Attitudes of people with different levels of fitness and wei



  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I got fat for two reasons. 1. I ate too many calories each day; 2. I stopped working out.

    I was on fertility drugs, have thyroid issues, PCOS, etc., etc.....These are all excuses. There's no magic trick to losing weight. If there was, no one would be fat.

    If Person A eats whatever they want in whatever quantity they want and stays thin, and you gained weight because you ate too many calories, does that mean you're a person of lesser character than Person A? Are you weak-willed compared to Person A? Do you deserve to be scrutinized for something that comes automatic to Person A but requires a ton of effort for you?

    Not of lesser character because of metabolism or fact that they gain weight per se while Person A does not-- the personal responsibility comes into play with how we respond-- because we are all different and Person A may have to work harder to learn, or get good grades, or whatever- the key to taking responsibility for your life is that if you recognize that something you are doing needs addressing or adverse consequences will occur-it doesn't matter to you that Person A does not have this issue- what matters to you is what you do about your issue-- for Person A it might be they need to re-read a text 3 times in order to learn the information, while you get it in one sitting, while you need to watch what you eat and excercise while Person A does not....

    The problem I have is what we are doing by blaming obese individuals likens to the following:

    Let's say you have a classroom full of students who have a teacher that doesn't even understand the material they are lecturing. Then they take a standardized test and only 10% of the class passes. Those 10 percent who are naturally smart are praised and the other 90% are considered failures. Nobody recognizes that there is something wrong with the environment if 90% fails, but that it must be the 90% that is the problem. Each individual failed themselves. The reality is the teacher failed them. This is exactly how I see the obesity epidemic. We live in a culture where it is too easy to fall into temptation to eat bad foods and too much of them. There is no consensus over what the problem is or what the solution is. People are confused and try things that won't work for them because they don't know any better. If we could somehow change that environment, the success rate would be much higher.

    The difference is, it is the duty of the teacher to teach the class, it is not he duty of society to educate us on ourselves, it is our own responsibility, we can't expect to get everything handed to us. We are adults and should start acting like it.

    Well as we all know, good useful information is hard to find. There is no consensus even as to what the best approach is to make someone healthy and lose weight. Is it calories, is it carbs, is it clean whole foods, how much exercise...It needs to be a top down approach. Scientists need to reach consensus, health organizations need to unite, the media needs to report the truth, etc.

    Not only that, we can't live in an environment where you have to prepare your own food and take it wherever you go because you can't trust it is even possible to find healthy food outside of your home.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member

    Are you effing kidding me?!?!?!?! You, sir, are a giant bottle of massengil!!!!!! You actually believe that I fail at life because I am not some triathelete? Or "unf**kable"? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of!!!! I was fat.......... not because I was a "slob who just want to sit around and b!tch while mindlessly pushing a$$bread down my throat".

    You know what is worse than fat people. Arrogant, narrow minded jerks! I would rather be around 30 "fat slobs" than one of you.

    to be fair - the article was aimed at people who blame anything but themselves for how they are. Since you are clearly well out of anybody's version of fat, and well in the category of 'hot' you needn't take any offence from the article.

    Also that wolf is frikkin funny as hell

    Thank you. I dont think I see me as different from the old me. I used to be WELL over 300 lbs. Because of an insulin problem. Yes, it has taken a crap load of work too, but the medicine and carb overhaul are what made the work effective. I still get prickly about it ALWAYS being from lazy gluttony. However, having someone refer to me as "hot" is pretty damn cool!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    if we are all snowflakes how can you make a generalization like that?

    Because whilst people are all individuals, there are commonalities that lie in us all.

    Just like all snowflakes may be different, if you attack those bad boys with a hair dryer they are all going to suffer the same fate...

  • saturnine15
    saturnine15 Posts: 140
    So it always gets me wondering is the denial and political correctness that prevent appropriate honesty a major cause of the increasing trend of obesity??

