

  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi all, I haven''t check in for a while but I have been around. I only get weighed every two weeks. Last weigh in was last Sunday and I lost 2.4 so that is a total of 3. Not much but better than I was doing on W/W.

    I love MFP and doing well.

    I find it easy, but it does take a lot of time, which is ok for me since I am retired now. Don't think I could do this if I was working full time.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My eating deviations have been so subtle that it took great attention and vigilance on my part to notice what they were. This morning I was at a meeting that customarily serves coffee and decaf and I bring my own water to drink. Today was a special occasion and someone brought a fabulous assortment of fresh fruit and I immediately thought, "oh, fruit, I can have some of that" and I realized that my successful plan was that I planned my food for the day ahead of time and didn't accept any other food no matter how healthy or benign. The other thing happened yesterday when I was measuring applesauce to put in a shake and there was only a little left at the bottom of the jar and my inclination was to finish off the jar even though it went beyond the portion I had planned. It showed me how my thinking had changed and how, over time, that could translate into a dangerous number of calories. So I back to the mindful planning and eating I did when I first started losing weight.

    :flowerforyou: This morning the battery on my pedometer died and I didn't know it until I had been walking for over an hour. Fortunately I had another battery so I could replace the dead one, and I bought two more when I did my errands today. Even so, the numbers look pitifully small compared to what they would have been if the battery hadn't quit.

    :flowerforyou: I had a friend over for a visit today and the dogs lay down on both sides of her chair.......she petted them and was convinced that they liked her.....they do like her, but I knew that they were waiting for her to leave so I'd take them for a walk. :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Amanda, it helps me in the dark times to stay in the moment and not re-feel or retell the injustices and heartbreak of the past and not project the sadness and disappointment that will come in the future.

    :flowerforyou: kackie, you gave an amazing explanation of how to lose weight past menopause.

    :bigsmile: If you are new, I hope you will keep coming back long enough to feel that you are part of the family....find your own way.....some of us respond to everyone, some to only a few, and some just share what's on our minds.....there is room for all of us.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, on the subject of giving up negative thoughts, there is so much in "The Happiness Project" that I can't begin to share it but a few of her Twelve Commandments are
    *let it go
    *act the way I want to feel
    *do it now
    *be polite and fair
    *lighten up
    *do what ought to be done
    * there is only love

    and my best friend always says "come from a place of love"

    :bigsmile: I will be staying up late tonight to watch the DWTS results show

    Barbie from NW Washington where it was sunny in the morning and drizzly in the afternoon.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    fitz - I'm just so happy for you. A new grandbaby! How exciting!

    Boy, did I get some bad news today. I made a mistake, my body fat isn't something like 11%, it's more like 13%, which is an increase from last year's 12.78% Bummer. Looks like I really need to get back on the wagon. Went over on the calories today. Don't know why, but I was so hungry today. Had some of the key lime cake that I'd made for bunco, and that REALLY threw my calories wayyyyy off. No more cake for me.

    but today was good in that it was the last board meeting at that Y for me. No more getting up at 5a.m. and then falling asleep during the day. I did do an hour of spinning, then came home to grab something to eat and off to take the food course. I never thought of this, I have to ask Jessica. One of the things we were talking about was food allergies. Does anyone know how the coconut shrimp are made? We were talking about how you can't fry something that you're allergic to in the same oil as what you're ordering. Like if you're allergic to shellfish, even tho you ordered chicken, if it's fried in the same oil as the shrimp you could have a reaction.

    Amanda - moan all you need to. That's perfectly OK. My heart breaks for you.

    kackie - when you went thru menopause, you gained weight, but did you also gain body fat? You made me so happy, you ARE thinnner, I'm sure of it!

    And why is it that it's ever so easy to put the weight on, but it seems to take forever and ever and so much hard work to get it off? Guess that must be another curse of menopause!

    Laura - when I make a baked good, I feel "it's better on their hips than mine", but I would never tell them that. Usually, I try a new recipe and just give them some and ask for their comments.

