Attitudes of people with different levels of fitness and wei



  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member

    Open question on here - how many people have had success, whether it be fat loss or muscle gain that wasn't attributed to eating properly and exercising regularly?

    I think anyone with any level of success knows it is all about those things...

    I did, but I also had cancer and was on rounds of tons of chemicals. For some reason I don't think that would be a wildly popular choice for weight loss haha! You are correct though, I think the successful people have it all boiled down to calories in, calories out.

    Haha no I think the preferred method wouldn't include life threatening illnesses.

    Having said that, during breakups and bouts of tonsillitis I have lost masses of weight in the past, maybe there's a new diet fad to be capitalised on......:ohwell:

    The Depressed Diet - Cry those calories away!

    Sick Yourself Slim!

    Oh, I can just see it now...
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Having being on MFP for a few years more recently I have started to look at the forums.

    I have a genuine observation and wonder if people agree with me and what their opinion is. I am not meaning to be in any way offensive.

    I notice that fitter / correct weight people seem to have a more no-nonsense approach - to get fit you exercise , lots , and eat less because you are overweight because you eat too much.

    Overweight people seem to be constantly in denial and bringing up health and metabolism issues that are, whilst unfortunate in those they affect, rarely the true reason that is eating too much. The word 'fat' on here almost seems to be a massive insult

    I saw a program on TV where someone had to have a leg cut off from health complications that were simply overweight - but there was no addressing of the weight problem just the acceptance of the situation -- if I had a leg cut off because of weight I would glue my mouth shut!!

    So it always gets me wondering is the denial and political correctness that prevent appropriate honesty a major cause of the increasing trend of obesity??

    Interestingly enough I'm English and find American posters on here (in a country with more obesity) very quickly flare up at the use of the fat word. As do the larger posters (I admit I am judging this from profile pictures) you wont see a toned person defending metabolism as a major cause of obesity - even if they once weighed 20 stone
    I agree except for the part about fit people exercising and eating less....I think the fit people exercise and eat more and the fat people with the slow metabolisms eat less, slow their metabolism more and don't stay with it because the make it harder than it is.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity.

    Forgive me but if you truly feel this way I have no idea why you'd be on a website for tracking calories. Don't be surprised to find your statements met with great resistance around here. They fly in the face of everything this place is for.

    Damn Brett you found the BS crazy post of the day, two days in a row!!!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member

    Open question on here - how many people have had success, whether it be fat loss or muscle gain that wasn't attributed to eating properly and exercising regularly?

    I think anyone with any level of success knows it is all about those things...

    I did, but I also had cancer and was on rounds of tons of chemicals. For some reason I don't think that would be a wildly popular choice for weight loss haha! You are correct though, I think the successful people have it all boiled down to calories in, calories out.

    Haha no I think the preferred method wouldn't include life threatening illnesses.

    Having said that, during breakups and bouts of tonsillitis I have lost masses of weight in the past, maybe there's a new diet fad to be capitalised on......:ohwell:

    The Depressed Diet - Cry those calories away!

    Sick Yourself Slim!

    Oh, I can just see it now...

    Ok clearly you're marketing department with these slogans, I'll get us some celebrity endorsements and we're in business!

    Wandering me, you can be the case example that shows how easy and effective it is!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I actually think the complete opposite of the OP. I think its nonsense that an obesity epidemic that has skyrocketed in the USA since the late 1970s and is spreading through the rest of the world is a psychological disorder.

    I think its nonsense that naturally skinny people who have not experienced chronic hunger can understand what an obese person goes through.

    And I've been skinny and fit most of my life. Its not until the last couple of years that my body stopped tolerating certain foods, and exercise had absolutely nothing to do with it. I do twice as much exercise at 30 than I did at 18 and I have to eat less in order to stay thin.

    As a naturally skinny person, I agree with this.

    The fact is, scientists who study obesity and weight loss aren't entirely sure what the causes are, much less how to address them. They are still learning about how the body and metabolism work in regards to weight gain. There are scientists looking into genetics, some have pinpointed what may be a obesity virus, and then there are hormonal issues. Add to that the rapidly-changing lifestyles of the modern post-industrial society and there is no way that anybody can say there's one simple answer.

    Some people are lazy, yes. Some people have psychological issues of food addiction. But, I really don't think there would be an overwhelming issue of obesity if it were really so freakin' simple.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I have been fat for a long time. It was my own head getting in the way and it was a cycle. I was always big, but in shape as a kid.

