"Hey Fat *kitten*!"



  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    Sucks people have to act like.

    I'll admit it though, I'm not a fan of bicyclists. At least the ones that think they own the road.

    If you are a bicyclist...... PLEASE USE YOUR HEAD. Me in my truck weigh in around 6,000#. You on your bike are under 200#. Even if you legally have the right of way you'll be dead and I'll be hosing your brains off my grill. Pay attention and know what's happening around you.

    I almost got into a fist fight last summer cause some bicyclist elitist douche was convinced he didn't need to signal or look when he changed lanes. According to him, he "has every legal right to be there."
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 324 Member
    If you let yourself be defeated by this salt-of-the-earth poor excuse for a male then he wins the satisfaction and you are left feeling worse. Dont let this get into your head or bring you down. Just take it as motivation from an unexpected source!

    On an unrelated note:
    Just got a bike and my *kitten* hurts on it! Is this normal? I havent used a bike in over 4 years, after I broke my leg. I was told that I will get used to it and the pain will go away. I am shakingly awkward on the bike currently. Gotta get my bike legs back

    i bought a bigger seat for my bike helped a bunch
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    I happen to like my fat *kitten* but that's no reason to be called one :laugh:

    Next time, ride back and moon him. :smile:
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    Anyone who felt compelled to yell that at you from their car has SERIOUS issues.

    Their self worth comes from putting you down. Dude - how awful must you feel about yourself to take the time to roll down your window and yell at someone riding their bike? Never mind they were mistaken on the law - this person thinks so little of themselves that they'll take the opportunity to yell at random strangers to feel powerful.

    If that's how this guy gets his rocks off, feel bad for him (or don't - just know that he hates himself). Most bottom feeders put down people they know, but to do it to strangers - sheesh, he must think he's a real piece of *kitten*.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    also why do they say ride with the flow of traffic? i prefer to see the cars coming at me so i have warning if i notice a driver who is swerving. so many people are not paying attention(texting, children, etc..)

    You're supposed to ride with the flow of traffic so your turns flow in the same direction. For example, if you ride against traffic, and want to turn right, there's no way to signal to the people behind you that you're going to cross them (because you're now on the opposite side of the road). So you would have to turn in front of a car that had no idea you were coming.

    I think the the real problem most of you have isn't with bikers; it's with the lack of bike lanes. Here you can get a ticket if you're on a bike and don't stop at lights, stop signs, use the turn lanes (unless you get off your bike and walk it at the signal - just like pedestrians). They treat you just like a car.
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    Don't let it bother you. Minneapolis is becoming a very bicycle friendly city. Pisses me off as a driver but love it as a cyclist.

    I'm pretty sure Minneapolis is THE #1 bike friendly city in the country. I lived there my whole life until a few months ago and I miss how aware people were of a biker's right to the rode. There are rules/ laws for everyone(cars, motorcycles, bikes, pedestrians) to get along on the streets safely, its when people act like they don't apply to them. I hate when pedestrians cross on a red light and make me have to slow down because they won't hurry their *kitten* across the street - so I honk at them.

    No one driving likes having to crawl along behind or scoot around a biker - which is why bike lanes were created. And yes, sometimes it is safer to ride on the sidewalk. Of course the biker could get off their bike and walk when doing that.

    It takes all kinds... meaning there are just as many self-important drivers as there are righteous bikers. I've commuted by car, bus, walking and bike. And have an appreciation for what it's like to be each when dealing with other people on the road/ sidewalk.

    It boils down to general courtesy. Give a person a break when you catch yourself being road-rage over someone in your way. The road is for everyone, not just people in cars.

    - End soap box rant :devil:

    @ OP - I feel yeah. It sucks to be heckled. With a car / bike interaction the biker is always in more danger. And being heckled can be frightening and infuriating. Especially when you're in the right and they drive away before you get a chance to heckle back. But honestly, its a bad idea to get into it through a window with a driver. They aren't going to change if they are brazen enough to heckle in the first place.
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    I happen to like my fat *kitten* but that's no reason to be called one :laugh:

    Next time, ride back and moon him. :smile:

    :laugh: stand up on your pedals and give your butt a slap!
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    1) Good for you for gettin out on the bike and wanting to be healthy!

