Green Team Week 3



  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    i did an hour on the wii active. i think i might die. thanks for the babysitting offer! unfortunately, it's drill weekend (hubs is in reserves) so he has to work all weekend. oh well.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Where are all my buddies today?????
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Im here!!:laugh: just suck in meeting all morning and headed for another one,:grumble: On top of that I got a deadline that is going to drive me crazy.:explode: There are some days I have to tell my self at least I got a job.:ohwell: Ok so there gonna be free lunch again, I never in a million years thought i say "I hope they bring salad", I am getting sick of Faijita's and they have so many calories.
    What new with everyone?
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    I'm here to just really busy and really stressed out. Totally fell into my old habits the last few days and am trying really hard to turn it around. I never realized how much bad food I ate when I was stressed. So here is my commitment to the Greenies that today is the day that I turn things around again. I guess I was overconfindant the last time I posted about how much control I had found so Today I am back to logging everything I consume.

    I had the hardest conversation with my best friend last night about the fact due to major finacial changes in the last couple of weeks that I am not going to be able to be Maid of Honor in her wedding in October. I just want to cry. I felt like such a horrible person and sat down with a lot of junk food afte that. I know that I have to look at what is financially best for my son and I. I know if the roles were reversed I would be able to forgive her and be her friend again. I am just afraid that I am going to lose her as a friend over this. Urrr Life sure does throw some curve balls at you.

    On a good note I will not be eating out for awhile as that is no longer in the budget. So hopefully I can continue to stocl the house with healthy foods and can continue to make the life change that I want. 2 people noticed the 19 lbs that I have lost and it was the greatest feeling ever and I just need to remeber how great that felt. My son and I will be walking tonight. Maybe a bike ride together who knows what this nice MN day will bring. OK thanks all for listening I guess reading my rant hope you all continue making the great progress that you are and keep up with the water, fruits and excercise.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey am,
    That exactualy me a couple of months ago. The main thing is that you realize what the issue are and try again. Now regarding your friend,I went thru the same thing with my sister. I really wanted her to be my maid of honor and she said no, It hurt but she had her reeasons. Yes it did take time for me to realize that her reasons were good but at the time I was very angry. So let your friend be angry,she will come around if she really wants to stay friends, it just may take awhile. And if you lose her in the end then maybe it was time for it to end.I just lost a friend again becausse I chose my daughter over her. Notice I said again, well 10 years ago she decided not to be freinds because I was nice to someone she wanted me to be mean too, she didn't talk to me for 5 years, Then we picked up where we left off and have been friends for the last 5 years, and we gone thru a divorced, death of her mother, birth of her granddaughter, i mean major stuff, and now once again same situation. So now I have decided it was time to let go, the sad part is she thinks she letting me go.Sometimes friends are ther only for a season, sometime a lifetime. God seems to know what we need when we need it. Because this jusst happen to me Saturday and now You went thru yours, it really helps to talk don't it
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    HAHA:laugh: Free launch was salad and pasta, ate a lots of salad, which I didn't eat the pasta but it smelled soooooooo good. But ate less then I would normally. Much better than yesterday
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey all, I had a hard day yesterday, I went to the hospital, I have HIVES thank god just on my arms right now, but I am the kind of person that gets them every year out of nowhere and have had them 2 years ago for 6 months straight from head to toe!!!!:grumble: So i am pretty freaked, and am trying to kick it in the butt. Although i am not allergic to anything, I get them. So needless to say I have meds to take! 3 out of 3 say "WILL CAUSE DROUSIENESS" And it is the the kind where you are knocked out for a few housr and wake up thinking "What day is it and where the hell am I?"
    So i am more then a bit under the weather, but i think I am just gonna start to double up on it at night and be awake during the day (Yesterday's sleepfest was so not cool, the kids trashed the house good thing they are older kids!!!):angry:
    Oh not to mention when I woke up i was so hungry that I ate 3 let me say it again3 pieces of cheese pizza!!!! WTH!?!?! 3 that is not typical me, but i was ina dead sleep for a while!
    I havn't done my squats and feel in the dumps (Meds do it to me) But i am trying to keep back on track today!:bigsmile:
    Thanks all for the support
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Jacque~ that is awesome that they finally had salad. Wish I had that. I had a peanut butter and Honey sandwich with honey that I bought at the farmers market and 1 serving of chex mix. I am really proud of my self. I bought my son some snacks for school and before digging in I measured out 1 serving and put in in Baggies. We now have about 70 snack bags of chex mix, honey bunnies and cheese it's. I sure feel good with that. This way I can grab a bag on the run and still stay in my calories.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all!!!!!!!!! I have been doing really well...since last we chatted...weight is starting to come down again, slowly......burned alot of cals yesterday and feeling a little wore down today, but need to do my workout here soon....

    HAVE MY APTITUDE TEST FOR BEAUTY SCHOOL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am nervous, have not done alot of algebra for 19 brush up test was not the greatest.....and my fractions sucked too. But luckily I only have to pass with a 60% to get into school....and I think I missed like 9 outa 100 questions. so I will pass no problems I think.........

    Wish me luck all, I will let ya know how it goes later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    HAHA:laugh: Free launch was salad and pasta, ate a lots of salad, which I didn't eat the pasta but it smelled soooooooo good. But ate less then I would normally. Much better than yesterday

    Great job!:flowerforyou:
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Hey all!!!!!!!!! I have been doing really well...since last we chatted...weight is starting to come down again, slowly......burned alot of cals yesterday and feeling a little wore down today, but need to do my workout here soon....

    HAVE MY APTITUDE TEST FOR BEAUTY SCHOOL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am nervous, have not done alot of algebra for 19 brush up test was not the greatest.....and my fractions sucked too. But luckily I only have to pass with a 60% to get into school....and I think I missed like 9 outa 100 questions. so I will pass no problems I think.........

    Wish me luck all, I will let ya know how it goes later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good Luck!:smile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good luck Sassie!! finger crossed!:heart:
    Well did much better today calories,fat, protein wise a little over carb but not bad other wise. Well got to do errands so I will do my squats later and check in
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all getting ready for bed, got my squats in, The knee didn't complain as much today but still felt it. Big day tomorrow, class for 31/2 hours, then my son;s promotion from junior high to high scholl. Then be running all night to help sis with her baby son high school graduation party for Friday. Then Saturday my great neice turn one. So three get together in a row. Thank God we weight in before the eating starts
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I'm here to just really busy and really stressed out. Totally fell into my old habits the last few days and am trying really hard to turn it around. I never realized how much bad food I ate when I was stressed. So here is my commitment to the Greenies that today is the day that I turn things around again. I guess I was overconfindant the last time I posted about how much control I had found so Today I am back to logging everything I consume.

    I had the hardest conversation with my best friend last night about the fact due to major finacial changes in the last couple of weeks that I am not going to be able to be Maid of Honor in her wedding in October. I just want to cry. I felt like such a horrible person and sat down with a lot of junk food afte that. I know that I have to look at what is financially best for my son and I. I know if the roles were reversed I would be able to forgive her and be her friend again. I am just afraid that I am going to lose her as a friend over this. Urrr Life sure does throw some curve balls at you.

    On a good note I will not be eating out for awhile as that is no longer in the budget. So hopefully I can continue to stocl the house with healthy foods and can continue to make the life change that I want. 2 people noticed the 19 lbs that I have lost and it was the greatest feeling ever and I just need to remeber how great that felt. My son and I will be walking tonight. Maybe a bike ride together who knows what this nice MN day will bring. OK thanks all for listening I guess reading my rant hope you all continue making the great progress that you are and keep up with the water, fruits and excercise.

    I went through something similar but it was due to a failing marriage on my part, I made it to the wedding and was able to stand up for that but she got preggo shortly thereafter (I have no siblings so my college roommate was like a sis to me) and due to my issues, I was not there for her during a rough pregnancy....we live in diff states but she was upset with me. We are now back on track with each other and so happy to be so, have kinda let the past be the past and she has admitted that she put alot of expecctane on me albiet I was going through rough times.....all will work out missy, keep your head up and do what you can, at the end of the day no one will expect more!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    HAHA:laugh: Free launch was salad and pasta, ate a lots of salad, which I didn't eat the pasta but it smelled soooooooo good. But ate less then I would normally. Much better than yesterday

    Good for you, you little rabbit that you are! Every time you say free lunch, it takes me back to when I was growin up in VA w/my grandma and we were on foodstamps since she was on a fixed income..........I was sooo embarassed about having a lunch ticket for free lunch that I'd go through last so no one would see. Working from home, I don't get even the weekly, annual (aka Christmas) or anything free as I did in the same position at my last job - who knew I'd think free lunch now is HOT! :laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    HAHA:laugh: Free launch was salad and pasta, ate a lots of salad, which I didn't eat the pasta but it smelled soooooooo good. But ate less then I would normally. Much better than yesterday

    Good for you, you little rabbit that you are! Every time you say free lunch, it takes me back to when I was growin up in VA w/my grandma and we were on foodstamps since she was on a fixed income..........I was sooo embarassed about having a lunch ticket for free lunch that I'd go through last so no one would see. Working from home, I don't get even the weekly, annual (aka Christmas) or anything free as I did in the same position at my last job - who knew I'd think free lunch now is HOT! :laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey all, I had a hard day yesterday, I went to the hospital, I have HIVES thank god just on my arms right now, but I am the kind of person that gets them every year out of nowhere and have had them 2 years ago for 6 months straight from head to toe!!!!:grumble: So i am pretty freaked, and am trying to kick it in the butt. Although i am not allergic to anything, I get them. So needless to say I have meds to take! 3 out of 3 say "WILL CAUSE DROUSIENESS" And it is the the kind where you are knocked out for a few housr and wake up thinking "What day is it and where the hell am I?"
    So i am more then a bit under the weather, but i think I am just gonna start to double up on it at night and be awake during the day (Yesterday's sleepfest was so not cool, the kids trashed the house good thing they are older kids!!!):angry:
    Oh not to mention when I woke up i was so hungry that I ate 3 let me say it again3 pieces of cheese pizza!!!! WTH!?!?! 3 that is not typical me, but i was ina dead sleep for a while!
    I havn't done my squats and feel in the dumps (Meds do it to me) But i am trying to keep back on track today!:bigsmile:
    Thanks all for the support

    Girl, don't sweat the pizza thing, you probably would've normally been grazing all day if not shacked up in bed on the might even lose something as a result of calorie zagging. Yep, I too am sensitive to the meds, but I have an addictive personality so I try to stay away from anything I might like too much like painkillers..............along with you benadryl puts me out and I wake up somewhat nostalgic and sometimes depressed if I take it for allergies. When I had dry socket on one of my wisdom teeth extractions, I got some good pills - girl, I cleaned the house, was happy chatty cathy - had a beer - all was good - I dooo understand why one would get addicted - they made me feel like a different person. You've been under the weather so dont'put too much pressure on yourself, stress can sometimes make the body hold onto weight (or so I've read - no expert here but can see it happens to me!). :flowerforyou:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey all!!!!!!!!! I have been doing really well...since last we chatted...weight is starting to come down again, slowly......burned alot of cals yesterday and feeling a little wore down today, but need to do my workout here soon....

    HAVE MY APTITUDE TEST FOR BEAUTY SCHOOL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am nervous, have not done alot of algebra for 19 brush up test was not the greatest.....and my fractions sucked too. But luckily I only have to pass with a 60% to get into school....and I think I missed like 9 outa 100 questions. so I will pass no problems I think.........

    Wish me luck all, I will let ya know how it goes later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sass - you made me laugh out loud - no, not laughing at you but a commiseration of when I went back to school for my BA after 9/11 out of fear of being downsized and having nothing other than experience. My bf as you might remember is a plumber, big on math, I had to start again with elementary math cause I was afraid to attempt to test out - my fractions were WACK :laugh: but I am happy that I started all over again cause if you don't use it, you can often lose it. I can remember the words to any Skid Row song but not a friggin fraction.............:bigsmile: You'll be fine, so happy to see you doing well, Raffy is still not workin hopefully soon..................going on our vacation in 15 days to Cuaracao..........yayyy! f-it, hopefully his retirement will take care of us...:tongue:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    On my way to class. I'll check in with you later
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Oh that class was soooooooooo painful. I am so glad thats over. Ok Well hopefully, freee lunch is not too fating since we weight in tomorrow. I will start A week 4 tread late tonight.
    azwildcatfan you up for the new challeng. Lets us know what we should aim for.
    Talk to ya later