    Genetics do make a difference and do make it harder for some, just like some people can run faster than others.
    It is still my responsibility to adapt to my own situation and get in better shape.

    Everyone is tied to this weight number. When someone tells me they can't lose weight because of .____. I just tell them they should just get in better shape then. I have been on a plateau for a while now, but I increased my lifting and my cardio in that time, and I even dropped a couple of pants sizes.
    I consider that successful even if the scale is stuck. Anyone can get in better shape, no matter what their genetic or medical situation might be.

    On a side note, for those who have never been really obese, I do believe they don't always understand the issues. They DO work extremely hard to be in the shape that they are. But, I know that working out was MUCH harder for me 100 pounds ago than it is now, even though I push myself more now than then. It is much more about the battle in the head.

    The hardest part was just going into the gym because it was physically painful and totally humiliating. The way I adapted was by going in at 4:30 in the morning while there weren't many people there. I remember showing up to the gym several times and it was so crowded that I froze. I couldn't go in. It happens less now, but hasn't gone away totally. As I get more confident, I am sure I sound more matter of fact and realistic. It didn't happen over night though.
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Depo (the pill shot), is horrible. I gained on it, too... and those pounds were way harder to lose than anything I have ever experienced. Even my doctor agreed that it causes weight gain (though, she did not tell me that BEFORE I took it). It is what led me to google any drug I take.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    I agree with the OP. I had dieted for pretty much my whole adult life and thought I understood a lot about nutrition and exercise and their role in overall health and weight level. Coming here to this site, the tools, information and support is the most complete I've seen.

    I've come to the realization that all the weight loss products out there are not designed to actually help you achieve weight loss and maintain it. The weight loss products out there, including weight watchers, nutrisystem and jenny craig, and the low fat, no fat, reduced calorie, calorie free, sugar free products, are put there by corporations who's motivation is to make a profit. If the masses that actually purchase and use these products really lost the weight permanently, this mult-billion dollar industry goes down in flames. So they keep people on their train by convincing them it's easy to lose weight, all they got to do is follow their program and never tell them, their program is set up so that they will fail.

    I've grown weary of people eating all these "diet" foods, that are loaded with sodium, believing they will actually lose weight because they have fewer calories then the real version. Never do they realize that the real version offers them real satisfaction, wards off hunger till the next meal and nourishes their body with important nutrients that are removed when the calories are removed.

    For the first time in 30 years, I'm not eating diet versions of anything. I buy real yogurt, not the fat free crap. When I want a cookie, I have a real cookie, not the reduced calorie or fat free crap. I eat, nutrient dense calories and a lot of them. I'm also diligent about resistance training and cardio, doing them 40 minutes each 5-6 days a week. I'm losing weight. More importantly, the weight coming off is actual fat, as my lean body mass has actually increased a slight bit.

    Wake up America! Stop listening to the greedy corporations which hunger for profit at the expense of your health! Don't buy the load of crap their selling you! Learn what real nutrition is and think for yourself. Make wise and healthy decisions, don't take the easy, lazy way out!
  • linzfou
    linzfou Posts: 3
    I was fit most of my life. After I got to college and got on birth control, I gained about 40 pounds. I wanted to be able to say it was the BC and that it messed with my thyroid. But the truth was -- and I knew this, I just never expressed it because I've always been someone who is "in control" -- I became addicted to junk food and wasn't active like I used to be.

    Now that I'm a senior in college about to graduate, I've decided I'm going to be the weight I started college at. I've never been called fat, except by myself looking in the mirror. And that, along with knowing that I was looking for an excuse to be fat other than my own lack of control, was enough to get me started.

    I've never tried a fad diet -- never believed in them. I won't pay someone to teach me to lose weight. Because I can teach myself to have enough self control to do what it takes to be healthy.

    I have a couple of friends right now that are overweight and consistently blame it on thyroid/genetics. And they keep saying they're going to go on a diet and exercise to try to fight it, but they still sit there and do nothing. And I see how people look at them skeptically whenever they say something about their weight, and I never want to be on the receiving end of that skepticism.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I guess all the ongoing obesity research is a waste of time since it all boils down to gluttonous behavior and excuses right? Why bother researching when a simple physics equation is the answer to a complex biochemical process?

    Simple. Money. If they can figure out that "silver bullet" that allows people to lose weight without putting in effort. It will be worth billions of dollars.