    Did an hour of spinning today, tomorrow deep water and then some food shopping to get the things on sale, and then senior bowling.

    mimawP - welcome to a great group. Keep posting so we get to know you even better. Glad you came back

    Hi Becky - welcome! You'll get lots of support here, that's for sure

    Well, off to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning dear friends

    :smile: Dogs walked and now getting ready for my exercise DVD. Trying to keep the negative thoughts at bay, everytime I feel myself thinking back I will think of Barbie saying let it go - stay in the moment, instead :wink: thanks Barbie. :flowerforyou: I think I'll get lots of practice this morning we are in a team meeting for most of the day - plenty of time for the mind to wander :frown: I hate these meetings I find myself nearly nodding off, so today will be a challenge :bigsmile:

    :wink: I'd better get the exercise out of the way, I'm still waiting for the exercise to be addictive , where I want to do more :bigsmile: Mind you I have offered to my walking services to our HR dept in case they want a seventh person for the walking challenge we are doing again this year. Haven't heard back from them yet though so I might send them a reminder.

    To the exercise DVD !

    Viv xx
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning from rainy Portland. April showers......:flowerforyou:
    Tomorrow at this time I'll be boarding a plane, going to see my family in San Diego for a few days. I don't imagine I'll be logging my foods, but I'll stop in to say hello if I have time. I went to Goodwill yesterday for a couple of summery blouses since all of my clothes from last summer are history - while I was there I tried on a couple pair of size 12 jeans and shorts, and was stunned and amazed they actually fit. A bit too snug for comfort so I didn't buy them, but still, they zipped up. I'm just so darned happy! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Every time I go see family I come home with a weight gain so I'll need to really watch it this time. I'll be able to exercise while I'm there, long walks, plus using the treadmill and recumbent bike. It's just the food thing...I always say I'm not going to overdo it while I'm there, but for some reason, well, you know what happens. :blushing:
    First thing I'll need to do when I get there is buy a few bags of vegetables at the grocery store to keep on hand while staying with my mom. I might buy pre-packaged salad mixes for easier grab-and-go salads. Otherwise I spend too much time chopping in the kitchen with Mom's very dull knives. Maybe I'll sharpen them for her this time, that'll give me a project. :wink:
    Well I should scoot, early morning dentist appt this morning, then work all afternoon into the evening. I'll see you all next week. Be good, :flowerforyou:

    PS Almost forgot to mention that yesterday while out walking the dogs I came upon a fellow walking his little Jack Russell terrier. He told me that he called her Susie at first, but after watching her bounce off the walls for a few weeks he changed her name to MenePaws. :laugh: :laugh:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    Boy, did I get some bad news today. I made a mistake, my body fat isn't something like 11%, it's more like 13%, which is an increase from last year's 12.78% Bummer. Looks like I really need to get back on the wagon. Went over on the calories today. Don't know why, but I was so hungry today. Had some of the key lime cake that I'd made for bunco, and that REALLY threw my calories wayyyyy off. No more cake for me.


    Holy Cow! that is athletic Body Fat % no matter that you went up. Most young healthy active women strive for between 15 and 20% and older women are told to aim for about 20-to 25%. At my leanest during this journery (when I posted the bikini photo) I was at 25%. I can't imagine being in the teens like you. It must be all that excersizing you do. Again, Wow!!!
  • MimawP
    MimawP Posts: 9
    Good day all, I'm on a break at work right now, just had a few almonds and will have to get back to it soon but wanted to wish you all a wonderful Wednesday. Didn't get on here last night, went to the hospital with my hubby to visit his grandmother who is passing away. He really loves that old woman and he's going to miss the weekly card game he had with her. She was so feisty. She's 102 so she's had a good full life but it was hard to see my man say his goodbyes and tear up. Hopefully I can get out for my walk tonight and then get on here to try and read through the posts. I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hump Day Wednesday,

    Viv- 10 min of exercise is better than nothing...and I can only hope on the times that I'm not wanting to exercise I will force myself to get in 10 min:blushing:

    Becky:flowerforyou: Welcome, this is the best place to come for friends and encouragement.

    Cathy- I totally understand the being so busy at home and not logging in...that happens to me almost every weekend. I need to find the time to do it because it's those weekends that always set me back:grumble:

    Jenni- Hoping your test goes well:flowerforyou:

    Walker001- Congrats on that 2.4 loss:drinker:

    Barbie- Your note about planning your food and then seeing where you could add just a bit more rings true for me, I find that I really have to dig deep to keep myself from adding that last tablespoon in the bottom or the 1/2 of piece of cheese...I think it has something to do with being raised not to waste food and clean your plate:wink:

    Michele- 13% body fat...right now I'd tackle you to see if that small amount would rub off on me:bigsmile: I know you are so diligent about your exercise it won't take you any time to get it back to where you were.

