Paleo -- ur doin it wrong.



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You think Primal or Paleo is ridiculous or crazy? Then don't eat that way! These posts and the arguments about how bad or good these lifestyles are crack me up - to each their own and who cares what the next person is doing? It's all about finding what works for you. Primal has changed my life - my weight, my labs, my health, my energy - its what works for me, but if you think it's a fad or it doesn't work for you who cares?? To each their own!

    Some of us care because we are deeply disturbed by the billions of animals that are dying to feed people who *PREFER* (notice I didn't use the word "NEED") to eat this way. Not to mention the massive environmental harm the meat industry is causing to the planet we all have to share, even those of us who want nothing to do with it. The idea that what you personally prefer to eat (animal flesh) is something that shouldn't bother the rest of us compassionate citizens of this planet is absurd. It affects everyone!

    I'd never get enough nutrition from plant matter alone. A vegetarian diet is out of the question for some of us, as well.

    Anyway, I was under the impression our closest ancestors were primarily frugivores, with limited supply of meat, fish and vegetables. I tried Paleolithic eating for a while, and although I did feel fine doing it, it's simply too expensive for me, here in London, at the moment. Quality meat just costs too much to make it the main staple of my diet.
  • Tracey0013
    Tracey0013 Posts: 154 Member
    Ok I know I am going to probably going to get in trouble for saying this from someone but here I go anyway. I like the idea of eating "clean"and the whole thing but how can we eat as humans did way back when we have altered the fresh fruits, vegetable and meats we are eating. Granted you could go organic but that is going to be one expensive menu plan.
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    You think Primal or Paleo is ridiculous or crazy? Then don't eat that way! These posts and the arguments about how bad or good these lifestyles are crack me up - to each their own and who cares what the next person is doing? It's all about finding what works for you. Primal has changed my life - my weight, my labs, my health, my energy - its what works for me, but if you think it's a fad or it doesn't work for you who cares?? To each their own!

    Some of us care because we are deeply disturbed by the billions of animals that are dying to feed people who *PREFER* (notice I didn't use the word "NEED") to eat this way. Not to mention the massive environmental harm the meat industry is causing to the planet we all have to share, even those of us who want nothing to do with it. The idea that what you personally prefer to eat (animal flesh) is something that shouldn't bother the rest of us compassionate citizens of this planet is absurd. It affects everyone!

    I'd never get enough nutrition from plant matter alone. A vegetarian diet is out of the question for some of us, as well.

    Anyway, I was under the impression our closest ancestors were primarily frugivores, with limited supply of meat, fish and vegetables. I tried Paleolithic eating for a while, and although I did feel fine doing it, it's simply too expensive for me, here in London, at the moment. Quality meat just costs too much to make it the main staple of my diet.

    You'll never get enough nutrition from a plant-based diet? Maybe you should do your research on nutritional needs, and benefits of a plant-based diet.

    And where exactly do you think the meat you are eating that is "so nutritious" got it's nutrition from? What did the animals that you choose to eat, eat?
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    Yep, OP - as an anthropology major with a focus in medical anth, I can attest that indeed the premise of the paleo diet is narrow-sighted. (Mind you, this was almost 20 years ago... but I remember a thing or two!)
    Agriculture vs. forage did not across the board create health deficits (that is, consumption of grain). However, domestication of grains created in some cases measurable declines in population health - most notably in my recollection, the domestication of maize in the new world. on the other hand, it allowed for more efficient feeding of more people - and was part of the priesthood/hierarchy. But people lived well on corn - but bone and copralyte records (...fossilized poop) show that they weren't as healthy.
    In other parts of the world, populations evolved around consumption of tubers and high-starch plants as a primary source of energy - how many cultures consume large amounts of yams and/or banana-variants? Read about the Tarahumara (the elusive distance-runner culture in Mexico) and you'll see that they eat very little meat at all, in fact.
    And yes, one of the biggest distinguishing marks of human beings and human culture is adaptability, both biologically and culturally. I always thought the Blood Type Diet thing was fairly interesting - ill-researched, but interesting as a theory - because it fell far more in line with real understandings of human evolution on a biological level (note that nomadic cultures relying heavily upon dairy herds for nourishment coincided roughly with the evolution of the B type, which the author claims shows distinct tolerance of dairy not found in other blood types - in his laboratory testing and patient anecdotes, at any rate). When it comes to potentially cutting something out or drastically limiting it, I think the main thing is knowing if something makes you sick - if you have celiac or actual for real gluten intolerance, nut allergies, etc. - knowing if your blood sugar situation requires special attention and taking care of that - and then aiming for a decent variety of many foods in as close to their original form. as possible. And obviously understanding how NOT to eat too much food or consume serious calorie excess. But as to what's best, hell, we're all different and come from a bajillion different families of different enculturated customs and biological conditioning.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    You think Primal or Paleo is ridiculous or crazy? Then don't eat that way! These posts and the arguments about how bad or good these lifestyles are crack me up - to each their own and who cares what the next person is doing? It's all about finding what works for you. Primal has changed my life - my weight, my labs, my health, my energy - its what works for me, but if you think it's a fad or it doesn't work for you who cares?? To each their own!

