Mega Millions...What would you do with the money??



  • tmalina
    tmalina Posts: 19 Member
    I would quit my job, first and foremost. I love my job, but I'm also in school full time and I want to focus on that so I can finish my degree faster. I figure if I can handle working full time while also going to school full time, then I can take more classes without a job in the way.

    I think my husband and I would turn our house into a rental property and buy something along the river out in the country. We love the peaceful quiet of country living but wish we were closer to water.

    I recently had weight loss surgery, so I would use some of it to remove the excess skin when I reach goal. I'd donate a lot to charities that are close to my heart. I'd set some aside for future children. Give some to CLOSE family and friends. My friends house flooded last night and her insurance isn't covering the costs to clean up so I would help her. I'd probably buy newer vehicles for my husband and I. His is in it's last few years of life and mine is okay but I've never owned a new vehicle so that would be nice!
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    lots and lots of hookers an blow,and then i would do the craziest crap and blow through it in less than a year. Hopefully if all goes like planned I will end up on one of those curse of the lottery shows
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    I would love to buy an island in the tropics, to use as my home base and the travel the world changing countries as the seasons change! Oh, and of course provide for my family :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    By some land here and abroad and build dream homes, buy family and friends homes so they'd never struggle again. Takes loads of driving lessons and pass so I can buy a wicked car. Buy one of everything from the mac makeup counter, set kids up for a great future x
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    I would be debt free, my parents would be debt free, my sisters would be able to go to whatever college they wanted. The motor in my car blew, so I would definitely get a new car-I would LOVE a Jeep Wrangler!!! If my boyfriend wanted, he could get a new car too since we've been running the tires off of his. Our house is probably condemnable (sp?), so it would be torn down. We would move and either buy or build a new home somewhere else. The rest would be spent on fun stuff, and stashed away.
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    Yep, Drugs and Hookers.

    Realistically, of course 1. quit my job.

    Buy a few houses, but nothing crazy because I would be traveling so much. Hire a cook to make me healthy but tasty meals, hire a trainer to whip (and keep me in shape). Travel, travel, travel. Give $100K a year to each of my sisters and my parents (that's plenty I think). Get a bigger and cooler tattoo (yes, I stole that one). Adopt more pets. Too much to list. That's a wholelotamula.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 75 Member
    put together a harem of course!

    My needs are simple. I'll split what I get after taxes up three ways. 1/3 for me, 1/3 for my parents and the other 1/3 for my sister. I would likely then give a half of my portion to charity. I would think about a new home but what I have is enough for me at the moment. Just got a new car last year so other than pay it off I'm happy with it. I would maybe look into starting a business. I would definitely spend a lot more time with my photography and playing hockey.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    With that much $$$, I would payoff all my debt, then move somewhere nice and warm and buy a new huge house. I would give everyone in my immediate family at least 5 million + enough to cover the taxes they would have to pay on that. I would buy my nephew a new car and then I would pay for all his college so he could get a great job. I work for a very small company and we all get along so each of my co-workers would get 500K just to spread the wealth. I would donate to a few charities that I follow and I know people who use them to get by. Finally, I would save about half of it for interest bearing accounts so I would never have to work again. Then after all that, the hubby and I would LOVE to travel around the world and do exotic things. Then after years of doing that, I really, really want to start a foster care home for children. I love kids and I want my own but with that much money, I would love to share my home with as many children as possible including mine and any child that doesn't have a home of their own.

    That's about it!! :)
  • duckychic
    duckychic Posts: 57 Member
    First, I would have skin removal surgery (whole body). I would go on a cruise to somewhere tropical. I would pay off my student loans. I would buy a subdivision of brand new houses and give all my family members their own house. I would visit hospital wings that have children with terrible illnesses, learn their stories and find families in need and pay off their medical bills. I would give LOTS of money to Make a Wish Foundation. Then I would just live a great life and have a big family. I would also hire a maid and a personal chef (to make me healthy food that tastes really good).
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    we usually never buy lotto tickets, but hubby bought 20 this time around. :) we would gift each person in my family (and their spouse) $22,000 ($11,000 from me and $11,000 from hubby, so they don't have to pay taxes) for the next 10-20 years. take the boys out of school and hire a private tutor to accompany us on a 2-year long world-wide vacation. adopt 5 or so kids. renovate our house to add 3 bedrooms and build a guesthouse over the garage. buy season tickets to the rockies and the avs. set up a scholarship fund. go back to a 'normal' life.
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    Pay off my house, buy a small flat for my mom, buy my maid a house with a ceiling and a geyser (her current house has neither), same for my gardner, my husband wants a driver (!!),
    I would get a new car for him and myself.
    I would also give a little something something to both our families, and put aside some money for the kids education.
    I have a very close friend who works for Sanlam Private Investors so I would definitely invest a large chunk.

    And I would take my closest friends and family to Mauritius on a luxury holiday!!
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    Whatever I wanted. All the time. For the rest of my life.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I would also open my own adult bookstore & swingers club.
    Because porn is great and should be shared with the world
  • volleypc
    volleypc Posts: 134 Member
    Buy a little additional land around my cabin.. 40-80 acres and I would be happy. Put the rest in the bank and continue to work for several more years. Retire at age 40 and have a small condo on the beach and a small cabin in the mountains. Travel, volunteer, hike, etc. Have most of it left in my will to Ducks Unlimited and the National Park Service.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Keep the lovely home in the suburbs that I bought when I was 20 and is now almost paid off.
    Buy a condo in downtown Chicago for the weekends.

    Pay off the college loans of all my family and close friends who have had to take them. Set up a fund for my God-daughter to go to college.

    Buy my mom a little cottage wherever it is she wants one.

    Travel until I can travel no more.

    And here is the big one...set up some sort of foundation for our local school district. I am lucky to have a district with dedicated teachers and would love to be able to provide them and the students with the latest technologies and training. Something for the "2nd tier" athletics too. Our football teams, basketball teams, cheer & dance squads....they never want for anything, as they get it all. I'd like to help the less popular sports teams with uniforms, camps, etc...
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Unfortunately I can't enter this, although there is euro millions tonight which is about 12 million. If I won that I think I would leave it for months in my bank account until I was sure I had the money then I would finally buy myself a house with a huge basement that I would turn in to my own gym, I'd also make sure the house had an indoor pool. I would also give plenty of the money to my family and friends.

    I would purchase all the junk, gadgets and toys I've ever wanted and have a room dedicated to my construction of a model railway.
  • Stylie
    Stylie Posts: 29 Member
    Hopefully, I would do the right thing...

  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    hookers and blow.. and a badass house.. but mostly blow.. and hookers.. and a moob job.. get those deleted.. so i could enjoy my hookers and blow..
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I have already notified my boss that I would be on the first flight to the Mediterranean and taking the first luxury cruise liner out for a 14 day relaxing tour while the dust settles. After that, I'd collect the loot, and head out to spend the rest of my life. Who knows, but I'd buy my husband a boat and he can sail away. I'll go shopping and fly to each port he sails to. That's good enough for me. My kids would all be set for life too. Just have to see what that looks like. With or without the money, I'm still rich, because I'm healthy!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Buy a little additional land around my cabin.. 40-80 acres and I would be happy. Put the rest in the bank and continue to work for several more years. Retire at age 40 and have a small condo on the beach and a small cabin in the mountains. Travel, volunteer, hike, etc. Have most of it left in my will to Ducks Unlimited and the National Park Service.

    ^^ I like you. I'm the daughter of a hunter and am also a nature lover. Both DU and NPS have been huge in my life. I should add that to my list!