Annoyed at unsolicited advice?



  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice? Especially when they are are in worse shape than you? I don't like the judgmental tone it sometimes comes with.
    I admit, I do a little. I just smile and bite my tongue.

    Yes! And when they are in worse shape than you is annoying, but I have a friend who was born skinny, will always be skinny, and can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight and when she tries to give me eating tips it's excrutiating.

    My sister is like this! Eats whatever and is skinny, but.... she may be skinny and I may be overweight, but in the end, I am healthier in certain areas (ie, cholestoral, buidling muscle, endurance and so forth). I am overweight so that means people like me have no reason to give advice? or am I reading into it too much?
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Lol oh my
    They should try to 400 calorie diet. It's much more fashionable.

    I think the most fashionable diet is to say you're on a 1200 calorie diet... but not count everything you eat...
    then complain about your metabolism.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice? Especially when they are are in worse shape than you? I don't like the judgmental tone it sometimes comes with.
    I admit, I do a little. I just smile and bite my tongue.

    Yes! And when they are in worse shape than you is annoying, but I have a friend who was born skinny, will always be skinny, and can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight and when she tries to give me eating tips it's excrutiating.

    My sister is like this! Eats whatever and is skinny, but.... she may be skinny and I may be overweight, but in the end, I am healthier in certain areas (ie, cholestoral, buidling muscle, endurance and so forth). I am overweight so that means people like me have no reason to give advice? or am I reading into it too much?

    Unless you've actually seen your sister's cholesteral numbers, you're making assumptions about her health here, too. Coming from one of those skinny-and-can-eat-anything perspectives, it's a lot easier to just let people think I'm "lucky" than to explain to them that all of their dieting has probably killed their metabolism. People that are working hard to lose weight don't like to hear that. (This is one of the reasons I tend to withhold advice from people, but will explain it if asked). If you look at my food diary, I eat a lot of fat and cholesteral, but having had my cholesteral tested a few times I can tell you my numbers are about perfect. Endurance, blood pressure, muscle tone, all doing fine.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    yes, i felt like i was doing fine, until all i begin hearing that i need to lift more weights and less reps, and then someone else tells me less weight with more reps or i will bulk up.... and that the leaner i am the more calories i will burn, when others tell me that you burn more calories when you are are larger and have more to lose. and that i need to eat all my exercise calories, or not to eat any, or to only eat half. it makes me want to stop participating in these boards honestly.

    you obviously need to eat more bananas. start with three a day then add one.

    and then, when you are finally eating enough of them.
    when you poo
    and look at it.
    you can sing.
    this S**t is bananas.. b-a-n-a-n-a-s.

    you and I are probably the only people here that know that song. lol.
    Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing :laugh:
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    yes, i felt like i was doing fine, until all i begin hearing that i need to lift more weights and less reps, and then someone else tells me less weight with more reps or i will bulk up.... and that the leaner i am the more calories i will burn, when others tell me that you burn more calories when you are are larger and have more to lose. and that i need to eat all my exercise calories, or not to eat any, or to only eat half. it makes me want to stop participating in these boards honestly.

    you obviously need to eat more bananas. start with three a day then add one.

    and then, when you are finally eating enough of them.
    when you poo
    and look at it.
    you can sing.
    this S**t is bananas.. b-a-n-a-n-a-s.

    you and I are probably the only people here that know that song. lol.
    Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing :laugh:

    Well, just for the record, I aint no hollaback girl.
  • vidoardes
    vidoardes Posts: 70 Member
    I learned a long time ago that when I choose to share something with someone, I try to keep it in the "I". "I have tried this..."; "I don't do this beccause..."; "I have been successful at ...". People are less offended if they don't feel like you are "telling them what to do". I try to keep the conversation light unless they say something specific to or about me and it is wrong.... then I correct them. I just try to do it in a polite and courteous way. However, having said that, sometimes it is best just to nod your head and walk away.

    ^^ This is how to give advice.

    What annoys me more than unsolicited advice is people who have lost weight, and instantly assume the way they did it will work for every single person on the planet. I have no problem with advice, but when people say "your doing it wrong, do it this way or your thick!" it really gets my back up because it is dished out as if it is the gospel truth. Especially with something like weight loss, which is based on SO many variables (nutrition, weight, height, build, metabolism, genetics, time, money, support... the list goes on) there is no 'one-fits-all' solution.

    I have noticed the worst for this are people who are newly thin.