    Viv- I too am waiting for exercise to be addictive:ohwell: it's one of the reasons I am always surfing the MFP success stories because most of the time the people there have really jumped into exercise and I keep looking there for inspiration...then there is Barbie & Michele here that are just as active:drinker:

    jb- Hope your trip to San Diego is wonderful...and that you are able to keep the food in line. Congrats on that size 12 @ the goodwill:drinker: I know it's always such a good feeling when you have a NSV.

    MimawP- :flowerforyou: give your hubby a special {{hug}} grandmas are so special I still miss both of mine and they passed a long time ago, but I have some very special memories of times with them.

    The scale was kind this AM down 1.4 and that means I'm only .6 away from my half way point...and that will be another small victory. It's amazing how you can let your eating get out of control for just a meal or a weekend:blushing: and it takes up to 10 days to get it back down...that is so NOT right:noway:

    With the weather starting to be kinder hubby has been going out and doing bike rides at the resevoir...I wish I got off work earlier so I could do that too, but will have to wait for the weekend:grumble: . Last weekend when we were out we saw a couple herds of deer so where ever they hide in the winter it must be close because they are coming out from hiding again...which means I will have to be extra careful on the bike rides because I don't need another accident like I had last year when I stopped suddenly and went flying over the handle bars because I wanted to see the deer:blushing:

    Everyone have a good day. Let's remember to log our food, drink our water:drinker: and get some exercise (even if it's only 10 min:wink: ).

    Laura 80111:smile:

    PS - so as I'm typing this on the side bar it says "Get a FREE CAKE"...from KFC....having that form of advertisment here at MFP is wrong on so many levels:noway: the last thing we need is cake even if it is free,
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Lol menopausing I meant!
    LOL!! we pretty much are pausing. Me pausing to catch my breath, Me pausing to take a look at that wrinkle that wasn't there yesterday, me pausing to see how far I can suck my gut in to look like I did at one time. I could go on and on but I won't.

    Thats funny!!!!! I love it!
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    So I posted this yesterday somewhere else and got a whopping zero responses...so I thought I'd try here and see if anyone had any thoughts :bigsmile:

    So I have hit a plateau for about the last 3 weeks and its getting very frustrating! I lost 30 pounds over the last 5 months and although my allotted calories are 1200 I really eat around 1000 and have for the last 5 months...but I have not lost weight for going one almost 4 weeks now. Noting in my diet or exercise has changed except maybe Ive pumped up the exercise a tiny bit more...I take Yoga twice a week for 1 hr each, and I go to the gym about 3 times a week and do 30 mins on the Elliptical and about 20 mins on free weights. Im self employed so I stay pretty active during the day. Just not sure what do about this plateau...I know that a lot of people say I should eat more calories ( including my hubby) but I am small framed, only 5'1, so 1000-1200 is really enough for me (or so I thought) and Im a healthy eater, fish, chicken, veggies fruit, whole grains, brown rice, that sort of thing....any other peeps out there with suggestions would be much appreciated ....Im also 51 and menopausal so I know that has something to do with it... but when I lost the 30 pounds I had just started meds for migraines, topamax which makes you loose your appetite and I was not really exercising much because I was really suffering with my migraines, so Im sure that had something to do with the rapid weight loss or at least the first 20 pounds...anyway any advise would be much appreciated :love: :love: :love:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Katiejarr: Your 30 pounds in 5 months is awesome to me! I know you would like to keep losing at the same rate but your body is probably just catching up. Still, I know how frustrating a plateau can be. One thing that I have heard people try is changing your calories every other day, but having the same total number over the course of the week. For example, you might have 1400 one day( on a day where you have more intense exercise), adding healthy, real foods...maybe avacado or some nuts to add good fat...then 1000 calories the next day. The average amount will still be 1200 daily, but it might shake your body up enough to get your weight moving down again. My other 2 suggestions would be increase the intensity or duration of your exercise a couple or 3x a week. Try something different. I know that my body gets very used to whatever I do and adjusts to it, so I have to really change things up to get the scale to move down now. GOOD LUCK and keep us posted on what works!!!:flowerforyou:

    Love all the menopause "play on words". WE may as well get a laugh out of it, huh?