    Some of us care because we are deeply disturbed by the billions of animals that are dying to feed people who *PREFER* (notice I didn't use the word "NEED") to eat this way. Not to mention the massive environmental harm the meat industry is causing to the planet we all have to share, even those of us who want nothing to do with it. The idea that what you personally prefer to eat (animal flesh) is something that shouldn't bother the rest of us compassionate citizens of this planet is absurd. It affects everyone!

    I love animals too, but all animals were either meant to be predators or to be prey. Food CHAIN. It's older than any of us. I absolutely don't believe we were meant to be strictly vegan. I tried the raw diet and was cold all the time. I also had to be prepping or eating all the time to get enough. I tried vegan and a lot of the stuff people touted to be delicious was downright disgusting. I will stay with my "balanced" diet. A little bit of everything and not too much of anything.

    How to tell a predator from prey? Most predators have eyes on a flat surface on the front of their head, so as to provide depth perception. Prey animals usually have their eyes to the sides of their heads and do not have depth perception. We are predators.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You think Primal or Paleo is ridiculous or crazy? Then don't eat that way! These posts and the arguments about how bad or good these lifestyles are crack me up - to each their own and who cares what the next person is doing? It's all about finding what works for you. Primal has changed my life - my weight, my labs, my health, my energy - its what works for me, but if you think it's a fad or it doesn't work for you who cares?? To each their own!

    Some of us care because we are deeply disturbed by the billions of animals that are dying to feed people who *PREFER* (notice I didn't use the word "NEED") to eat this way. Not to mention the massive environmental harm the meat industry is causing to the planet we all have to share, even those of us who want nothing to do with it. The idea that what you personally prefer to eat (animal flesh) is something that shouldn't bother the rest of us compassionate citizens of this planet is absurd. It affects everyone!

    I'd never get enough nutrition from plant matter alone. A vegetarian diet is out of the question for some of us, as well.

    Anyway, I was under the impression our closest ancestors were primarily frugivores, with limited supply of meat, fish and vegetables. I tried Paleolithic eating for a while, and although I did feel fine doing it, it's simply too expensive for me, here in London, at the moment. Quality meat just costs too much to make it the main staple of my diet.

    You'll never get enough nutrition from a plant-based diet? Maybe you should do your research on nutritional needs, and benefits of a plant-based diet.

    And where exactly do you think the meat you are eating that is "so nutritious" got it's nutrition from? What did the animals that you choose to eat, eat?

    Sigh. Meat is more nutritionally dense, and a far superior source of protein, BCAAs, iron and lots of other nutrients I need. Soy products I avoid like the plague - they can wreak havoc on a male hormonal system. The amount of plant matter I would need to eat is absurd. I'll just enjoy my steak, and you can sleep easy knowing I don't really care or pass judgement on what you eat.
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    I'm disappointed by the distinct lack of vitriol towards the OP that the pro paleo folk normally have towards posters who dare question the superiority of their diet.

    Thanks for looking out for me. :tongue:
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I just want to know who the first person was to look at a cow's udder and saw: I'm gonna drink whatever comes out of that.

    And I want to meet the genius that came up with dunking Oreos in said udder excretion. :drinker:
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    You think Primal or Paleo is ridiculous or crazy? Then don't eat that way! These posts and the arguments about how bad or good these lifestyles are crack me up - to each their own and who cares what the next person is doing? It's all about finding what works for you. Primal has changed my life - my weight, my labs, my health, my energy - its what works for me, but if you think it's a fad or it doesn't work for you who cares?? To each their own!