    I don't buy it. Its really simple that most people on this thread have narrow-minded unscientific views of the world around them. There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting the idea that our body's response to the environment we live in (ie. full of easily accessible toxic processed foods) is the cause of obesity, not the psychological behaviors of each individual.

    Not everybody is in it for the money. We really do need to find a solution that works. There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity.

    "There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity."

    This comment convinces me that you are, as I suspected, trolling...

    That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.

    Open question on here - how many people have had success, whether it be fat loss or muscle gain that wasn't attributed to eating properly and exercising regularly?

    I think anyone with any level of success knows it is all about those things...

    I don't think he's trolling and I don't think it's that ridiculous.

    There isn't actually a clear connection between exercise and weight loss. Although that sounds counter-intuitive, it may actually be true.

    And, I'm not sure what grinch meant by "calorie restriction" - but there are differing opinions on how and why people gain and lose weight.

    True, this site is about monitoring calories. And, it's true that it works for a lot of people. But, that's not scientific data... merely anecdata.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I guess all the ongoing obesity research is a waste of time since it all boils down to gluttonous behavior and excuses right? Why bother researching when a simple physics equation is the answer to a complex biochemical process?

    Simple. Money. If they can figure out that "silver bullet" that allows people to lose weight without putting in effort. It will be worth billions of dollars.

    I don't buy it. Its really simple that most people on this thread have narrow-minded unscientific views of the world around them. There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting the idea that our body's response to the environment we live in (ie. full of easily accessible toxic processed foods) is the cause of obesity, not the psychological behaviors of each individual.

    Not everybody is in it for the money. We really do need to find a solution that works. There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity.

    "There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity."

    This comment convinces me that you are, as I suspected, trolling...

    That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.

    Open question on here - how many people have had success, whether it be fat loss or muscle gain that wasn't attributed to eating properly and exercising regularly?

    I think anyone with any level of success knows it is all about those things...

    I don't think he's trolling and I don't think it's that ridiculous.

    There isn't actually a clear connection between exercise and weight loss. Although that sounds counter-intuitive, it may actually be true.

    And, I'm not sure what grinch meant by "calorie restriction" - but there are differing opinions on how and why people gain and lose weight.

    True, this site is about monitoring calories. And, it's true that it works for a lot of people. But, that's not scientific data... merely anecdata.

    I think you have missed the point slightly - science hasn't pinned down every possible reason for people gaining weight. It doesn't mean it hasn't worked out the mechanics of how the body uses fat and energy and how to use this for weight loss.

    Also - one anecdote is chance, hundreds of thousands consistently pointing in the same direction shouldn't be overlooked just because you want to believe random new theories.

    You know the cigarette companies have put millions into research but not come up with conclusive proof that it damages health...
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Having being on MFP for a few years more recently I have started to look at the forums.

    I have a genuine observation and wonder if people agree with me and what their opinion is. I am not meaning to be in any way offensive.

    I notice that fitter / correct weight people seem to have a more no-nonsense approach - to get fit you exercise , lots , and eat less because you are overweight because you eat too much.

    Overweight people seem to be constantly in denial and bringing up health and metabolism issues that are, whilst unfortunate in those they affect, rarely the true reason that is eating too much. The word 'fat' on here almost seems to be a massive insult

    I saw a program on TV where someone had to have a leg cut off from health complications that were simply overweight - but there was no addressing of the weight problem just the acceptance of the situation -- if I had a leg cut off because of weight I would glue my mouth shut!!

    So it always gets me wondering is the denial and political correctness that prevent appropriate honesty a major cause of the increasing trend of obesity??

    Interestingly enough I'm English and find American posters on here (in a country with more obesity) very quickly flare up at the use of the fat word. As do the larger posters (I admit I am judging this from profile pictures) you wont see a toned person defending metabolism as a major cause of obesity - even if they once weighed 20 stone

    I can't really say if this is true or not, but I'm certainly an exception to everything you said. I'm fat (and American), and my approach to weight loss at this point is just to track what I eat, maintain a reasonable deficit, and exercise. Ask me in two years if it worked, but things are looking good so far.

    That said, I certainly have looked for explanations when my previous diet attempts failed. Ketosis / leptin / whatever buzzword someone claimed was the secret to success. All I've really learned is that nothing works for everyone (other than exercise, which is important regardless of how you're eating). Try things until you figure out what approach works for you, and stick with it.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I guess all the ongoing obesity research is a waste of time since it all boils down to gluttonous behavior and excuses right? Why bother researching when a simple physics equation is the answer to a complex biochemical process?