    2) He was obviously looking long enough for his dumb brain to think of something to say, so he obviously liked it if he looked that long. Usually when things are not pleasing to look at I look away quickly. He looked..thought of a comment...opened the window....got enough air to yell a comment...and then possibly waited for a reaction (so he could look at your butt for longer). haha


    My butt is huge and I love it. And if I ever get comments like that I usually reply "well my boyfriend likes it" or something just as lame haha.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Before I read this post, my #1 wish was that bicyclists would not have the same rights as cars on the road. Now, that is my #2 wish after wishing that douchenozzle who yelled at you would spontaneously implode.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    People are so rude.. I had someone yell out their window for me to run faster one day.... I pretended I didn't hear them. It's not like these people were out biking or running.

    I run in my neighborhood at 4:30 in the morning...in the pitch black dark when everyone else is (probably) still in bed. I have had people yell out their car windows at me and honk their horns at me. All I can think is that SOME people are still trying to sleep. I seriously don't know what gets into people.

    Whatever happened to common courtesy...If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Sorry you had to experience that. :noway:
  • peachy_keen
    peachy_keen Posts: 43 Member
    Everyone's comments were great. And I second (third? fourth?) the support about riding to get yourself a well-deserved treat. Ef 'em. I hope that the next time this happens to me I remember some of these snazzy retorts!
  • peachy_keen
    peachy_keen Posts: 43 Member
    People are terrible. I recently was walking and this guy in a truck was like rolling with me as I was walking. I had my head phones in but he literally was hitting on me. I didnt say anything, kept walking. When I didnt respond, he was like its your loss I bet you dont get a lot of offers for sex because your so chunky. In my head im thinking. Um, excuse me you're trying to pick up a stranger on the side of the road, making them feel like a hooker when they are trying to exercise, and then you insult me. Also Im happily married and even though Im chunky I have heaps of sex LOL I mean wtf people are so ****ing rude.

    I have had similar situations where someone hits on me and when I turn them down I'm suddenly too fat. I was the exact size now as I was when you hit on me 5 minutes ago. And I wasn't too fat then so how am I too fat now? People are seriously f'in amazing.

    This has happened to me too. Ridiculous...
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    "Hey fat *kitten*, get on the sidewalk!"

    If I keep riding this bike, I will get rid of my fat *kitten*. And you will still have a stupid head.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Well, your *kitten* won't always be fat, but his head will.
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Sometimes people are just such idiots. I once had an experience while I was heavily pregnant ( iwas fat too, but I was 8 months preggers, so i was the size of a bus!) and a guy (who was with his mates) shouted "Hey Fatty!" at me. I turned to him and said, "I'm 8 months pregnant, so there's a limit to how long I will be this size. What's your expiration date on being a moron?"

    His mates laughed and told him I had totaly OWNED him and he turned bright red. I hope I taught him to shut up and think twice that day.

    Anyway, back to you - you were doing the right thing on every level - both legally riding your bike on the road and, well, actually riding your bike! The guy who shouted was a d*ckwad of the highest order. You can do something about your weight - he can't do anything about being a total d*ckwad!
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    Not time to analyze... time to kick that b******'s *kitten*. Turn around on your bike and kick that moron's *kitten*!

  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    Ummmm who's riding the bike and who's in a car?-- good for you for riding the bike! ;)
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    In many cities it is illegal to ride on the side walks.

    Being called names is the least of my worries when I am on my bike - physical injury is a much bigger concern to me.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I actually advocate riding bicycles on sidewalks in most places.. but it depends on the exact situation.
    Its just safer for everyone.

    not exactly on topic, but thats my opinion on that. :tongue:

    Not only is riding a bike on the sidewalk illegal in most places it's downright stupid and dangerous, almost as stupid as people who ride at night with no lights (ninjas) or ride the wrong way facing traffic (salmons). Sidewalks are for pedestrians.
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
    Well... IF you have a fat *kitten*, then at least you can lose weight. That person is stuck with stupid. ;)

    Seriously, whenever I'm doing some sort of exercise that I don't like, I chant to myself.. "Move it, Lard *kitten*". Use it as postive motivation.