Any 40-something women with no kids? Rare, I know.



  • VSgirl2010
    VSgirl2010 Posts: 145 Member
    You guys give me such hope. I am only 24 but my mom has been encouraging me to have kids since I was 18. (the rest of my family is just as bad). I never wanted children and now I am engaged to a man who doesn't want them. So in 15 years I really hope to be like all of you. :)

    I was always pressured to have kids by everyone but my mother. Thankfully she respects my choice- My other half already had his one child (who is an adult now) so it's like not having any! LOL! I love my childless life :smile: But respect those who love and want them. Too bad the understanding doesn't go both ways :ohwell:
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    I will turn 40 this summer and we are happily child-free!
  • gspgirl
    gspgirl Posts: 9
    47 and no kids unless having had a fur baby for 16 years counts.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    54.....never boyfriend........ desperately wanted kids but found out in December 2008 that my uterus was not a suitable home for a baby to grow....... devastated......
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    It is so nice to know there are some many people like me! I am 35 and have never wanted kids. Drove me nuts when I heard I would change my mind and how they feel sorry for me for not wanting any. Been with my husband for 7 years and have three dogs and two cats. We are very happy with our lives and would not change a thing.
  • aulove
    aulove Posts: 34
    Not quite 40 yet, but I'm definitely in the same frame of mind. I'll be 36 this year, no kids or husband. Never wanted either, to be honest; however, I'm not opposed to marriage in the future. But kids? A big NO for me.

    It's sometimes tough because all of my friends are married with kids, so it's difficult to know where I fit in at times, and as I've gotten older it's become more difficult to find travel partners (I love to travel). I also feel bad for my parents who would love to be grandparents---they would be wonderful grands, but I know it just isn't for me. Thankfully, my parents are very supportive of my decision.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    49 and child free by choice. We have a great life with no regrets.
  • Imajicat
    Imajicat Posts: 114 Member
    Me too. I'm 41 and no kids by choice. I would ruin perfectly good children!
  • chezmoss
    chezmoss Posts: 79 Member
    40-something women,
    Happy, no kids by choice.
    Love kids but couldn't eat a whole one!
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    Not quite there yet, 36 in a few months, but no kids and no plans to have any! Always known I didn't want any, and thankfully found a bloke 10 years back that felt the same, bargins :-D

    Welcome friend requests from any other childfrees!
  • wholbrey
    wholbrey Posts: 1
    42, never had kids or a husband, but did revert to type and get a cat several years ago. I agree with aulove, my only regret is my parents don't get to spoil grandchildren but they seem resigned to the fact.

    Have lots of weight to lose so would welcome support from anybody like minded! :happy:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Not 40 till next year, but am happily child-free by choice!
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I'm 38, living a fantastic life with an awesome hubby and no human kids by choice - we have two furry children though! Do I count? :)

    More than happy to have like-minded friends!!
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    ::raises hand::

    I'm 43 with no kids -- not for lack of trying through years of infertility treatments -- but loving' life now with just me, m'love and our dog!!! :smile:
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    40 and no kids here! I understood YEARS ago that I am far too selfish!!! :drinker:

    Perfectly put and my thoughts exactly! :laugh:
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    40- in October.
    no husband.
    no kids.
    no cat named fluffy.
    no dog named spot.
    i did have a fish named elvis. he died. thanks for bringing it up.
    *eyes welling up with tears* sometimes when i flush i can hear "heartbreak hotel".


    Lol... Ohhhh 'hugz' :happy:
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    I'm only 32 (soon to be 33...) and will never have kids - by choice! You are definitely not alone out there. For my husband ad I, it's purely selfish - we love our life the way it is. :) I don't personally have anything against children, I just don't choose to have them myself. Too much work! :)

    We do, however, have a furry child. Her name is Tattoo, and she is the best cat ever. :)
  • thinktank32k
    I'll be 39 this summer, getting married in June.No kids, neither does he. We are kid less
  • solfulquen
    41 and no kids. I was just told on yesterday that I need to have kids for a tax break.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I've been saying I don't want kids since I was about 14. Nobody believed me then but they are starting to now that I am 40!

    Same here, in fact I still sometimes get told 'you'll change your mind one day' :laugh:

    Nice to see so many of us on here. I've always been made to feel weird because I've never wanted kids. One place I used to work I heard a rumour that I couldn't have kids and everyone should not mention kids to me because it would upset me. When I asked someone where this rumour started I was told 'We just assumed you couldn't because you don't have any' :huh:

    Oh, I can SOOO relate to that! It's amazing how much misplaced sympathy I get. Usually I come back with, "I tried to get a tubal when I was 18 but they made me wait until I was 27 - and it was STILL a fight!" :)

    I relate very well too... I've always known I didn't want kids - ever since I was a kid! It used to infuriate me that almost everyone insisted that I would have kids regardless of how much I said I didn't want them... Apparently I had NO IDEA what I really wanted and they all knew so much better! I often think about how much I'd love to (not so subtly) remind them all with a firm 'I told you so!'