    Micelle: 13% body fat is still AMAZING! I think it is very difficult for women to get below 20% and I don't think I want to know what mine is! Last time I recall doing that test I was about 29 years old and weighed a good bit less than I ever could now! I think my body fat then was 19% and thought that was great. You certainly do more than most women our age!

    Cathy: Good luck with the packing. You are doing great to be moving the scale down while you are packing and moving houses!!! Keep up the good work!

    Barbie: Your recap of the happiness project is a good one and worth taping on my bathroom mirror! We all constantly need to keep trying to be positive. There are enough cranky old people out there already...I don't want to be one of them if I can help it:noway:

    Viv: Good to hear from you and keep up the exercise...it helps my mood for sure. 10 minutes is better than nothing for sure!

    Laura: Congratulations on the 1.6 GONE! That's a great loss.

    Got to get back to my paperwork. I have been traveling too much and the paperwork is threatening to overtake my desk!!!!!:huh:
    Hate it but it must be done!!!:angry::angry:

    Have a good day, All!
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Off to Phoenix today for work conference, will start this tracking again when I Get back. They feed us well, so will have to be choosey and wise in my choices. Lots of water in between. Went to dinner the other nite with my friend and he said Hey have you lost weight :) Scale isn't moving and that helped me to get over the discouragement I have been feeling. So I will keep on track and try to keep up the exercise, I have to just do it, that new grandbaby will soon want Grammie on the floor to play and I need to get my butt off the floor at some point .
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Hello Dear Ladies!! I have been flying through life of late. Came here during a break to try to catch up and get inspired!! Both kids are playing sports and I am chasing my tail more than I like lately.

    Thank you for the reminder to get working on those muscles Kackie!! Getting my bands out and using them after I meet the bus.

    Wishing all a great week/weekend. Sorry I don't have time to post to everyone. Having a hard time balacing it all. The insulin resistant diet is getting easier to follow. I've come up with some set things to eat in combo that seem to be getting the job done. I just need to get myself moving more.

    Take care! -
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I am doing much better health wise, just battling tiredness and my body is sore??? If it is still sore Monday I will go back and see my doctor. I havent done anything to make it sore.
    I wake up each morning with the best intentions. I have a hundred reasons why I should lose weight. But often its only a few hours later but definetly by the end of the day its all gone out the window. I am eating uncontrollably. How do I stay on track? I actually forget all about why I want to eat well and get thin and healthy.
    Some of the reasons I want to be healthy and yes god dam it thin. I want to look as awesome on the outside which will make me more awesome on the inside. I want to be able to wear the lovely fashions. I want to have loads of energy. I want to feel fit and strong. I want to sit on a plane and put down the meal tray.
    Dates coming up that I could make as goal points.
    13th May Mothers day and walk the 8km mothers day classic. i did it last year and was hoping to run it this year. Now I just hope to walk it again.
    21st June my daughters 21st birthday. We had always dreamt of going to Las Vegas for her birthday, but now it will be a holiday probably in north queensland. Her choice she has a big audition in July and wants to stay focused on it.
    I have to stop making excuses and just do this. But its so hard.:sad: :sad: :sad:
    I am 102kgs thought i would like to get down to 75kg but would be happy with 80kg

    I go into the city today (1hr on the train) I work tonight. My daughter and I work together this evening and then I stay in with her to have some time together although she now works fridays, so i usually do her washing etc. I am already making excuses not to go walking now. But really i could get a later train. Its almost 9am do i have time for a walk, maybe a short one.

    Thanks for letting me ramble. Last year I was so intense with my exercise and eating, now its the exact opposite. I want to be intense again i know there is no middle road for me.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Kackie Thanks for all your suggestions :glasses: Im going to definitely going to try that!!! I will let you know how it goes :bigsmile:

    jelliefishjen hang in there girl! You have to pick a day and say to yourself "this the day I will start" and make that the day you start recording your food, taking that walk...making the time to exercise, even if its 10 minutes the first day, drinking your water...baby steps the first week. Were all here for you!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Hope everyone has a good evening...Turkey Burgers for dinner for us and then Survivor on TV...thats why I like Wednesdays! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: jb, remember "strategy is stronger than willpower" and it sounds like you have good strategies for eating when you go to see your family.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, exercise is addictive when you're doing things you like and when you internalize the health benefits and the fact that the more you exercise, the more you can eat without gaining weight.