    GOOD LORD, DO NOT GET HOT. Whatever you do- when you reach your goal weight...... do NOT get hotter.

    Then we are hateful insulting unsupportive skinny callous b!tches on the internet that are mean to fat people and have no soul.

    This reminds me of when I showed a coworker asking about my fitness regime a picture of my old thin self to demonstrate what my goal was. The person said, "You looked like a b*&^!" Um...well, I guess I looked a little proud of myself....but a B? I was a fat kid. I WAS proud of my accomplishment in that picture. Jeez.
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    Your post makes total sense to me. I used to be fat (240lb. on a 5'3" frame). I looked for anything to blame but myself. Until I took responsibility for it there was no change.

    I have a couple of people I know who are quite large, one in particular who asked me all the time "How did you lose the weight?" When I told her I stopped eating so much she looked at me like I had three heads.

    There is no miracle cure for obesity! Eat better and exercise! That's it!

    If you don't want to put the work into it, it's not going to happen.
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    im not offended. I just dont understand how you think it is all about waking up.

    I dont believe it has anything to do with other people coddling anyone.

    its not anyone else's responsibility to make you admit you have a weight problem...and the reality of it is if you are on MFP you have admitted that.

    but people being negative to those of us working on getting to the point they are is not helpful.

    I agree we are all snowflakes, no doubt at all. but what works for one does not always work for the other. I was making the point that sitting around going oh that person is just not committed yet and saying they are just *****ing and complaining is not always the truth.

    sometimes the basics of MFP (calories and exercise) are just not all that it is about. I worked at it until I figured it out. I didnt give up, I didnt make any excuses I was simply confused as to why I wasnt losing a drop when others who were not exercising were. and if you scroll through the topics being posted every day there is someone else saying for some reason they see no results, no matter what they do. its not that they are all simply not committed especially since clearly they are.

    if we are all snowflakes how can you make a generalization like that?

    Its all about waking up because until you wake up, you dont start running after what you want... you dilly dally in the bornder between dreams and nothingness.

    If someone constantly tells a 250 pound child that they are lovely and perfect just the way they are, headed for so many health problems and heartache- that kid will hear their voice in their head when they start wondering if they really are just like all the other kids. Unfortunately, they arent. Fortunately, it can be reversed quikly! Unless they always have their people whispering in their mind 'awww you're just a widdle fwuffy' - its not coddling, its lying. Its well intended, lovely sounding, misdirected sabotage :( IT SUCKS - i wish it werent true! But I wish someone had told me when I hit 200- yo Yooves... time to curb that gut before it gets outta control!

    I did just say that NO ONE BUT YOU can make you start. But signing up for MFP doesnt mean you are having your 'real' day one. It just means you now talk about health stuff on the internet and even just signing up doesnt mean that you track anything- or that you are trakcing anything GOOD. Unfortunately, being on a weightloss/fitness website does not fuel your body or burn calories- it simply is one more wy to keep the idea of doing all of this in the front of your mind.

    " but people being negative to those of us working on getting to the point they are is not helpful." which is why Im not being negative.

    "if we are all snowflakes how can you make a generalization like that?"

    Because it is true. When someone makes excuses instead of workouts. When someone eats crap all the time and complains about not making progress. When someone moans about their metabolism being hereditary, its all victim mentality until you work against your obstacles.

    If you get great joy in having valid reasons why you cant succeed.. then its NOT SUCCEEDING that you love.
    If you get great joy in overcoming valid obstacles, then is is SUCCEEDING that you love.

    we are not talking about children who arent on here. we are talking about MFP members who have or have not lost their weight. so the children are irrelevant.

    no not everyone on MFP gets it right from day one...its called progress.

    and yes no one but you can make a start and my point is if someone here has made, that people generalizing and pointing fingers is not always the answer. and saying we are all just *****ing and moaning is being negative. if you see someone struggling you could be the support they need to stick with it when it is were talking about people need to say something right?? well say something when you see someone is having it rough. someone who has been there is a great example to have around when you think it will never get any better.

