Skinny gossip



  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I've read the forums over there quite a bit since the "Kate Upton" scandal (or whatever you want to call it). I'm fascinated by it, to be honest. I think that there are a few things going on over there... Lots of young girls who want to be thin and beautiful. I remember how it was to be that age and to feel that way and I just want to hug them. Also, some cattiness - eh, it's the's all over MFP too.

    I agree with some of the stuff that is posted. I do think people nowadays have a skewed vision of "normal" weight. I do think that being overweight is a choice that people make - yes, bad habits are sometimes learned in childhood, but bad habits can be changed (working on it myself!). However, I also think that sometimes the "gurls" take it to extremes. I've seen some of the current and goal weights over there and while some look fine, some are alarming. Without a picture, I can never be sure, but some of the weights are a bit alarming (to be honest). I also think it's a bit strange to say someone like Anne Hathaway or Gisele is a fatty, but not all of them think that way. I think a lot of them just want to be healthy. We are all trying to find our way in life and we all travel different paths. Eh.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    A quick flick through the exercise board revealed posts from a girl who gave her height as 5'10" and a goal weight of 70lbs. Another with quotes about the key being cut calories right up to the point before you pass out - but making sure nobody knows you're doing it.

    If they're not examples of an ED in action, I'll eat my zero calorie, high fiber pink striped socks...and that would probably take me over their calorie allowances for the day.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Really who cares.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    bump........... checking this SG out
  • hisfitwife11
    hisfitwife11 Posts: 20 Member
    I was just wondering, has anyone else come across this site? I did by accident, before you all have a go for looking at it(!), and saw this about MFP members:

    "**WARNING**: The people in the forums there are all pro-fat fatties who think that they can lose weight until they're "only" overweight rather than obese, and like to accuse anyone like us Skinny Gurls of having eating disorders. Do NOT post your weight publicly there, and although the forums can be useful, don't participate!"

    Part of me is a bit freaked out that people think that way, but the other bit of me thinks are some of us a bit judgemental about people who have a lower weight than most of us? Just wondering really what other people think.

    Maybe I've got a strange sense of humour, but I think it's a bit funny that we're referred to as "pro-fat fatties". Especially by someone who is complaining of being judged!

    I've never heard of the site, but I can certainly understand the attitude. I often wish there were a forum for people like me, people who've never been overweight, but because of injury and or getting older need to work now to maintain their weight. I'm tired of being accused of being ancient, decrepit or having an ED because I weigh in the low 100s, or today, 99, and used to weigh in the low 90s.

    And yes, at times I'm surprised by the weights people give as their goal weights -- they look quite high -- but its their health not mine.

    Finally, some of the advice I see regularly posted would result in people staying overweight.

    I completely agree. I have felt the same way reading the forums.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    A quick flick through the exercise board revealed posts from a girl who gave her height as 5'10" and a goal weight of 70lbs. Another with quotes about the key being cut calories right up to the point before you pass out - but making sure nobody knows you're doing it.

    If they're not examples of an ED in action, I'll eat my zero calorie, high fiber pink striped socks...and that would probably take me over their calorie allowances for the day.


    The site is not a positive one. Too much trash talk and body shaming. Their thinspo is frightening.
  • Penelope2738
    Penelope2738 Posts: 66 Member
    Sounds like a hater. Pass! I like this site and fine a lot of useful information on here and discussion topics. I will probably never get into to macro- math required stuff, but I enjoy other people's knowledge.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I love their forum because the members are all supportive of each other and give constructive criticism. Unlike many MFP members that just love to be aggressive with their opinions and badger those who post a topic question that they deem "unacceptable".
    Since the moderators at have to approve each member before they can join, it helps filter out the trolls that would otherwise dominate the forums like they do here.

    Trolls hardly dominate these forums. Let's not exaggerate.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    I love their forum because the members are all supportive of each other and give constructive criticism. Unlike many MFP members that just love to be aggressive with their opinions and badger those who post a topic question that they deem "unacceptable".
    Since the moderators at have to approve each member before they can join, it helps filter out the trolls that would otherwise dominate the forums like they do here.

    Some things, such as starvation diets and unhealthy role models (thinspo) do not need support. Supporting that would be morally reprehensible and giving the green light for people to destroy themselves.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Being nosy...I went over to the site.

    Then I saw the thread on Kate Upton.

