Humor -Growing up without a Cell Phone



  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm gonna be 29 this year, and I relate to most of this stuff, except the lack of a microwave! :) Ahhh, childhood was so simple back then...
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Just about to turn 36 this Friday.....but relate to most. Found it absolutely hilarious! :laugh:
  • Wallybankes
    Sometimes I really like cell phones, and change it often.Last year i got a LG Chocolate one, but at my angry moment i throw it away, so it died! And this year i bought this kind of cell phone with cheap price, but i am afraid of his fate then. I hate the noises of irrelevant calls,you know sometimes i just want to be alone, that is enough, anyone knows how can i do? I have got a mobile phone jammer in Google, but I heve no idea of it, ask some profession for help!
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    im 23 and all but 3 apply to me too... microwave, remotes, and CD's came in before I really got interested in music - first CD - Aqua - Barbie girl... uh oh.... lol

    Its crazy my sister is 16, doesnt remember us not having a computer, the internet, playstation, a mobile phone, digital cameras, she doesnt know what a floppy disk is, or a vhs, or a cassette... :O!

  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I love this!! :-)
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    In the UK, we had two channels and it was Black and White. Now there are 100's of channels and all showing same old re-runs.

    In fact we didn't have repeats, this was first time round!!.

    Outside toilet and a tin bath in front of the fire.

    The Telephone line was a shared part line, and fuel was less than 10pence (15c) a gallon. Now it is £7 a gallon.

    You had to cook your food, no such thing as a microwave and had to go to a bank to get mone, no ATM's.

    As Monty Python said, "I used to live in a cardboard box in middle of road", "you had it lucky, we couldn't afford a cardboard box", "trying telling the kids of today that and they won't believe you!!"

    Nostalgia is a wonderful thing - looking back and based on experience.

    Would you go back to those days without central heating and so on. No you wouldn't!!!!!!!


    Lol, I can relate to that!
  • Wallybankes
    In the modern times, cell phones have become an essential part of our life. You will be out of fashion if you have no cell phone. One hand, you can send massages and make phones to your friends or your colleagues with phones at any time in any places. On the other hand, we will enjoy our life with it, such as listening to music, playing games, taking photos, recording a vedio, suffering the internet, etc. But more and more people are using cell phones at the expense of public interest. They talk aloud over the cell phones, the endless ringtones sounded everywhere. How to cope with the noises of cell phones in public has drawn public attentions in many places of the world. Do we have to force ourselves to listen to the noise generated by cell phones? Of course not, cell phone jammer is a useful tool for us to deal with the noise pollution.I have bought one for my convenient life, so if you have the same problem with me, you can come to get one. You will find the cool of it.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I'm getting pretty close to forty and can relate to everything but not having a microwave or not having car seats. I remember both those whey I was growing up. But I also remember the ROTARY PHONE! Don't mess up when you dial or you'll have to start over, which could take a few hours.