Skinny gossip

I was just wondering, has anyone else come across this site? I did by accident, before you all have a go for looking at it(!), and saw this about MFP members:

"**WARNING**: The people in the forums there are all pro-fat fatties who think that they can lose weight until they're "only" overweight rather than obese, and like to accuse anyone like us Skinny Gurls of having eating disorders. Do NOT post your weight publicly there, and although the forums can be useful, don't participate!"

Part of me is a bit freaked out that people think that way, but the other bit of me thinks are some of us a bit judgemental about people who have a lower weight than most of us? Just wondering really what other people think.

Maybe I've got a strange sense of humour, but I think it's a bit funny that we're referred to as "pro-fat fatties". Especially by someone who is complaining of being judged!


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never heard of the site, but I have seen plenty of posts suggesting eating disorders when there really didn't seem to be much call for it. (I've also seen some that did sound like eating disorders might be a problem). People are people. Some more judgemental than others. You just gotta take what support you can get and ignore the rest.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    I stumbled across that site by accident once. I was following a link from someone's MFP profile that listed that site as inspiration. The same person also discussed struggles with EDs, binging and purging, finding "waifs" as the most desirable image, eating less than 1000 calories as requirements for losing weight, etc.

    That website can do what it wants, but I wouldn't take the criticism of the author seriously considering they post things about how better to "starve" yourself, tips for making it "look" like you are eating more than you are, calling MFP users Pro-fatties, review of "baby food" diets, and calling people like Paris Hilton and Giselle Bundchen borderline fatties.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i'm neither pro-fat nor anti-thin.

    want to get thin? fine by me. i'm fairly thin. i'd recommend eating enough to keep you alive, though, and keep the BMI over 18.
  • IkirPaulson
    IkirPaulson Posts: 40 Member
    I love their forum because the members are all supportive of each other and give constructive criticism. Unlike many MFP members that just love to be aggressive with their opinions and badger those who post a topic question that they deem "unacceptable".
    Since the moderators at have to approve each member before they can join, it helps filter out the trolls that would otherwise dominate the forums like they do here.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I am pretty sure that is a pro ana meeting place. The topic I read on there was about how they were praising models for their "skinny bodies and sunken in skinny faces". Looking further into the site members agree hip-bones and collar bones should be protruding through the skin and thigh gaps are to be praised. Looks like a bunch of young pro anas found a place to feed their disorder. I don't think what they have to say translates to healthy or sane (I mean baby food diet!? REALLY!?).
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I was just wondering, has anyone else come across this site? I did by accident, before you all have a go for looking at it(!), and saw this about MFP members:

    "**WARNING**: The people in the forums there are all pro-fat fatties who think that they can lose weight until they're "only" overweight rather than obese, and like to accuse anyone like us Skinny Gurls of having eating disorders. Do NOT post your weight publicly there, and although the forums can be useful, don't participate!"

    Part of me is a bit freaked out that people think that way, but the other bit of me thinks are some of us a bit judgemental about people who have a lower weight than most of us? Just wondering really what other people think.

    Maybe I've got a strange sense of humour, but I think it's a bit funny that we're referred to as "pro-fat fatties". Especially by someone who is complaining of being judged!

    I've never heard of the site, but I can certainly understand the attitude. I often wish there were a forum for people like me, people who've never been overweight, but because of injury and or getting older need to work now to maintain their weight. I'm tired of being accused of being ancient, decrepit or having an ED because I weigh in the low 100s, or today, 99, and used to weigh in the low 90s.

    And yes, at times I'm surprised by the weights people give as their goal weights -- they look quite high -- but its their health not mine.

    Finally, some of the advice I see regularly posted would result in people staying overweight.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I've never heard of the site, but I have seen plenty of posts suggesting eating disorders when there really didn't seem to be much call for it. (I've also seen some that did sound like eating disorders might be a problem). People are people. Some more judgemental than others. You just gotta take what support you can get and ignore the rest.

    Agreed, but it does place a burden on thinner members when they think that their concerns won't be taken seriously or that other people are going to jump to ridiculous conclusions. And you're right, you often can tell who the ED types are fairly quickly, but you can't do it just based on their weight. It's an obsessiveness about certain matters.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I agree with these two quotes in this thread (and that site does sound terrible):

    I've never heard of the site, but I have seen plenty of posts suggesting eating disorders when there really didn't seem to be much call for it. (I've also seen some that did sound like eating disorders might be a problem). People are people. Some more judgemental than others. You just gotta take what support you can get and ignore the rest.

    i'm neither pro-fat nor anti-thin.

    want to get thin? fine by me. i'm fairly thin. i'd recommend eating enough to keep you alive, though, and keep the BMI over 18.

    Well, except, I would say eat enough to keep you healthy, energetic and not develop any nutrient deficiencies (which can happen even to people that overeat and are overweight).

    I'm probably one of the thinner people on this site, but I still probably eat more than most people on here.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I had a quick look and was surprised to see it wasn't a pro-anorexia site like I thought it was going to be. Looks a bit catty though.

