I can't imagine not having a Mac.
    They also last a hell of a lot longer.
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    I had NO idea I'd get this many responses but appreciate each one. Thanks all!
  • AdamBellfpt
    AdamBellfpt Posts: 224 Member
    For me NOTHING come anywhere near a mac. I had my Mac for over 5 years and haven't had a single problem, whereas the year before I had 3 laptops in 1 year. It's takes some getting used to but it's honestly worth the time and money!
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    Once you go Mac, you never go back. But, seriously. It's user-friendly, fantastic for digital media/arts, fast, well-built, and sleek-looking. I got one for school; it's one of my favorite purchases.

    I'll contradict that. I got work to get me a Macbook since I'm sometimes forced to support people with Macs. The Mac was very user unfriendly. The casing is deliberately designed so that it's difficult for me to work on. The backspace button says delete and there is no actual delete key. No, Page Up or Down. No End or Home.

    The only good parts of the Mac are the parts they took from Free Software. If you minimize a window, there is no keystroke I am aware of that will bring it back. You can't cut and paste in the finder. Apparently maximizing a window is not useful.

    Needless to say, I'm using a real computer, a Thinkpad, again.

    Besides, the question is a little off. A Mac is a PC. It just runs a different operating system and has a non-standard keyboard.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    When comparing apples to apples, I maintain that there isn't really much in terms of "quality" difference between the two. It all depends on who you are, and what you want out of a machine.

    And I didn't pay 2,000 for my macbook I got a student discount, but it wasn't 900 worth. If it were, there'd be a massive resell market of students reselling them. Don't know where you're getting these numbers from...
    Obviously the numbers on that ad are advertised numbers provided by Dell. It was more or less just making a point; you can spend $2000 on a PC laptop, as well. But generally you're getting much higher quality products in it that perform at a faster rate than that which you would get on a Mac. Sure, Mac parts are high quality and all, but I also like to be able to decide exactly what I want in my system.

    The way I see it is you can get a Mac for $2000 or you could get a Windows PC for $2000. They'll do the job for most people, but the Windows PC is going to have more bang for your buck; more HD storage, RAM, higher CPU, etc.

    I build my computers myself, as opposed to building them on a Web site, though.
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    My Toshiba laptop just died on me after only two years. The Dell before that lasted about that long as well. I've always been a PC girl but am I missing out by not going MAC? Any opinions and/or advice appreciated!

    I see people screaming that Macs have compatibility issues, and are only good for "creative" people, blah blah blah. Take those opinions with a pinch of salt as your situation and theirs could be very different.

    Best thing you can do is answer these questions:

    1. What software do you currently use in Windows/what tasks do you currently do in Windows?

    2. Is there anything that you would like to use a computer for, but currently don't? (Like, say, getting into video editing, or keeping track of your financial affairs, or maybe other things?)

    3. How computer-savvy are you? (If you want to upgrade your hard drive or RAM on your Windows machine do you do it or do you have someone do it for you? If you think your computer has a virus what do you do?)

    4. What peripherals do you currently have that you'd like to continue using, e.g. a printer, scanner, video camera?

    Personally I prefer using a Mac to a Windows-based computer -- I'm Mac at home and use Windows at work. (Note that it's "Mac" and not "MAC" btw.) However, I have always been a Mac person and so didn't have to factor in any legacy Windows software or peripherals that I had that I didn't want to pay to replace as well. There are some things that can be trickier on Macs than on Windows, but except for very specialised things there are usually workarounds, that's why it's important to consider what software you currently use before you make the decision, although you can install Windows on a Mac as well, should you really need to.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Mac. I can NEVER go back to PC. I have had no issues with Mac's, and way too many with PC's. They are faster, cleaner, more simple to use and built better. Plus they look fabulous. And with the edition of iCloud all my Apple products seamlessly sync up (iPod, iPhone, Macbook Pro, Apple TV). I can't imagine not having a Mac.
    They also last a hell of a lot longer.

  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I'm a creative in advertising and it's MAC all the way. It's an industry standard because it is the BEST tool for design, graphics, and photography. Aside from that, I find MACs to be much more user friendly and way more intuitive in problem solving. And they're pretty because Apple cares about every single detail inside and out. And I like well designed and beautiful stuff.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,723 Member
    I've been using Macs since 1987, and I love them. I didn't realize until today that meant I had hipster cred. Cool!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    It's an industry standard because it is the BEST tool for design, graphics, and photography
    This is actually no longer true; it's a pretty even split in the industry, and if you do hardware intensive work, such as animation, it's PC running Linux. In fact, the creative industries have been trending more toward Linux based OSes in the past decade.

    But it all depends on scale. The larger you are, the more likely you are to use an open-source OS.
  • jewol
    jewol Posts: 74 Member
    Au contraire, it is PCs that are junk. Had it not been for Apple to show them how, they wouldn't even have Windows, which is an out-and-out ripoff of the Mac desktop -- an inferior ripoff, I might add. AB:PIP:BA -- that's the kind crap PC users used to have to type in to transfer a file. Go with the user-friendly innovators: Choose a Mac.
    Actually, Apple stole the idea for a GUI (Graphical User Interface) from Xerox who were the first by MANY MANY YEARS.

    Don't try to get technical when you have no idea about the details.

    If you want to talk about firsts, you need to talk about AT&T and IBM. It is you who need to bone up on your history.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    The point still stands, however, that Windows did not rip off Mac; they equally "borrowed" technology and developments made by other companies/individuals.

    Furthermore, Macs haven't always been as user-friendly as they're portrayed today.
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    Furthermore, Macs haven't always been as user-friendly as they're portrayed today.

    Depends on the user. Windows 3.1 vs System 7? System 7 any day of the week for me!
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    It's a matter of choice, that's all. I use both the iMac and PC. iMac at home, PC at work. I prefer using the Mac for it's graphic interface, simplicity in music/video options.

    PC has an easier MS Office software, but I say that because I learned Office on a PC. The Mac Office just confuses me a bit on a few things. I do like how compatible they are, though.

    I wouldn't go back to a PC computer for all the tea in China. I even convinced my brother and my parents to switch to the iMac. They've enjoyed it thus far, but it's only been a year. Time will tell.