    Some of us care because we are deeply disturbed by the billions of animals that are dying to feed people who *PREFER* (notice I didn't use the word "NEED") to eat this way. Not to mention the massive environmental harm the meat industry is causing to the planet we all have to share, even those of us who want nothing to do with it. The idea that what you personally prefer to eat (animal flesh) is something that shouldn't bother the rest of us compassionate citizens of this planet is absurd. It affects everyone!

    I'd never get enough nutrition from plant matter alone. A vegetarian diet is out of the question for some of us, as well.

    Anyway, I was under the impression our closest ancestors were primarily frugivores, with limited supply of meat, fish and vegetables. I tried Paleolithic eating for a while, and although I did feel fine doing it, it's simply too expensive for me, here in London, at the moment. Quality meat just costs too much to make it the main staple of my diet.

    You'll never get enough nutrition from a plant-based diet? Maybe you should do your research on nutritional needs, and benefits of a plant-based diet.

    And where exactly do you think the meat you are eating that is "so nutritious" got it's nutrition from? What did the animals that you choose to eat, eat?

    Sigh. Meat is more nutritionally dense, and a far superior source of protein, BCAAs, iron and lots of other nutrients I need. Soy products I avoid like the plague - they can wreak havoc on a male hormonal system. The amount of plant matter I would need to eat is absurd. I'll just enjoy my steak, and you can sleep easy knowing I don't really care or pass judgement on what you eat.

    good point, my sleep was about to be extremely disturbed by the thought someone from a MFP forum was judging me for killing all that kale. The research supporting your soy-as-an-endocrine-disruptor claim is rocky at best, so don't go throwing that out there and scaring everyone away from a poor little innocent bean! The healthiest people are shown time and time again to be the ones that consume an "absurd amount of plant matter" so dismiss it if you want but don't try to veil it it "it's for my health". It's because you feel like eating meat, probably like the way it tastes. It's not criminal, but own it. And gram for gram it's not more "nutritionally dense" than all plant-foods. And finally, plant proteins are broken down into the same stupid amino acids that all other proteins are broken down into and sent into your body's AA-pool, it's basic science. Meat is not a "far superior protein". Please.
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    *and of course, you absolutely can get appropriate nutrition without animal products. Have to be more careful with a vegan diet to make sure you cover those bases, but good lord, the amount of suspicion over a diet without animal protein is phenomenal. Modern diet phenomena and crazes have really made this into a big deal that it isn't. An uneducated vegetarian may well manage to damage his body by missing some major vitamins and minerals and eating just a lot of fried potatoes and bread, just as anyone who is uneducated about basic nutrition and/or unwilling to learn to cook at all is going to be unhealthy.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You think Primal or Paleo is ridiculous or crazy? Then don't eat that way! These posts and the arguments about how bad or good these lifestyles are crack me up - to each their own and who cares what the next person is doing? It's all about finding what works for you. Primal has changed my life - my weight, my labs, my health, my energy - its what works for me, but if you think it's a fad or it doesn't work for you who cares?? To each their own!

    Some of us care because we are deeply disturbed by the billions of animals that are dying to feed people who *PREFER* (notice I didn't use the word "NEED") to eat this way. Not to mention the massive environmental harm the meat industry is causing to the planet we all have to share, even those of us who want nothing to do with it. The idea that what you personally prefer to eat (animal flesh) is something that shouldn't bother the rest of us compassionate citizens of this planet is absurd. It affects everyone!

    I'd never get enough nutrition from plant matter alone. A vegetarian diet is out of the question for some of us, as well.

    Anyway, I was under the impression our closest ancestors were primarily frugivores, with limited supply of meat, fish and vegetables. I tried Paleolithic eating for a while, and although I did feel fine doing it, it's simply too expensive for me, here in London, at the moment. Quality meat just costs too much to make it the main staple of my diet.

    You'll never get enough nutrition from a plant-based diet? Maybe you should do your research on nutritional needs, and benefits of a plant-based diet.

    And where exactly do you think the meat you are eating that is "so nutritious" got it's nutrition from? What did the animals that you choose to eat, eat?