    and wow you completely refuse to see that your generalization cant work because you just said we are all snowflakes. not everyone is making excuses. sometimes you have to take into account every thing about you to make sure you are doing the best you can for you. so acknowledging you have a thyroid disorder, lupus, diabetes or anything else for that matter can sometimes be the make or break in your success. and I did not say they were reasons to fail anywhere in that post. how is it you want people to acknowledge that they are fat and need to do something but dont want them to acknowledge all the factors that play a part in it? were you the one who made the car analogy? well not everything works the same for every car, nor can every mechanic. why? because different mechanics have different specialties and/or knowledge.

    success doesnt always come easy.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member

    Are you effing kidding me?!?!?!?! You, sir, are a giant bottle of massengil!!!!!! You actually believe that I fail at life because I am not some triathelete? Or "unf**kable"? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of!!!! I was fat.......... not because I was a "slob who just want to sit around and b!tch while mindlessly pushing a$$bread down my throat".

    You know what is worse than fat people. Arrogant, narrow minded jerks! I would rather be around 30 "fat slobs" than one of you.

    Please quote me where I said fat people were a fail at life.

    And now if someone posts something, it means they agree with it. interesting

    It was in one of the pictures. It was a checklist about halfway down. With no statement saying that you dont, it is easy for one to conclude that you DO agree with it. My apologies if you don't, but that was a very hateful post in general and by not disagreeing, it seemed as though you supported it.
  • margeb102
    margeb102 Posts: 18
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member

    then when you find out this is the case, change your lifestyle to fit you genetic predisposition.

    Once I found out, I did change it. I was 22 by this point. I had spent the previous 12 years being fat *partially* from the condition and ignorance.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    im not offended. I just dont understand how you think it is all about waking up.

    I dont believe it has anything to do with other people coddling anyone.

    its not anyone else's responsibility to make you admit you have a weight problem...and the reality of it is if you are on MFP you have admitted that.

    but people being negative to those of us working on getting to the point they are is not helpful.

    I agree we are all snowflakes, no doubt at all. but what works for one does not always work for the other. I was making the point that sitting around going oh that person is just not committed yet and saying they are just *****ing and complaining is not always the truth.

    sometimes the basics of MFP (calories and exercise) are just not all that it is about. I worked at it until I figured it out. I didnt give up, I didnt make any excuses I was simply confused as to why I wasnt losing a drop when others who were not exercising were. and if you scroll through the topics being posted every day there is someone else saying for some reason they see no results, no matter what they do. its not that they are all simply not committed especially since clearly they are.

    if we are all snowflakes how can you make a generalization like that?

    Its all about waking up because until you wake up, you dont start running after what you want... you dilly dally in the bornder between dreams and nothingness.

    If someone constantly tells a 250 pound child that they are lovely and perfect just the way they are, headed for so many health problems and heartache- that kid will hear their voice in their head when they start wondering if they really are just like all the other kids. Unfortunately, they arent. Fortunately, it can be reversed quikly! Unless they always have their people whispering in their mind 'awww you're just a widdle fwuffy' - its not coddling, its lying. Its well intended, lovely sounding, misdirected sabotage :( IT SUCKS - i wish it werent true! But I wish someone had told me when I hit 200- yo Yooves... time to curb that gut before it gets outta control!

    I did just say that NO ONE BUT YOU can make you start. But signing up for MFP doesnt mean you are having your 'real' day one. It just means you now talk about health stuff on the internet and even just signing up doesnt mean that you track anything- or that you are trakcing anything GOOD. Unfortunately, being on a weightloss/fitness website does not fuel your body or burn calories- it simply is one more wy to keep the idea of doing all of this in the front of your mind.

    " but people being negative to those of us working on getting to the point they are is not helpful." which is why Im not being negative.

    "if we are all snowflakes how can you make a generalization like that?"

