Mega Millions...What would you do with the money??

A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
There has been ALOT of talk of the Mega Millions and how high it is (which is crazy). I am going to go buy my tickets tonight. BUT, if you won, what would you do with all that money (just for fun)??

I will go first: I am going to build my dream house on ALOT of land, hire a maid to clean it, a gourmet chef to cook for me - so I can keep my healthy lifestyle and a personal trainer to whip me into shape. I will also put away money for my kids' college (I have 2 babies), and of course I will go buy my dream car (Eclipse - unless I find something better). I will definitely give money to my family/friends who have supported me throughout the rough times and give money to the church. Also, pay back the credit cards that I bankruptced.

Ok...your turn????


    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I can only imagine, but I would pay off my student loans and car. I would buy a new house, save ALOT for retirement even though I would be tempted to quit my job or ever drop my course I will take my family and few friends then move because the moochers would be out in full force.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Vacation all over Europe. Buy a Black Range Rover. Get a pair of Christian Louboutins. Give some to our families and best friends. Buy a new house and put in all of the handicap accessible stuff my son will need. Set up college for the kids.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Buy a house (or three) with amazing gyms in each, hire Bob (from biggest loser) to come and whip me into shape. Travel the world showing off my fab new body.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I am so easy breezy. I would buy a 3 bedroom house in a nice neighborhood in the city, go on more vacations, and finally get my sleeve tattoo. Everything else really doesn't appeal to me. I am totally the type to still go to Forever 21 and buy $10 jeans, walk places because I don't like driving and hang out at home with Matty with a bottle of wine. Come to think of it, I would probably end up spending less money than I do now because aside from food my big expense is work clothes. LOL! Eh, maybe I'll just use that extra cash to take more cooking classes.
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    Buy a house (or three) with amazing gyms in each, hire Bob (from biggest loser) to come and whip me into shape. Travel the world showing off my fab new body.
    This! :)
  • bullet1
    bullet1 Posts: 61
    Put it in the bank and live off the interest... and live VERY well off the interest. $460M cash payout, $230M after taxes give or take, and put that in a measly 1% interest bearing account is 2.3M a year. That would be more than enough to live in an amazing house, drive an amazing car and do just about anything you want with.... at least by my standards. It would be quite fun.
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    Everyone at work keeps asking this question, my answer? buy the company and fire all you lazy XXXholes! lmao.. u should see the look on their faces....

    Seriously though, I'd buy a huge yacht and disappear with my closest friends. No one would ever see me again. Mediterranean to the gulf to Aussieland.... year round.. Cya!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I would buy a house that would be safe for my middle child to live in so I could bring her home with me and I would get the best care staff for her in my home. I would pay off all debt. I would put a few million away for each of my children. I would give a lot of it to family members.

    I would also quit work and become a lactation consultant since that is my dream. And I would be able to afford the best medical team to help my husband.

    Hmm maybe I should go buy a ticket! :happy:
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I would pay off all my families bills and friends bills. Then the rest is toys and fun.
  • cngeike
    cngeike Posts: 305 Member
    Pay this house off, buy a new house in a good area(ours is good, but better), pay off my van, buy a new van, buy a new car for dh, buy inlaws a house, and my other inlaws a house. Give 20% to church. Save some for the kids college funds, and be debt free.
  • horror_hamster
    I'd pay off my student loans, pay off my parents' house, buy my partner's mom and step-dad a house, pay off all of mine and my partner's debt and buy us a house. I could do this all with about 250k -- that's not too much to ask for, right? HAHA

    I'd put the rest in a bank, get my dream job, no matter how much or little it would pay me (cuz at that point i wouldn't be doing it for the money), and live happily for the rest of my life. :)
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I would take the entire summer and travel...A LOT! Then when finished with that I'd start on my dream home; hire a couple of maids and a cook along with a personal trainer. Put away money for my kids, give a good chunk to my parents because they are the best in the world and have seen me through so many hard times. I would then help out a very good friend of mine that has been down on her luck for a few years now. I would donate to so many charities. Now what to do with the remaing 500 million? LOL

    Good luck to everyone that plays!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Everyone at work keeps asking this question, my answer? buy the company and fire all you lazy XXXholes! lmao.. u should see the look on their faces....

    ^^^^LOVE THIS^^^^^
  • jessicae1aine
    I would train in a replacement for myself at work, quit my job, buy a new camera because mine is having some problems, a few new lenses, and buy studio space. I'd also make sure the people who matter to me are well cared for and have everything they need.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    i would buy my dream home a new car ( mercedes benz c class in black or cereluean blue) pay off all my debt, travel all over the world, pay off my parents home, buy them new cars, also give my mom $$ to start her own daycare/academy busines... Put $$ away for my 2 goddaughters... then help friends and family with any debt they have also ( my TRUE FRIENDS AND FAMILY LOL EVERYBODY COME OUT WHEN U HAVE $$$)
  • whitneyrsmith
    whitneyrsmith Posts: 37 Member
    I would buy about 100 acres sprawling across West Texas, and build a HUGE place to resuce animals and give them proper care. Dogs, cats, pigs, horses, etc. Would have 24 hour care for them.

    New car, pay sisters' college, parents bills, etc.

    Donate to quite a few charities.
  • toque88
    toque88 Posts: 113 Member
    I would move back home to Hawaii.
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    Be debt free! Buy a new house and vehicles for me and DH. Put some of it away for the kids and help my (and his)parents.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    1. Pay off my house, stay until my kids done with school.
    2. Help friends and relatives that need it.(They do!)
    3. Help our favorite charities.
    4. Buy a home in a warm place
    5 Buy or build nicer new house in the NorthEast , nothing crazy
    6. Travel, Travel., Travel