    Sigh. Meat is more nutritionally dense, and a far superior source of protein, BCAAs, iron and lots of other nutrients I need. Soy products I avoid like the plague - they can wreak havoc on a male hormonal system. The amount of plant matter I would need to eat is absurd. I'll just enjoy my steak, and you can sleep easy knowing I don't really care or pass judgement on what you eat.

    good point, my sleep was about to be extremely disturbed by the thought someone from a MFP forum was judging me for killing all that kale. The research supporting your soy-as-an-endocrine-disruptor claim is rocky at best, so don't go throwing that out there and scaring everyone away from a poor little innocent bean! The healthiest people are shown time and time again to be the ones that consume an "absurd amount of plant matter" so dismiss it if you want but don't try to veil it it "it's for my health". It's because you feel like eating meat, probably like the way it tastes. It's not criminal, but own it. And gram for gram it's not more "nutritionally dense" than all plant-foods. And finally, plant proteins are broken down into the same stupid amino acids that all other proteins are broken down into and sent into your body's AA-pool, it's basic science. Meat is not a "far superior protein". Please.

  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    I'm disappointed by the distinct lack of vitriol towards the OP that the pro paleo folk normally have towards posters who dare question the superiority of their diet.

  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member


    ^ I like :)
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    I don't care about the premise or the concepts behind eating like a caveman - shallow of me, yes - all I know is that any eating lifestyle that encompasses whole, fresh foods with no labels or processing is the lifestyle for me! The fact that I now go pick up a farm box every week from a local farm store of fresh veggies and fruit is just a bonus.

    Go non-GMO, organic, minimally processed for 6 weeks and see how you feel. I will never, ever go back to eating the way I did a year ago.

    ***I went non-GMO just because the principle of what's going on around this is pissing me off so badly that steam comes out of my ears. The health benefits were just the side effect of my spite.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    But even our veggies and fruits aren't 100% clean these days. They've undergone all kinds of genetic altering, not to mention the chemicals they get sprayed with. I don't think there's such a thing as a perfect diet these days but I'd wager those genetically altered veggies are better then that bag of chips I just ate...
    There is very little clean meat in the U.S. as well. Even when you go hunt your own, you'r'e supposed to take it to a meat processing plant where they treat it according to mandated standards. You can get non-GMO animal protein unaffected by hormone-laced foods but unless you illegally butcher your own meat, you are getting processed food.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    My opinion is that Paleolithic humans didn't have 24/7 365-day access to refined carbohydrates like they do now. Back then unrefined carbohydrates would have been seasonal, so it made sense they would fatten up on them in the summer/fall to prepare for winter where food is more scarce. So yes humans can adapt, but when you go from seasonal unrefined carbs to an abundance of refined carbs, I can see problems arising.

    There may not be a lot of science to support this, but I'm not going to criticize someone who wants to eat more naturally. It certainly can't hurt.
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    You think Primal or Paleo is ridiculous or crazy? Then don't eat that way! These posts and the arguments about how bad or good these lifestyles are crack me up - to each their own and who cares what the next person is doing? It's all about finding what works for you. Primal has changed my life - my weight, my labs, my health, my energy - its what works for me, but if you think it's a fad or it doesn't work for you who cares?? To each their own!

    Some of us care because we are deeply disturbed by the billions of animals that are dying to feed people who *PREFER* (notice I didn't use the word "NEED") to eat this way. Not to mention the massive environmental harm the meat industry is causing to the planet we all have to share, even those of us who want nothing to do with it. The idea that what you personally prefer to eat (animal flesh) is something that shouldn't bother the rest of us compassionate citizens of this planet is absurd. It affects everyone!

    I love animals too, but all animals were either meant to be predators or to be prey. Food CHAIN. It's older than any of us. I absolutely don't believe we were meant to be strictly vegan. I tried the raw diet and was cold all the time. I also had to be prepping or eating all the time to get enough. I tried vegan and a lot of the stuff people touted to be delicious was downright disgusting. I will stay with my "balanced" diet. A little bit of everything and not too much of anything.

    How to tell a predator from prey? Most predators have eyes on a flat surface on the front of their head, so as to provide depth perception. Prey animals usually have their eyes to the sides of their heads and do not have depth perception. We are predators.