    :flowerforyou: katiejarr, you got some great suggestions from Kackie.....your food and exercise diary aren't open so I can't see exactly what you're eating but it sounds healthy---are there any "empty calories" like cookies or wine mixed in with the healthy stuff? are you lifting heavier weights for fewer reps or lighter weights for more reps? and......never, never, never give up......sometimes the scale doesn't reflect changes that are going on.

    :flowerforyou: jaks, the new grandbaby sounds like great inspiration for keeping up your healthy eating and exercise.

    :flowerforyou: jellyfishjen, hang in there....tomorrow might be the day you make the decision to make a new start.....:bigsmile: When I started on MFP I was using something I had learned from my friends in Overeaters Anonymous and Food Addicts Anonymous....they make a plan for their whole day of eating in the morning and make a commitment to follow the plan no matter what......some of them call someone each day and read the food plan, others write it down. MFP is a perfect place because there are friends there all the time who would love to see your food plan for the day and the food diary is a perfect place to record the plan. By planning ahead, I didn't have to think about food all day like I did when I was spending the day deciding what to eat next. Some days I would sit at the computer watching the clock and playing solitaire waiting for the time for the next meal.

    :flowerforyou: After awhile on MFP I learned a lot about nutrition and calories and began to make better choices so I got better nutrition and had more food to eat and still stay within my calorie allowance.

    :flowerforyou: I found a great quote on someone else's post that I really liked and made it my own......."The reason most people fail rather than succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT." That helped me understand how much I used food for recreation and entertainment and reward and began seeking other ways to have fun.

    :flowerforyou: For a long time I went to MFP first thing in the morning while eating my breakfast to read the posts on the several threads I was part of. I got inspired by the encouragement of others. One day I got inspired by someone who talked about exercise first thing in the morning and that's when I began eating my breakfast while riding the exercise bike for 20 minutes. When the exercise bike broke, I missed my exercise so much that I decided to walk the dogs for 20 minutes and gradually made those walks longer.

    :flowerforyou: Today was my day to walk with my friend on the Olympic Discovery Trail.....we saw some things growing along the trail that look like small snakes.

    :bigsmile: I got a call today from the line dance teacher I substituted for last week. She needs to take off another week and asked me to fill in for her again.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it was sunny in the morning and drizzly in the afternoon. smiley-greet013.gif
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi all, I am doing well and staying within my calories. I certainly find MFP easier than W/W. I will get weighed on Sunday and see how this week went.
    Two weeks from tomorrow hubby and I will be in NY visiting our son. Can't wait. We will be there for 10 days. So much to see and do , so I will be to be getting lots of walking activity and stairs up and down the Subway.

    Have a good night all.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi Barbie!
    I just made my Dairy public so you can see what I eat, please look and let me know what you think :glasses:

    I lift free weights...I lift a 12 pound pole thing that I do waist twists for my belly and side bends for my hips, and I do 2 sets of 25 each, sometimes 3 sets if I have the energy... then 5 pounds when I do one in each hand and 10 pound when I hold it in 2 hands over my head...so I guess light weights and more reps...usually 3 sets of 20 reps each, of about 5-6 different kinds of arm stuff :blushing: :blushing: .
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I wrote food "dairy" instead of "diary" LOL!!!!!!! :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    And Barbie to answer your question no not really, I don't drink very much at all, occasionally at social events, and if I eat sweets its a sugar free or low cal Jello or 100 cal chocolate but its not every day and its pretty limited :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Katiejarr, I'm not an expert but I've read a lot about clean eating and staying away from processed foods as much as possible.so you could look at making some small adjustments in what you eat....also, you need a minimum number of nutrition dense calories so consider eating900-1100 calories of good food and depending on how much exercise you do, use the extra calories for desserts.

    :bigsmile: I recently read two books that recommend lifting heavier weights for fewer repetitions to burn calories and to boost your metabolism and to eat more on the days you lift weights.

    :flowerforyou: Walker, I've been to NYC and you are right. there is so much to see and do and lots of opportunities to walk.....have a great trip.