


  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    High heels are of the devil. :laugh: I hate them, never wear them unless it's a wedge, and even then I don't go too high. And never ever if I know I'm going to have to walk around a lot during the day or stand any appreciable length of time.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member


    some heels are not for wearing. if it hurts, it's not worth it, and if it makes you walk stupidly, don't do it. There's no need to hurt or harm yourself for that tiny bit of 'extra beauty'.

    having said that, some heels, with a bit of practice, really are fine as long as you don't push it beyond the limitations of yourself and the shoe. i have some heels that look great but seriously aren't for walking in. you walk to a restaurant, sit down, maybe stand around a bit, walk out, and that is it. others i can wear walking around, standing around, etc. others i can wear shopping all day, and others i can go dancing in. these are all heels of the same height, so height is not even the main factor in walking-ease. a good few turns around the shop will usually help in determining what the heels are suitable for. your particular heels might be of the sucky non-walking variety.