i can't believe i'm writing this ... ppl w/ tattoos



  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    One thing I will say about tattoos that drive me crazy, are almost all the tattoos my sister has. She has 4 tattoos, and they all look terrible because she got them from "this guy my friend knows who does them at his house, he gave me a really good deal." Just a word of advice, tattoos aren't one of those things you can get by with going cheap on! It's on your body for life, why wouldn't you go to a reputable artist, regardless of the price???
  • WorkoutMaine
    One thing I will say about tattoos that drive me crazy, are almost all the tattoos my sister has. She has 4 tattoos, and they all look terrible because she got them from "this guy my friend knows who does them at his house, he gave me a really good deal." Just a word of advice, tattoos aren't one of those things you can get by with going cheap on! It's on your body for life, why wouldn't you go to a reputable artist, regardless of the price???
    My second Tattoo was done at almost 11pm and I found the only place open that late and the guy who tatted me was high as a kite and he frigged it all up. He kept saying "You're like trying to tattoo an armadillo" no other artist has ever had a problem tatting me. I now make sure I know the artist and know someone who has gotten tatts from them.
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I have drawn all of mine and they are some sort of whacked therapy for me. (16)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Mine is a jester head on my right arm by the shoulder, so yes it means something to me \m/
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have two, neither mean anything special, I just happen to like them. Plus, they're symbols of my middle age rebellion :devil:

    My advice to people getting tattoos is not to make sure they mean something, but to make sure the tattoo is something you can live with for a very long time.
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 260 Member
    Nope! Only 3 of my 9 mean something and 2 of those 3 go together. lol
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    Nope! Just 2 of them. The rest I got because I liked them.. or they looked cool on the picture.
  • kimi72
    kimi72 Posts: 17
    I have 8 tats... I love them all... some have meaning some do not. I have a spider web with a black widow that says "Beautiful but Deadly" on my right shoulder blade. It actually was a joke tat! I have been married 3 times and my friends call me the Black widow... ( No I haven't actually killed any of my ex spouses but by the time I got done they wished they were dead)! I also have B.A.I.B on my right ankle... Stands for Bad A** indian Bi*ch... Joke between my cousins and I. I think tats should show your personality at least mine do... Been thinking about getting the loch ness monster as a tramp stamp... Hey I like Paul Blart The Mall Cop... But I will probably hold off on that one lol!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I agree with you. What I find funny is that half the people that say their tattoos have to "mean something" to them usually have something cliche and overdone (in my opinion at least).
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    Currently, my tattoo is a plain outline of a star and to me it symbolizes being excited about turning 18 and not wanting to wait to get ink. Yeah, I like(d) it, but NOW I want it to mean something other than "rebellion"
    I'm going to fill it in with (cursive) words of the things I want in my life: Love, Happiness, Peace, Positivity, Dreams.
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    Everyone has a different opinion....Personally I have not.....and will not get a tattoo for the following three reasons....

    #1 - It's not going to look very good when you are 60
    #2 - It's really hard to tell your kids not to get them when you have them
    #3 - Unless they are in very inconspicuous places they can definitely affect your professional career.

    That said I have a friend who completed a triathalon and got the triathalon symbol tattooed on himself.....because this was a major accomplishment in his life.....I thought this was awesome and completely get why he would do it.
    Why would you tell your kids not to get them?

    Good question. I just got my first one last Sunday and I used my son's tattoo artist. I'm already thinking about my second one. Oh, and I'm 55! You're never too old.
  • heavensshadow
    heavensshadow Posts: 264 Member
    I have a tattoo of a zombied-out my little pony.
    'Nuff said, I think. :happy:
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Mine is a jester head on my right arm by the shoulder, so yes it means something to me \m/
    That restraining order is still in effect you know.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I don't have one yet but when I get to a certain goal it's my reward. As for meaning, I just want something girly and feminine. If I could make it sparkly I would! Other than that, no meaning. Most of my jewelry doesn't have any meaning either, it's just purty. :)
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I don't have one yet but when I get to a certain goal it's my reward. As for meaning, I just want something girly and feminine. If I could make it sparkly I would! Other than that, no meaning. Most of my jewelry doesn't have any meaning either, it's just purty. :)

    LMAO^^^^^^^^ Awesome!
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    Most of mine don't. lol A couple do. When I got my ship done on my foot this guy in the tattoo shop asked me what does a ship mean? I'm like nothing I just wanted a ship! Damn! LOL Honestly. It annoys the **** out of me when people think they need a meaning for every single tattoo.

    AND it's even more annoying when the person saying things like that has nothing but ****ty tattoos.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    I have tattoos. both arms full sleeved. Among others.

    I always end up reading tattoo threads (and stupidly piss myself off) and I always end up reading how people always advice to "get something that MEANS something".


    Sure, if it means something, awesome. You had something meaningful you wanted immortalize on your skin. Great. But why does it HAVE to? Can't *kitten* just be pretty? (or ugly, or scary, or whatever?) Some of mine do, most of mine, well, I just thought was cool.

    When I was getting fitted for a pair of running shoes a couple weeks ago, this was the conversation:
    Him: "So why sleeves? What do they MEAN?"
    Me: "Why do you have a justin beiber haircut?"
    Him: "Point taken."

    okay, that conversation didn't illustrate my point or question at all, I just found it funny. My real question is ... those WITH tattoos - does all of your ink MEAN something?

    If you didn't want the attention tattoos bring then you should not have gotten SLEEVES. You owe that guy an apology.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    Everyone has a different opinion....Personally I have not.....and will not get a tattoo for the following three reasons....

    #1 - It's not going to look very good when you are 60
    #2 - It's really hard to tell your kids not to get them when you have them
    #3 - Unless they are in very inconspicuous places they can definitely affect your professional career.

    #1 - why not? i think "old" ppl with ink look rad.
    #2 - again, why not? i obviously like tattoos, i certainly won't mind if my kids get them. They'd be adults anyway.
    #3 - I'm sleeved. And I have a very professional career. So yeah, unless you are talking face tattoos ...

    but i guess those are great reasons. (for you)
  • HJCsDaddy
    HJCsDaddy Posts: 419 Member
    It always cracks me up when people say "it will look horrible when you're old". There are no guarantees in life, you don't know when your time is going to be up. When I am old, I will worry about what life brings when I am old. For now, I am going to enjoy the present and enjoy my tats now. Knowing me, I will still be getting them when/if I get old. So my take on the "old" arguement, enjoy the present and don't worry about the future, as it may never come.
  • eternitywaitsloss
    I have one tattoo, but I really would like to get more after I lose weight (and get the first one I have fixed up after I lose weight too!). The tattoo was actually a gift from my cousin, who has all kinds of tattoos that mean loads to her. Me? I like mine. I just liked the symbol. I TELL people that it means something to me, just because it seems like just saying "I liked it" isn't good enough for them. The tattoos that I plan on getting in the future mean something to me personally, and that's fine for me. But I don't think that having a meaning behind them is important. If you like them, that's good enough.
    My boyfriend's tattoo, the only one he has, also doesn't mean anything. It was just a demonic circle that he liked and decided to get tattooed.

    As for those who post about not getting tattoos for reasons numerous, my opinion is this:
    If you don't like them, you don't have to get them. But you shouldn't judge someone who has tattoos. Tattoos aren't drugs, or alcohol, or abusive. For some people they're simply a way of venting - whether what they're venting is creativity, or frustration. I don't think that tattoos are, in any way, detrimental to any profession. Tattoos do not inhibit a person's ability to do their job. Just because you don't like the way they look, doesn't mean that they're bad at what they do.
    I think it's just silly to judge someone based on ink.