    Simple. Money. If they can figure out that "silver bullet" that allows people to lose weight without putting in effort. It will be worth billions of dollars.

    I don't buy it. Its really simple that most people on this thread have narrow-minded unscientific views of the world around them. There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting the idea that our body's response to the environment we live in (ie. full of easily accessible toxic processed foods) is the cause of obesity, not the psychological behaviors of each individual.

    Not everybody is in it for the money. We really do need to find a solution that works. There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity.

    "There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity."

    This comment convinces me that you are, as I suspected, trolling...

    That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.

    Open question on here - how many people have had success, whether it be fat loss or muscle gain that wasn't attributed to eating properly and exercising regularly?

    I think anyone with any level of success knows it is all about those things...

    So trolling equals having an opposing view? There are tons, tons of researchers who believe that obesity is a physiological problem.

    Look at the article I posted. In the long term, most behavioral approaches fail. Sure there are people who succeed, but it is still the minority. We need better solutions.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity.

    Forgive me but if you truly feel this way I have no idea why you'd be on a website for tracking calories. Don't be surprised to find your statements met with great resistance around here. They fly in the face of everything this place is for.

    I don't feel this way for any other reason than that's what the data shows.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I guess all the ongoing obesity research is a waste of time since it all boils down to gluttonous behavior and excuses right? Why bother researching when a simple physics equation is the answer to a complex biochemical process?

    Simple. Money. If they can figure out that "silver bullet" that allows people to lose weight without putting in effort. It will be worth billions of dollars.

    I don't buy it. Its really simple that most people on this thread have narrow-minded unscientific views of the world around them. There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting the idea that our body's response to the environment we live in (ie. full of easily accessible toxic processed foods) is the cause of obesity, not the psychological behaviors of each individual.

    Not everybody is in it for the money. We really do need to find a solution that works. There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity.

    "There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity."

    This comment convinces me that you are, as I suspected, trolling...

    That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.

    Open question on here - how many people have had success, whether it be fat loss or muscle gain that wasn't attributed to eating properly and exercising regularly?

    I think anyone with any level of success knows it is all about those things...

    So trolling equals having an opposing view? There are tons, tons of researchers who believe that obesity is a physiological problem.

    Look at the article I posted. In the long term, most behavioral approaches fail. Sure there are people who succeed, but it is still the minority. We need better solutions.

    I assumed you were trolling as you posted a viewpoint too objectionable and removed from common sense that I assumed you couldn't possibly believe it and were fishing for a reaction.

    Assuming you are not trolling, I will say this - You are missing the link in the middle which is nutrition and exercise.

    It may be psychological, but it is a psychological issue that causes people to eat more and exercise less. However you dress it up, it still comes down to sorting out the nutrition and exercise. Whether you need to work through issues to get to that stage or not.

    The basis always has to come back to what goes in and what goes out.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I guess all the ongoing obesity research is a waste of time since it all boils down to gluttonous behavior and excuses right? Why bother researching when a simple physics equation is the answer to a complex biochemical process?

    Simple. Money. If they can figure out that "silver bullet" that allows people to lose weight without putting in effort. It will be worth billions of dollars.

    I don't buy it. Its really simple that most people on this thread have narrow-minded unscientific views of the world around them. There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting the idea that our body's response to the environment we live in (ie. full of easily accessible toxic processed foods) is the cause of obesity, not the psychological behaviors of each individual.

    Not everybody is in it for the money. We really do need to find a solution that works. There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity.

    "There is no compelling evidence whatsoever that either calorie restriction or exercise are effective treatments for obesity."

    This comment convinces me that you are, as I suspected, trolling...

    That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard.

    Open question on here - how many people have had success, whether it be fat loss or muscle gain that wasn't attributed to eating properly and exercising regularly?

    I think anyone with any level of success knows it is all about those things...

    I don't think he's trolling and I don't think it's that ridiculous.

    There isn't actually a clear connection between exercise and weight loss. Although that sounds counter-intuitive, it may actually be true.

    And, I'm not sure what grinch meant by "calorie restriction" - but there are differing opinions on how and why people gain and lose weight.

    True, this site is about monitoring calories. And, it's true that it works for a lot of people. But, that's not scientific data... merely anecdata.

    I think you have missed the point slightly - science hasn't pinned down every possible reason for people gaining weight. It doesn't mean it hasn't worked out the mechanics of how the body uses fat and energy and how to use this for weight loss.

