Dont take this the wrong way lol



  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Just got back from a run with a playlist including Social Distortion, Rancid, Rammstein, Pantera, Ramones, Alice in Chains, Prong, and Rob Zombie.

    But truth be told, I run my fastest to LMFAO. Everyday I'm shufflin'.

    I love you! Only thing missing is Tiger Army and some FFDP.

    And now I'm going to have 'Story of My LIfe' stuck in my head all day with all the Social D talk.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    My play list includes: Paramore, Killswitch, 36crazyfists, Blindside, Agony Scene, Ill Nino, Sublime, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Fly Leaf, 40 Below Summer, Hatebreed, and many more. I prefer the more melodic hardcore to sludge or death metal.

    Also I feel the need to answer these, especially having been around the metal scene a long time. lol

    lol heres a How Metal are YOU quiz:
    each yes= 1point
    1. have you been in a moshpit?and have you ever lost a shoe or been punched while in a moshpit( extra points)
    Duh. haha
    2. Do you have tighter skinny jeans than oliver stykes?
    This is NOT metal, it is more scene, straight edge, emo
    3. Do you like big time rush/ justin bieber's waste of time.... i mean music, i guess :)
    Absolutely. bahahaha
    4. How often do you throw up the rock on horns? \nn/
    As often as possible
    5. Have you ever done a stage dive/ crowd surfing?
    No, you get felt up that way
    6. Do you wear too many wristbands and wear janitor keys?
    Again, scene, straight edge
    7. Ever play the greatest instrument ever.... the air guitar?
    If a tree falls in the woods? hehe

    If yoy have less than 3 you're .... not very metal :(
    4or 5= you're pretty metal
    6+ = you should be on stage because you're f'n awesome!
  • LilRedPitViper
    Rock/Metal is all I listen to. I live and breathe to go see shows. Nothing makes me feel more alive than trying not to get killed in the pit. :D

    As far as outdoors - I love hiking and whitewater rafting. It's almost whitewater season so I'm starting to get pretty pumped!!

    Haha yeah you gotta be careful lol, I've seen more than a few girls get hit hard by oblivious guys hardcore dancing. My good friend was at an emmure show and got hit in the face and feel down and ended up getting stepped on. She had 2 broken ribs and a concussion.

    I can usually hold my own, but if things get too brutal hubby pulls me out. If I know a show is going to get particularly outrageous I'll just avoid the pit completely. The worst I've ever gotten was some broken toes. *knocks on wood!*
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    Some of you have it right!
    Some of you are into this newfaq crap that makes me shudder.

    Sad, sad times.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    My play list includes: Paramore, Killswitch, 36crazyfists, Blindside, Agony Scene, Ill Nino, Sublime, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Fly Leaf, 40 Below Summer, Hatebreed, and many more. I prefer the more melodic hardcore to sludge or death metal.

    Also I feel the need to answer these, especially having been around the metal scene a long time. lol

    lol heres a How Metal are YOU quiz:
    each yes= 1point
    1. have you been in a moshpit?and have you ever lost a shoe or been punched while in a moshpit( extra points)
    Duh. haha
    2. Do you have tighter skinny jeans than oliver stykes?
    This is NOT metal, it is more scene, straight edge, emo
    3. Do you like big time rush/ justin bieber's waste of time.... i mean music, i guess :)
    Absolutely. bahahaha
    4. How often do you throw up the rock on horns? \nn/
    As often as possible
    5. Have you ever done a stage dive/ crowd surfing?
    No, you get felt up that way
    6. Do you wear too many wristbands and wear janitor keys?
    Again, scene, straight edge
    7. Ever play the greatest instrument ever.... the air guitar?
    If a tree falls in the woods? hehe

    If yoy have less than 3 you're .... not very metal :(
    4or 5= you're pretty metal
    6+ = you should be on stage because you're f'n awesome!

    I guess I'm pretty metal... :)

    I love Rock music, FFDP, Breaking Benjamin, Volbeat, my list goes on forever, Some of the stuff I like is more of a pop-ish rock, like Nickelback, but I like it all the same. :)
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I knew we were meant to be friends.

    oh really! lol.... whats you're all time fav band???
    Obviously The Beatles.

    But, that's just the fan girl in me. I really love Cursive. It's not so much rock, though.
    I really, really love The Postal Service && Rilo Kiley.

    Maybe it's too hipster for you. haaa

    You think so huh? For your information I rock v-necks and janitor keys so I have a little hipster in me:p
    Ultimate hipster song: send me on my way by rusted root lol for some reason cursive and brand new always sounded similiar to me.

    Haaa! V-Necks!!! hahahahaha Nice.
    The stupid key thing, ugh. All of my guy friends do that and it looks sooo dumb. They're like, "It's so convenient, you have no idea!" Right, I don't have an idea. Because I am not a weird boy.
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    Man you're seriously hatin on the awesomeness of janitor keys:( ha From the bands you listed you sound like a huge hipster........oh and it is convenient, I mean how could you find your keys if they were just in your pocket, pretty impossible O.o

    haha I would never hate on janitor keys. I'm not a hipster. I'm just a smart girl with good taste.
  • Brilliantbritt27
    Rick/Metal = amazing and for outdoor activities, hiking or rock wall climbing.

    Nice, I actually want to start rock climbing, I was out in colorado last summer and their were so many people rock climbing, it just looked awesome!

    It's such an adrenaline rush. You outta try it some time. If nothing else, the military bases will usually have fairs that include a rock climbing wall event and sometimes the zip lines. Good stuff.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Social D is awesome!
    I listen to a variety of music but I've really gotten back into listening to the punk/rock music. My mp3 is loaded with bands ranging from Disturbed to Jason Aldean. I'm also all about the outdoor activities. I'd much rather be out hiking, canoeing, or running on a trail than doing the same old thing enclosed in some building. Then again, I'm surely not much of the girly girl type girl but I do have my moments :)

    Every heard of social distortion? one of the first punk bands around and they're still great. Listen to angels wings, love that song... and playing it:)
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I saw Cornell twice recently (pre-Soundgarden reunion). He hasn't lost one bit of his voice. I had a chance to see Soundgarden last summer but opted to see APC instead. Three shows in a week was too much! :)

    Chevelle is another one I like hearing when I'm lifting. Some of their songs make me think I can run through a wall.

    Totes worth it -- yeah saw cornell too! but the reunion was nuts -- his voice is unreal still