    I could use a hug.

    Right??? I saw that and had to leave. The level of hate of women that are not super, super skinny saddens me. It's one thing to prefer a body type, but another to spend several paragraphs raging about this person's body.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I love their forum because the members are all supportive of each other and give constructive criticism. Unlike many MFP members that just love to be aggressive with their opinions and badger those who post a topic question that they deem "unacceptable".
    Since the moderators at have to approve each member before they can join, it helps filter out the trolls that would otherwise dominate the forums like they do here.

    Trolls hardly dominate these forums. Let's not exaggerate.

    To point out...disagreeing, being snarky in your responses, or just blunt =/= trolling.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    People need jobs. Too much time on their hands.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    A quick flick through the exercise board revealed posts from a girl who gave her height as 5'10" and a goal weight of 70lbs. Another with quotes about the key being cut calories right up to the point before you pass out - but making sure nobody knows you're doing it.

    If they're not examples of an ED in action, I'll eat my zero calorie, high fiber pink striped socks...and that would probably take me over their calorie allowances for the day.


    The site is not a positive one. Too much trash talk and body shaming. Their thinspo is frightening.

    Checked it jittery and hurried back to MFP. I'll take the snarky, blunt, and "mean people" here on MFP any day of the week.

    Although I have to laugh whenever people say MFP forums are horrible. Don't ever go on a gaming forum. If you can't handle MFP, you'll end up crying in an hour and throwing away all technology if you go there.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Saw it, skimmed through it.. no thanks.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I remember this site making the news a while back for a post on Lindsay Lohan (or someone similar) no longer being good thinspo. Not going to follow through and give them any more clicks though.
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 239 Member
    Interestingly enough, when i tried to access the website, it was blocked. MFP, however, is not. Hmm...

    Anyway, went to my phone and looked's disgusting. I'm still looking through it but I really feel sorry for these girls with their warped sense of 'pretty'. I don't think 'sunken-in' faces should be pretty.

    ETA: There's a girl on there who is 6 FOOT TALL an dsh weighs 119lbs. And her goal is 110..this is terrible.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    What does bashing a thigh gap do to people who have it naturally by not overfeeding and underexercising?

    In my experience, nothing. I don't have nearly enough of an emotional investment in my natural thigh gap to be offended by Internet bashing on the subject. I'm just thankful that my thighs don't rub when I walk and make my shorts ride up, which from what I hear can be very uncomfortable. But you do know, don't you, that it's not the light showing through that draws attention to forced, unnatural thigh gaps? It's the emaciation.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Nobody at MFP "bashes" people for having thigh gaps. Granted I am pretty new and haven't read every thread, but I have not seen one sentence of hate-speech directed towards thin people that wasn't shut down immediately. If I had, I wouldn't be here.

    What's happening at Skinny Gossip is people being bashed for NOT having a thigh gap. Or even for having a thigh gap that is not big enough. Name-calling, body-shaming bashing. And I only had to read around for 2 minutes to see it.

    Can you seriously not tell the difference?
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member

    After a weekend of eating at or slightly above TDEE I was feeling awful about myself. Totally certain I would gain weight, icky bloated and gross (also coincided with TOM this morning.) As a result I was being mega MEGA restrictive with my calories today, and pre-logged super restricted days for tomorrow and Wednesday. Talking netting at or just under 1000 cals.

    I'm really not normally like that, I've just been wishing the weight will come off faster and the normal hormonal stuff of being a lady has me down the past few days.

    Viewing that website just made me remember I'm a human. I'm going to go eat 500 cals of pizza with my boyfriend and resume my normal deficit that has me losing .5-1lb a week. And at 5'8". 158lbs seeking to be 138 lbs, I do NOT consider myself a pro-fat fatty! I consider myself a normal weight girl who needs to lose some body fat, yes, but also runs half marathons.

    Go MFP! Boo baby food!
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    For those of you saying being fat is a lifestyle being grossly underweight and unable to gain a pound also a lifestyle choice? How about the 8 year olds that are 200 pounds? Did they choose that lifestyle? Perhaps one should think before typing :)

    That!! Never judge unless you have walked in a persons shoes. The US is a large diverse country. No one can or should paint the residents of it with one large brush. There are many reasons people are over weight including extreme poverty and there are many reasons that people have eating disorders. Just don't judge!