    You really make such a compelling point, you predator, eating your animal flesh (animals that you LOVE) that you had nothing to do with hunting or killing, or doing any of the "predator" stuff to. Please. Animal flesh is handed you on a silver platter. Maybe you and a lion should get in a room together, put your flat-surfaced foreheads together and talk about who's the more badass predator.
  • weathergirl320
    You think Primal or Paleo is ridiculous or crazy? Then don't eat that way! These posts and the arguments about how bad or good these lifestyles are crack me up - to each their own and who cares what the next person is doing? It's all about finding what works for you. Primal has changed my life - my weight, my labs, my health, my energy - its what works for me, but if you think it's a fad or it doesn't work for you who cares?? To each their own!

    Some of us care because we are deeply disturbed by the billions of animals that are dying to feed people who *PREFER* (notice I didn't use the word "NEED") to eat this way. Not to mention the massive environmental harm the meat industry is causing to the planet we all have to share, even those of us who want nothing to do with it. The idea that what you personally prefer to eat (animal flesh) is something that shouldn't bother the rest of us compassionate citizens of this planet is absurd. It affects everyone!

    I love animals too, but all animals were either meant to be predators or to be prey. Food CHAIN. It's older than any of us. I absolutely don't believe we were meant to be strictly vegan. I tried the raw diet and was cold all the time. I also had to be prepping or eating all the time to get enough. I tried vegan and a lot of the stuff people touted to be delicious was downright disgusting. I will stay with my "balanced" diet. A little bit of everything and not too much of anything.

    How to tell a predator from prey? Most predators have eyes on a flat surface on the front of their head, so as to provide depth perception. Prey animals usually have their eyes to the sides of their heads and do not have depth perception. We are predators.

    You really make such a compelling point, you predator, eating your animal flesh (animals that you LOVE) that you had nothing to do with hunting or killing, or doing any of the "predator" stuff to. Please. Animal flesh is handed you on a silver platter. Maybe you and a lion should get in a room together, put your flat-surfaced foreheads together and talk about who's the more badass predator.

    This made me LOK! thanks for the laugh
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    You think Primal or Paleo is ridiculous or crazy? Then don't eat that way! These posts and the arguments about how bad or good these lifestyles are crack me up - to each their own and who cares what the next person is doing? It's all about finding what works for you. Primal has changed my life - my weight, my labs, my health, my energy - its what works for me, but if you think it's a fad or it doesn't work for you who cares?? To each their own!

    Some of us care because we are deeply disturbed by the billions of animals that are dying to feed people who *PREFER* (notice I didn't use the word "NEED") to eat this way. Not to mention the massive environmental harm the meat industry is causing to the planet we all have to share, even those of us who want nothing to do with it. The idea that what you personally prefer to eat (animal flesh) is something that shouldn't bother the rest of us compassionate citizens of this planet is absurd. It affects everyone!

    I love animals too, but all animals were either meant to be predators or to be prey. Food CHAIN. It's older than any of us. I absolutely don't believe we were meant to be strictly vegan. I tried the raw diet and was cold all the time. I also had to be prepping or eating all the time to get enough. I tried vegan and a lot of the stuff people touted to be delicious was downright disgusting. I will stay with my "balanced" diet. A little bit of everything and not too much of anything.

    How to tell a predator from prey? Most predators have eyes on a flat surface on the front of their head, so as to provide depth perception. Prey animals usually have their eyes to the sides of their heads and do not have depth perception. We are predators.

    You really make such a compelling point, you predator, eating your animal flesh (animals that you LOVE) that you had nothing to do with hunting or killing, or doing any of the "predator" stuff to. Please. Animal flesh is handed you on a silver platter. Maybe you and a lion should get in a room together, put your flat-surfaced foreheads together and talk about who's the more badass predator.

    This made me LOK! thanks for the laugh

    I was dying laughing writing it :) MFP forums for the win!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    But even our veggies and fruits aren't 100% clean these days. They've undergone all kinds of genetic altering, not to mention the chemicals they get sprayed with. I don't think there's such a thing as a perfect diet these days but I'd wager those genetically altered veggies are better then that bag of chips I just ate...
    There is very little clean meat in the U.S. as well. Even when you go hunt your own, you'r'e supposed to take it to a meat processing plant where they treat it according to mandated standards. You can get non-GMO animal protein unaffected by hormone-laced foods but unless you illegally butcher your own meat, you are getting processed food.

    Where do you live that this is necessary? I've never heard of such nonsense, and don't know any self respecting hunter that would take their kill to a processing plant. Field dress it, and then take it to a local butcher at the very most.