How long do you wait before you log a loss???!!!



  • cb83580
    cb83580 Posts: 136 Member
    If I'm hovering over a number I'd like to log, I wait until I'm there for a few days before logging it. Once I'm below that number slightly, I'll log it.
  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    I log once a week, whether up or down with one exception: I NEVER log in PMS week....too depressing!!

    I agree!!!
  • shcap
    shcap Posts: 6 Member
    Rght away...I don't waste a second
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    I log every day, gain or loss.
  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    I usually log it on the second day that the number appears. My weight tends to yo yo a few pounds so I always want to make sure it stays around for a few days.

    Of course I never log those little gains. Just the losses.
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    I put my daily weight on a calendar at my desk and log it in MFP is I've maintained the loss for 3 days. I bounce around a lot so I want to make sure it's real before I log it.

    Funnily enough I've blogged today on this about 2 hours ago... "Now you see it .... now you don't" as I seem to bounce around a lot, weighing daily at the same time first thing in the morning, I can be even 2 pounds more than the previous day. I don't record my daily weight, but do try to see the new 'low' weight 2 mornings running. But it is disappointing when you go up after a landmark low.

    I like the idea of Weigh in Wednesday, as weekends are times when I have that little bit extra, and need a day or two to get back on track. But I know I am not going to stop every day weighing!

    I still think your body measurements are the surest guide to your change of image, and those I try and do once a week - even when I seem to be on a weight plateau, those 1/2 " still seem to be coming off.

    And don't forget all the NSV's - the rings that come off easily now, the buttons that don't stretch widely any more.... and all the compliments of your friends and colleagues!
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    EXACTLY!!! Since many of us have "2 steps forward, one step back" syndrome (very common with the loss of those last 10 pounds) i don't want to be having to explain this all the time. I will only log if my weight dropd below my last log entry.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I log every day, gain or loss.

    Thus is me.
    And my graph looks like the Himalayas!
  • mamakayy
    mamakayy Posts: 36
    I use an app on my ipod touch called true weight, it keeps a weighted average on my daily weigh ins, smooths out the ups and downs, and on saturday morning, I log my "true" weighT. I never log my daily weight here. Usually my "true" weight is a pound or two behind, but that's ok because that just means if I go up one pound one day, it gets smoothed into the line and my "weight" doesn't really go up.
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    i log when i've lost a couple of lbs! haven't done so lately, cause i've been lazy :(
  • nattief83
    nattief83 Posts: 35
    Every monday morning, about 7am totally starkas having been toilet i jump on the scales, i take whatever weight it is, i then chuck my pjs back on and then come downstairs and log. I might jump on scales everyday after but i only log once a week or my graph would go up n down every day and would be a nightmare.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    <--- I weigh daily on maintenance because I find it fascinating!

    When losing I weighed daily but logged weekly. Thanks to MFP's calories being WAY too low for me, I always had a loss to log.

    I like having my chart as my profile pic because it shows that even maintenance isn't uniform. I have a rule now that I stick at anything I'm trying out for 1 of my body's cycles, so as to better interpret any changes.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    EXACTLY!!! Since many of us have "2 steps forward, one step back" syndrome (very common with the loss of those last 10 pounds) i don't want to be having to explain this all the time. I will only log if my weight dropd below my last log entry.

    Yeah. I'd log a gain if it stuck there for a week. Haven't had to yet though.
  • ReneeElizabeth26
    I weigh once a week, and whatever it is, it is, so I log it.

    I used to log losses instantly but I am now going to a weekly weigh in, on Wednesdays like someone else suggested in another thread. Far enough from the weekend to make sure any salt weight is gone but will be sure to keep me on track during the week. So today I weighed myself but I'm not putting any weight into MFP until tomorrow. And whatever it says, I will log. :embarassed:

    I weigh in on Wednesday too!! Tomorrow is my second weigh in...2 weeks of p90x..Good luck to you tomorrow!~!~
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I log everything, gains and losses. It helps me understand my body better.
  • Sasanna
    Sasanna Posts: 55 Member
    Only log once a week. Any more than that is overkill :) if my friend logs it daily and it drives me nuts!
    I log once a week- even if it a gain
  • miltonp50
    miltonp50 Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh every morning as well, but only log on Weds - no matter the results.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I weigh myself every day but only "count" the Saturday weigh in. If I had a week where I was up that day I am not sure if I would log that or just wait until it went back down again. Probably wait. :)
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I weigh once a week and only log losses. Lately I haven't been logging much cause I upped my cals to 1500.