    Also - one anecdote is chance, hundreds of thousands consistently pointing in the same direction shouldn't be overlooked just because you want to believe random new theories.

    You know the cigarette companies have put millions into research but not come up with conclusive proof that it damages health...

    Studies funded by tobacco companies are an entirely different animal than studies done by medical researchers for academic purposes.

    One of the problems with anecdata is that you can't tell exactly what you're dealing with. Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of examples of people who ate less, moved more, and lost weight. (Some of them even keep it off for a long time.) But, when we hear anecdotes to the contrary, we just dismiss them as "denial."

    That's why anecdotes aren't data.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Having being on MFP for a few years more recently I have started to look at the forums.

    I have a genuine observation and wonder if people agree with me and what their opinion is. I am not meaning to be in any way offensive.

    I notice that fitter / correct weight people seem to have a more no-nonsense approach - to get fit you exercise , lots , and eat less because you are overweight because you eat too much.

    Overweight people seem to be constantly in denial and bringing up health and metabolism issues that are, whilst unfortunate in those they affect, rarely the true reason that is eating too much. The word 'fat' on here almost seems to be a massive insult

    I saw a program on TV where someone had to have a leg cut off from health complications that were simply overweight - but there was no addressing of the weight problem just the acceptance of the situation -- if I had a leg cut off because of weight I would glue my mouth shut!!

    So it always gets me wondering is the denial and political correctness that prevent appropriate honesty a major cause of the increasing trend of obesity??

    Interestingly enough I'm English and find American posters on here (in a country with more obesity) very quickly flare up at the use of the fat word. As do the larger posters (I admit I am judging this from profile pictures) you wont see a toned person defending metabolism as a major cause of obesity - even if they once weighed 20 stone

    I can't really say if this is true or not, but I'm certainly an exception to everything you said. I'm fat (and American), and my approach to weight loss at this point is just to track what I eat, maintain a reasonable defecit, and exercise. Ask me in two years if it worked, but things are looking good so far.

    That said, I certainly have looked for explanations when my previous diet attempts failed. Ketosis / leptin / whatever buzzword someone claimed was the secret to success. All I've really learned is that nothing works for everyone (other than exercise, which is important regardless of how you're eating). Try things until you figure out what approach works for you, and stick with it.

    I think that this is the best suggestion you can give someone in the current situation we're in - that is, in regards to what is known and understood about weight loss. The science isn't entirely conclusive. People need to read for themselves, consider what they've read judiciously, and then finally try what looks plausible until they find what works for them.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    So trolling equals having an opposing view? There are tons, tons of researchers who believe that obesity is a physiological problem.

    Look at the article I posted. In the long term, most behavioral approaches fail. Sure there are people who succeed, but it is still the minority. We need better solutions.

    Ah, you again. When you find your magic weight loss faerie dust, let me know. Until then, I'll go with diet and exercise.
  • ldukes52487
    ldukes52487 Posts: 12 Member
    I have two comments on this topic.

    First, I agree that a proper diet and exercise is the only healthy way to lose weight. Having been FAT my entire life, it took a combination of many factors to get me to finally decide to "Lose Weight". One of these things being, I can not stand it when people make excuses for everything they do or don't do. I'm not going on a DIET, you want to know why going on a diet doesn't work? Because if you look at it that way you always have to come off the diet, or you expect to come off the diet once you've reached your weight goal. Well news flash... if going on a diet made you lose weight, going off a diet will likely make you gain weight. That's not good for your body to endure. It's not healthy to be denying your body key nutrients that it needs. Also NO PILL can replicate that natural vitamin or nutrient. Sorry but artificial flavors, processed foods, artificial protein, is ARTIFICIAL. Your body wasn't meant to have to break these things down.. Eat fruits and veggies and exercise to the point your body can handle and it will be easier to lose weight... Personally I don't take medications unless I have to, unless diet and exercise won't make the problem better. Which 95% of the time... it will.

    Two, I'm not the most PC person. However, society has turned the work FAT to have such negative mental effects. "Fat-free" "Low - fat", etc are all popular advertising strategies. And yes, if you have been tormented as a child (which I was) then it's hard to hear that word, it's hard because it reminds you of a worse time, and people do not want to hear things that they try so hard to ignore or overcome. If you want to have a larger body, then have it. If you say that to try to overcome the stereotype, but in reality don't like it, then face the music and make the change.

    I come from a larger family, and yes I live a busy life, but I've stopped making excuses for my weight, started exercising, eating fresh foods, and frankly this is my new life... it's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle.