Should i eat less in a day if im going out drinking?



  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Hahaha at the posts saying 10 shots of vodka is a lot. Being Scottish that is like nothing, that's pre drinking :L

    Oh dear.

    Judging by the bus she's on, OP looks like she's in Britain, and (Sadly? Gladly? Both?) binge drinking is like a uni/college requirement :P

    I may be wrong about the bus. But I usually know my buses. LMAO.

    Also, for me, I try to make sure I dance when I'm out, walk when I can...get some exercise in and eat a little lower calorie, and you sould be fine (: get vodka with diet coke or something, will last longer and diet coke has 0 cals

    I'll second that, the bus looks British.

    OP - This one off night won't do you much harm, I wouldn't cut many calories or skip meals to make room for the calories as you would be best making sure you have a healthy slightly stodgy meal beforehand to help resist a kebab run afterwards.
  • holliehell
    Just count it as a cheat day. People that eat rather than drink alcohol on their cheat days usually use more calories doing so, so don't worry!

    And ten shots, go on girl!

    Also, to the people judging and being unhelpful, ten shots could mean 5 double vodka and coke, just saying...
  • PrettyLydie
    PrettyLydie Posts: 54 Member
    You can't binge drink and lose weight. Sorry but it's the truth. If you're planning on drinking that much, it doesn't matter how many calories you leave out of your diet for the day.. You can't 'cancel out' 10 shots or a full bottle of wine.

    I beg to differ. It is not healthy to lose weight while being a binge drinker, but it is possible, give the poor girl a break. She's in her 20's and has a party life...I have plenty of friends who live off of alcohol on the weekends, some of whom have lost weight some of whom have not gained weight, it is a life phase that she is in, and will figure out what works for weight loss and what doesn't.

    As for the OP, I eat a lot less, drink a ton of water, and make sure I burn more calories than normal, both the day of the heavy drink-a-thon and the day after... have not gained from a drinking binge this a healthy practice? No, not really. Is a night of partying worth it? Um, yes. You live once, so LIVE. Have fun :)
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Seriously lots of fuddy duddies on here. I say LIVE IT UP!! You're in college, these are the times to do crazy (but still safe) things. You have the rest of your life to count calories and obsess over your weight. And only a few years where you aren't tied down by kids and/or a mortgage. LIFE YOUR LIFE! CREATE STORIES that you will one day be able to share with your children. Age appropriate of course.

    Just my 2 cents. I WISH I had had more fun in college instead of working 60 hours a week and going to school full time. Now that I am older (36) I can see what missed out on.

    THIS ^^^^^^

    Woah! I can't believe the replies this gal is getting over having 10 shots of vodka! In my drinking days we got intoxicated prior to leaving for the bar, got there ensured we were double fisted for the rest of the night and shot tequila in between! It might have been our Canadian roots but cut the girl some slack! She is 19 and living it up! I say ENJOY (and don't ever post a question like this in this forum... way too many critics!!!)
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Ahhh, coming from a former everyday drinker, I can relate. If you currently exercise, you definitely should just work out harder that day so you can save room for the calories. Besides, if you just ate less instead, the alcohol would get to you quicker, (and it would be much more fun and safe if you actually remember the night. Believe me, I've been there!)

    To whoever said you can't lose weight and drink - yes you can. You just have to decide where you get your calories from. it may not be the most healthy approach, but it can still be done.

    Best of luck and be safe.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Also, those shaming the OP about having 10 y'all not remember being 18-22?

    That was a pretty standard college Saturday night for me...

    I'm glad someone was not so quick to forget :)
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    Yeah yeah, i know, drinking is bad and all that, but im a university student so its a given.
    I plan to either have 10 shots of vodka (500 something calories) or a bottle of zinfandel wine (400 odd calories), does that mean i have to eat 400-500 calories less?

    Geez, many negative responses out there. Don't let it change your mood. I have a daughter who just graduated from college and one daughter going in two years. I want my daughters to enjoy college and that includes the parties and such. I just ask them to be smart and do the same as yourself and have your friends look out for each other. Have fun and enjoy the college experience. Cheers!!!
  • incywincyspida
    One very important thing to remember with Vodka (and a lot of spirits) is to remember to actually write down the type, flavor (yuck), brand etc of the Vodka.

    The flavored vodkas are much higher in calories than a pure vodka and will have a dramatic effect on your calorie intake.

    Also, the worst part of binge drinking is that it impairs your mental capacity:
    "Oh hell yea, I'm hungry as, give me that burger/chips! I'll work it off at the gym tomorrow!"

    So along with the extra 1,000 odd calories from drinking, you just ate anywhere from 500-1500 calories worth of food. So your night out was a disaster in terms of calorie intake, and the day after when you are feeling groggy and want to drink some typical hangover helpers (soda, starchy carbs, etc) and the chance of you actually hitting the gym are very low - so the next day or two are not the best either....

    Having said all of that - if you limit yourself to doing it once every 4 or so weeks (personally I only allow myself a maximum of 6 beers once a month, no drinking apart from that one night) you will be ok. Just expect your progress to be slower thats all.
  • StoutGirl09
    StoutGirl09 Posts: 73 Member
    Alright first off college students drink ALOT. I am one :) When i started dieting and trying to lose weight I switched to vodka sprites or rum and cokes to just shots instead. I take shots, about 8-10 just like you. I can handle my liquor very well since my tolerance is so high. College brings that up but it's not a healthy thing so if your true to your diet be conscious of what goes us in your mouth!

  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Everyone stop being so damn preachy! When I was at uni I regularly drank more than that and very occasionally I still do (now 30) on a big night out. I am absolutely fine and recently had a medical through which I flew! Make sure you are sensible, pace yourself and drink a fair amount of water as well as the booze and it's fine. You sound like a sensible person so I'm sure you know all that.

    For the calories, you are better off accepting a surplus if it is gonna be vodka shots cos eating good meals through the day will set you up better for handling it. Read this:

    It's great advice for replacing the salts and sugars you will have lost and giving yourself a nice little mini detox. It works really well and I swear by it.