    EDIT: I take that back. The main blogger on the website (not the forum) advocates the Baby Food diet... oh dear.
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    It's pro ana in it's advice, maybe the forums and members are different, but the "tips" are definitely ED encouragement.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I went. I see a lot of catty teenager type posts (like calling Kate Upton fat) and a very unhealthy view of what is healthy, but they don't seem pro-ana, though I can easily see it leaning that way.

    ETA: sorry, but purposely being under 100 pounds is simply not healthy unless you are under 4'10". Thought I'd mention that.
  • jess6741
    jess6741 Posts: 107 Member
    That site is really extreme and vicious. But it does raise a good point about calorie counting sites. I have been criticized for wanting to lose weight/ not being happy at the weight I'm at. I've been told that I have BDD and might have an eating disorder. Both of which are definitely not true. I actually left one site because of it. But I think MFP isn't that bad. As a whole most people are really supportive.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    All of my stats (BMI, WHR, WHtR, BF%) are in the healthy range, and I'm still here loosing weight. Nobody has accused me of having an eating disorder, nobody has made me feel unwelcome for being relatively thin and nobody has told me my goals aren't okay.

    I'm not the only one. There are plenty of people who are thinner and in better shape than me here that still peruse the forums and the calorie counting tools. A lot of people here are at maintenance or trying to gain weight. I sense no hostility towards them.

    There is a lot of tough-love sort of hostility against disordered eating and unhealthy habits (fad diets, cleanses/detoxes, prolonged fasting, chronic under-eating or over-exercising, cutting out entire food/macro groups) but I've never seen any posts where a person who was trying to change their habits to more healthy ones had anything but support.

    Honestly, I can see why someone who is pro-ana would be against this site. I can't say I'm surprised. I'm definitely not disappointed.
  • IkirPaulson
    IkirPaulson Posts: 40 Member
    While the blogger seems vicious (it's for entertainment) the forums are full of nice girls. No one is going to accuse you of having BDD. If you do have BDD, they will only tell you out of concern for your well being and not because they are trying to put you down for weighing less than them.
    That site is really extreme and vicious. But it does raise a good point about calorie counting sites. I have been criticized for wanting to lose weight/ not being happy at the weight I'm at. I've been told that I have BDD and might have an eating disorder. Both of which are definitely not true. I actually left one site because of it. But I think MFP isn't that bad. As a whole most people are really supportive.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I just looked at the site. They do encourage a BMI of 16 to 18. They are promoting a body type that is not attainable by all people, so it is unhealthy for people with a different body type. Some have said the VS lingerie models have big legs (haha). I'm 5'2" and I weigh 100 pounds, they would probably consider me to be too fat, but it's true that on mfp I am hesitant to say my weight (it's just a number and in real life I am perceived by how I look and not by a number). But, on the other hand people also go to extremes on MFP of thinking small framed people are unhealthy, just because of the numbers on the scale (really they are just unaware of the range of body types). After joining mfp I have gone to my doctor repeatedly asking if she thinks I am under weight (even though I am the same weight I have been for all of my adult life). My doctor has laughed at the idea that anyone could say I was underweight. She said that I am not underweight, that I am very healthy and a lot more pro-active with my health than any of her other patients. She said I am genetically a small person with a healthy, active lifestyle. I also eat more than most people on here (I also lift weights), and I barely do cardio (other than dancing and walking around), so it's laughable if anyone were to accuse me of an ED. Some people are naturally small framed. And I don't even have a thigh gap, that's not my body type. I don't think going to extremes is ever the way to go. There is a wide range of normal and healthy.
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    I don't like the vibe I get from that site at all...5'7" 80 pounds?? Yikes!!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    ETA: sorry, but purposely being under 100 pounds is simply not healthy unless you are under 4'10". Thought I'd mention that.

    You are actually wrong about that.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member

    And yes, at times I'm surprised by the weights people give as their goal weights -- they look quite high -- but its their health not mine.

    I just want to address this with something you may not have thought of...
    having been as heavy as 300 pounds, and having constantly struggled since my early 20s to get or stay under 200 pounds, I have a goal weight (for now) of 165. This still falls above "normal" on the BMI scale, and many people would still see that as overweight, especially those who have spent their entire life at a "healthy" weight. But for me??? If I can reach and maintain 165? I will be THRILLED. For me to combat genetics and close to 40 years of bad habits and get down to that weight would be a monumental accomplishment, and I am not going to feel the least bit unhealthy if I don't have it in me to go any lower.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    ETA: sorry, but purposely being under 100 pounds is simply not healthy unless you are under 4'10". Thought I'd mention that.

    You are actually wrong about that.

    Yep. According to the BMI chart, 100lbs is considered a healthy weight for people 5'2'' and under.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    i started with this article and think their opinion does not matter. they call adriana lima names. i'd like to see them get jobs like she has. and the liberal use of the word "fatties" is weird? like is it supposed to be funny? or mean? or just silly?

    ETA: The article! Duh! LMAO!