    Because it is true. When someone makes excuses instead of workouts. When someone eats crap all the time and complains about not making progress. When someone moans about their metabolism being hereditary, its all victim mentality until you work against your obstacles.

    If you get great joy in having valid reasons why you cant succeed.. then its NOT SUCCEEDING that you love.
    If you get great joy in overcoming valid obstacles, then is is SUCCEEDING that you love.

    we are not talking about children who arent on here. we are talking about MFP members who have or have not lost their weight. so the children are irrelevant.

    no not everyone on MFP gets it right from day one...its called progress.

    and yes no one but you can make a start and my point is if someone here has made, that people generalizing and pointing fingers is not always the answer. and saying we are all just *****ing and moaning is being negative. if you see someone struggling you could be the support they need to stick with it when it is were talking about people need to say something right?? well say something when you see someone is having it rough. someone who has been there is a great example to have around when you think it will never get any better.

    and wow you completely refuse to see that your generalization cant work because you just said we are all snowflakes. not everyone is making excuses. sometimes you have to take into account every thing about you to make sure you are doing the best you can for you. so acknowledging you have a thyroid disorder, lupus, diabetes or anything else for that matter can sometimes be the make or break in your success. and I did not say they were reasons to fail anywhere in that post. how is it you want people to acknowledge that they are fat and need to do something but dont want them to acknowledge all the factors that play a part in it? were you the one who made the car analogy? well not everything works the same for every car, nor can every mechanic. why? because different mechanics have different specialties and/or knowledge.

    success doesnt always come easy.

    Its not my responsibility to motivate anyone but myself and anyone I may find myself able to motivate out of love.
    Its not my responsibility to open anyone else's eyes.

    And it is most CERTAINLY not my responsibility to give You reading comprehension. If you cannot understand what I am saying, then I cannot continue this conversation with you.

    I hope you reach all your goals and that you stop assuming that people who arent holding your hand- are automatically pointing a finger.

    Good luck in life.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Are you effing kidding me?!?!?!?! You, sir, are a giant bottle of massengil!!!!!! You actually believe that I fail at life because I am not some triathelete? Or "unf**kable"? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of!!!! I was fat.......... not because I was a "slob who just want to sit around and b!tch while mindlessly pushing a$$bread down my throat".

    You know what is worse than fat people. Arrogant, narrow minded jerks! I would rather be around 30 "fat slobs" than one of you.

    Please quote me where I said fat people were a fail at life.

    And now if someone posts something, it means they agree with it. interesting

    It was in one of the pictures. It was a checklist about halfway down. With no statement saying that you dont, it is easy for one to conclude that you DO agree with it. My apologies if you don't, but that was a very hateful post in general and by not disagreeing, it seemed as though you supported it.

    Sometimes things need to be said in a not so nice manner to get the point across. That being said I don't think any members here are who he was talking about, since everyone here is presumably actively trying to improve their health
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    if we are all snowflakes how can you make a generalization like that?

    Because whilst people are all individuals, there are commonalities that lie in us all.

    Just like all snowflakes may be different, if you attack those bad boys with a hair dryer they are all going to suffer the same fate...

    yes but blow dryers dont make you lose weight. we are talking about the shape of a snowflake not its "genetic makeup"
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    BUMP... interesting topic!
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    Let me just say there is NO such thing as naturally skinny people. They eat less and possibly move more.
  • cheddar2000
    cheddar2000 Posts: 43 Member
    For me, this site and the many other sites and resources I have used have been one big education. Like in many other self-help programs (and I do not advocate any as they just didn't work all around for me) I take what I can and what makes sense and leave the rest. Now, as I learn about myself what makes sense changes. With my new education I have learned:

    1. I am responsible for me. I am not gonna defend or offend others or take to heart what others say here or anywhere else.
    2. I have learned what works for my body and what doesn't through trial and error (lots of trial and error).
    3. I start with calories in vs. calorie out but don't stop there
    4. I eliminate process foods, it has worked for me its junk and my body doesn't work well with junk
    5. If I want/am craving some junk I must make my own healthy versions of junk (i.e. whole wheat, low sodium, low fat, etc. pizza)
    6. I must exercise, I am very sedentary and if I want to be able to eat like a human and not a bird I must exercise to balance the extra calories.
    7. I must exercise because my body likes to be used and not get dusty, rusted, etc.

    Everybody is different and the combination of what works for me only works for me. You gotta experiment and find through trial and error and "educated" guessing what works for you.
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    im not offended. I just dont understand how you think it is all about waking up.

    I dont believe it has anything to do with other people coddling anyone.

    its not anyone else's responsibility to make you admit you have a weight problem...and the reality of it is if you are on MFP you have admitted that.

    but people being negative to those of us working on getting to the point they are is not helpful.

    I agree we are all snowflakes, no doubt at all. but what works for one does not always work for the other. I was making the point that sitting around going oh that person is just not committed yet and saying they are just *****ing and complaining is not always the truth.

    sometimes the basics of MFP (calories and exercise) are just not all that it is about. I worked at it until I figured it out. I didnt give up, I didnt make any excuses I was simply confused as to why I wasnt losing a drop when others who were not exercising were. and if you scroll through the topics being posted every day there is someone else saying for some reason they see no results, no matter what they do. its not that they are all simply not committed especially since clearly they are.

    if we are all snowflakes how can you make a generalization like that?

    Its all about waking up because until you wake up, you dont start running after what you want... you dilly dally in the bornder between dreams and nothingness.

    If someone constantly tells a 250 pound child that they are lovely and perfect just the way they are, headed for so many health problems and heartache- that kid will hear their voice in their head when they start wondering if they really are just like all the other kids. Unfortunately, they arent. Fortunately, it can be reversed quikly! Unless they always have their people whispering in their mind 'awww you're just a widdle fwuffy' - its not coddling, its lying. Its well intended, lovely sounding, misdirected sabotage :( IT SUCKS - i wish it werent true! But I wish someone had told me when I hit 200- yo Yooves... time to curb that gut before it gets outta control!

    I did just say that NO ONE BUT YOU can make you start. But signing up for MFP doesnt mean you are having your 'real' day one. It just means you now talk about health stuff on the internet and even just signing up doesnt mean that you track anything- or that you are trakcing anything GOOD. Unfortunately, being on a weightloss/fitness website does not fuel your body or burn calories- it simply is one more wy to keep the idea of doing all of this in the front of your mind.

    " but people being negative to those of us working on getting to the point they are is not helpful." which is why Im not being negative.

    "if we are all snowflakes how can you make a generalization like that?"

    Because it is true. When someone makes excuses instead of workouts. When someone eats crap all the time and complains about not making progress. When someone moans about their metabolism being hereditary, its all victim mentality until you work against your obstacles.

    If you get great joy in having valid reasons why you cant succeed.. then its NOT SUCCEEDING that you love.
    If you get great joy in overcoming valid obstacles, then is is SUCCEEDING that you love.

    we are not talking about children who arent on here. we are talking about MFP members who have or have not lost their weight. so the children are irrelevant.

    no not everyone on MFP gets it right from day one...its called progress.

    and yes no one but you can make a start and my point is if someone here has made, that people generalizing and pointing fingers is not always the answer. and saying we are all just *****ing and moaning is being negative. if you see someone struggling you could be the support they need to stick with it when it is were talking about people need to say something right?? well say something when you see someone is having it rough. someone who has been there is a great example to have around when you think it will never get any better.

    and wow you completely refuse to see that your generalization cant work because you just said we are all snowflakes. not everyone is making excuses. sometimes you have to take into account every thing about you to make sure you are doing the best you can for you. so acknowledging you have a thyroid disorder, lupus, diabetes or anything else for that matter can sometimes be the make or break in your success. and I did not say they were reasons to fail anywhere in that post. how is it you want people to acknowledge that they are fat and need to do something but dont want them to acknowledge all the factors that play a part in it? were you the one who made the car analogy? well not everything works the same for every car, nor can every mechanic. why? because different mechanics have different specialties and/or knowledge.

    success doesnt always come easy.

    Its not my responsibility to motivate anyone but myself and anyone I may find myself able to motivate out of love.
    Its not my responsibility to open anyone else's eyes.

    And it is most CERTAINLY not my responsibility to give You reading comprehension. If you cannot understand what I am saying, then I cannot continue this conversation with you.

    I hope you reach all your goals and that you stop assuming that people who arent holding your hand- are automatically pointing a finger.

    Good luck in life.

    you are truly funny. do you forget what you write once it leaves your finger tips? you were the one who said people need to say something to someone when they are fat and stop coddling them. if you can open your lips to let someone know that they are fat and need to "just lose the weight" you can surely encourage them too? or is that just too much to ask??

    and I notice you didnt comment on anything else I said. which is fine. dont. but I know that im not wrong. and I will succeed thank you for your support (that wasnt so hard was it) but when I do I wont belittle the people who are where I could still be.
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    For me, this site and the many other sites and resources I have used have been one big education. Like in many other self-help programs (and I do not advocate any as they just didn't work all around for me) I take what I can and what makes sense and leave the rest. Now, as I learn about myself what makes sense changes. With my new education I have learned:

    1. I am responsible for me. I am not gonna defend or offend others or take to heart what others say here or anywhere else.
    2. I have learned what works for my body and what doesn't through trial and error (lots of trial and error).
    3. I start with calories in vs. calorie out but don't stop there
    4. I eliminate process foods, it has worked for me its junk and my body doesn't work well with junk
    5. If I want/am craving some junk I must make my own healthy versions of junk (i.e. whole wheat, low sodium, low fat, etc. pizza)
    6. I must exercise, I am very sedentary and if I want to be able to eat like a human and not a bird I must exercise to balance the extra calories.
    7. I must exercise because my body likes to be used and not get dusty, rusted, etc.

    Everybody is different and the combination of what works for me only works for me. You gotta experiment and find through trial and error and "educated" guessing what works for you.

    I love the way you put this. my thoughts exactly.

    except i cant do the wheat, or the dairy lol. so I have learned other substitutions.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Let me just say there is NO such thing as naturally skinny people. They eat less and possibly move more.

    Why do they eat less? Are they chronically hungry like everyone who is obese yet they just have amazing willpower? Of course not, they eat a tiny amount of calories and are satiated because they are lucky as hell. When they overeat, they expend more energy or delay their next meal to compensate. There is plenty of evidence suggesting these people exist.
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Interesting. I'll have to come back to read this.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    Having being on MFP for a few years more recently I have started to look at the forums.

    I have a genuine observation and wonder if people agree with me and what their opinion is. I am not meaning to be in any way offensive.

    I notice that fitter / correct weight people seem to have a more no-nonsense approach - to get fit you exercise , lots , and eat less because you are overweight because you eat too much.

    Overweight people seem to be constantly in denial and bringing up health and metabolism issues that are, whilst unfortunate in those they affect, rarely the true reason that is eating too much. The word 'fat' on here almost seems to be a massive insult

    I saw a program on TV where someone had to have a leg cut off from health complications that were simply overweight - but there was no addressing of the weight problem just the acceptance of the situation -- if I had a leg cut off because of weight I would glue my mouth shut!!

    So it always gets me wondering is the denial and political correctness that prevent appropriate honesty a major cause of the increasing trend of obesity??

    Interestingly enough I'm English and find American posters on here (in a country with more obesity) very quickly flare up at the use of the fat word. As do the larger posters (I admit I am judging this from profile pictures) you wont see a toned person defending metabolism as a major cause of obesity - even if they once weighed 20 stone
    Agreed and I was fat.

    Yuo mad?