Do you ever do the fart and blow?



  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I think my most memorable fart was when I was doing a weekend spiritual seminar in an old hotel with a forum I used to moderate.

    We had all been sitting for several hours in a mediumship demonstration, after a meal that involved brussels sprouts and I had been holding one in for the duration. We the doors opened and I left the room, I paused and gave a little push, and the most almighty fart let loose, and echoed off the wooden floors.

    Another moderator who had just headed along the hall froze on the spot, turned and said 'Who spoke?'.

    The poor guy behind her also stopped and denied all knowledge.

    It was kind of obvious who it was as I was on the floor, wetting myself with laughter.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I think my most memorable fart was when I was doing a weekend spiritual seminar in an old hotel with a forum I used to moderate.

    We had all been sitting for several hours in a mediumship demonstration, after a meal that involved brussels sprouts and I had been holding one in for the duration. We the doors opened and I left the room, I paused and gave a little push, and the most almighty fart let loose, and echoed off the wooden floors.

    Another moderator who had just headed along the hall froze on the spot, turned and said 'Who spoke?'.

    The poor guy behind her also stopped and denied all knowledge.

    It was kind of obvious who it was as I was on the floor, wetting myself with laughter.

    nice! Mine goes back to the tender age of six. I was in the UK at the time in a Fish and Chips shop and I let one go which, due to my attempts to rebottle the genie, came off sounding just like a siren. So much so that people went to the window to look for the firetruck. Except for my mom who looked at me with a face red from laughter lol.
  • coopersmom2006
    How about farting at the gym. That's livin the dream baby.

    Oh all the time but thankfully the machines are usually loud enough that nobody hears and I hope the fans blow the smell away lol

    I am so thankful I'm in the gym alone when I'm there. Running totally makes me toot!! This thread is cracking me up. I'm sitting at the kid's karate class laughing like crazy.
    remeber if you fart at the kids karate class, crop dust and blame it on the children lol

  • kimbly71
    kimbly71 Posts: 188
    I don't tan any longer, butn when I did I farted in the tanning bed. The fan at my feet immediately blew it back in my face. Yep! I'm that awesome!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member

    I don't know if all dogs do this, I guess I will be a bit disappointed if they do, but when my aunt comes over with her 8 year old black lab, he is laying in front of the television chilling out, maybe dozing off. He suddenly lets one go, and it stinks. All you hear is this massive sigh, like oh darn it I did it again, and then he gets up and swooshes it around violently with his tail. Just so we all get to smell it. He's a very thoughtful pooch.

    every time my black lab farts, she gets scared and tries to run away from it. never fails, when we see her scooting down the hall we know to watch out for dog fart smell.. lol :)
  • coopersmom2006

    I don't know if all dogs do this, I guess I will be a bit disappointed if they do, but when my aunt comes over with her 8 year old black lab, he is laying in front of the television chilling out, maybe dozing off. He suddenly lets one go, and it stinks. All you hear is this massive sigh, like oh darn it I did it again, and then he gets up and swooshes it around violently with his tail. Just so we all get to smell it. He's a very thoughtful pooch.

    every time my black lab farts, she gets scared and tries to run away from it. never fails, when we see her scooting down the hall we know to watch out for dog fart smell.. lol :)

    My old, very...ahem...portly cat can run us all off the couch when he farts. He totally does it in his sleep too. It's AWFUL!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I think my most memorable fart was when I was doing a weekend spiritual seminar in an old hotel with a forum I used to moderate.

    We had all been sitting for several hours in a mediumship demonstration, after a meal that involved brussels sprouts and I had been holding one in for the duration. We the doors opened and I left the room, I paused and gave a little push, and the most almighty fart let loose, and echoed off the wooden floors.

    Another moderator who had just headed along the hall froze on the spot, turned and said 'Who spoke?'.

    The poor guy behind her also stopped and denied all knowledge.

    It was kind of obvious who it was as I was on the floor, wetting myself with laughter.

    nice! Mine goes back to the tender age of six. I was in the UK at the time in a Fish and Chips shop and I let one go which, due to my attempts to rebottle the genie, came off sounding just like a siren. So much so that people went to the window to look for the firetruck. Except for my mom who looked at me with a face red from laughter lol.

    I just almost spit my oatmeal out trying to contain the laughter!