What's the deal with rice hating?



  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Yep its mostly a lot of bad information that keeps getting regurgitated by those who dont look anything up for themselves. If you are so low on nutrients that you need to get them from the rice you eat please eat some fricken veggies. White rice is not "bad" and is not a simple sugar. There is an increase in insulin but it is not a SPIKE that will cause some kind of coma afterwards. A healthy person probably wont even notice a difference between white rice and other kinds of carbs.

    I eat both brown and white and like them both in different dishes.

    Will cheat for sushi. : )
  • jaqiswany
    jaqiswany Posts: 76
    Like really? Why do so many people default to hating on rice, saying how bad it is for you? Of course whole grain brown rice (not the processed poo) is much better for you than white rice, but that doesn't mean white rice is evil. I eat it almost every day; Sometimes I eat it twice a day. I think it all comes down to portion size and the food you are eating with said rice. I would never give it up.

    What say you MFP? Are you a rice hater?

    I like both brown and white rice but for me it makes me hold water so i only ever have it occasionally and never before a weigh in day , ive learned the hard way lol
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    awww. i came in because i was expecting to see a funny rice related 'haterz gone hate' image :frown:
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Besides ninjas eat rice. Nuff said.
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    Besides ninjas eat rice. Nuff said.

    ha ha ha
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Fit it in your macros and move on.

    I have been reading some stuff lately that suggests the "brown is better" mantra we've been eating up for the last couple decades may be substantially overblown.

    The following is from Alan Aragon.

    White rice actually has an equal or better nutritional yield & also has a better nitrogen-retentive effect than brown rice. This is because the fiber & phytate content of brown rice act as antinutrients, reducing the bioavailability of the micronutrients it contains. Since no one is reading the fricking link, I'll just lay things out here:

    Comparison of the nutritional value between brown rice and white rice

    Callegaro Mda D, Tirapegui J. Arq Gastroenterol. 1996 Oct-Dec;33(4):225-31.

    Cereals are considered an important source of nutrients both in human and animal nourishment. In this paper nutritional value of brown rice is compared to that of white rice in relation to nutrients. Results show that despite higher nutrients contents of brown rice compared to white rice, experimental data does not provide evidence that the brown rice diet is better than the diet based on white rice. Possible antinutritional factors present in brown rice have adverse effects on bioavailability of this cereal nutrients.


    Effects of brown rice on apparent digestibility and balance of nutrients in young men on low protein diets

    J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 1987 Jun;33(3):207-18. .Miyoshi H, Okuda T, Okuda K, Koishi H.

    The effect of brown rice with low protein intake was studied in five healthy young men. Feces were weighed, the digestibility of nutrients was determined, and blood tests were made. Each subject followed a diet consisting mainly of polished rice for 14 days and one consisting mainly of brown rice for 8 days. Both diets contained 0.5 g protein per kg of body weight. The brown rice diet had 3 times as much dietary fiber as the polished rice diet. On the brown rice diet, fecal weight increased, and apparent digestibility of energy, protein, and fat decreased, as did the absorption rates of Na, K, and P. The nitrogen balance was negative on both diets, but more negative on the brown rice diet. The phosphorus balance on the brown rice diet was significantly negative, but other minerals were not affected by the diet. The levels of cholesterol and minerals in the plasma were not significantly different on the polished rice diet and the brown rice diet. Comparing these results with data on standard protein intake (Miyoshi, H. et al (1986) J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol., 32, 581-589.), we concluded that brown rice reduced protein digestibility and nitrogen balance.


    I'm having trouble navigating that site. I see the abstract, but I don't see the article.
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Love rice, we eat it at least 4/5 times a week, keep saying it one can eat everything in moderation and move ones butt to get the right balance. For me seriously no food is off limits, this is lifestyle change, so are some of you saying that you'll never touch certain food groups for the reminder of your life?
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I love rice! I don't really like the taste of white rice- like wheat, I just prefer the toasty nutty flavor of whole. Unless it's all sugary, like brioche.. except in the case of rice, I totally dig white rice as a breakfast cereal. Mm-mm-mm, with raisins and honey and milk. Mm-mm-mm.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Brown rice, oatmeal, and all-natural corn tortillas are the only grains still consistently in my diet (every once in awhile, I eat baked goods, too). I eat one or all of them almost every day. I'm probably fitter and healthier than I have ever been, right now. Honestly, even if my health has nothing to do with those foods, I would probably starve to death without them. Eating healthy isn't really that cheap, not when you have $150 a week to live on (and that's for everything, not just food). So, basically, if you want or need it to be a part of your diet and you feel good eating it, just ignore the haters and enjoy.
  • Mongoose7
    Mongoose7 Posts: 52
    I love rice, I like all the different flavours, might have some today. Id never give it up
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    i am asian... can't hate rice. :P
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    This is the first I've heard about rice being bad for you (probably because I don't read stories about 'bad food' or I'd never eat anything!) I have a 'normal' diet, I'm not overly concerned with the latest health fad / scare. I find it all a bit too much when what I'd previously considered a healthy food is being slammed as 'bad for you'.

    I eat white basmati rice a couple of times a week, a 50g dry weight portion with my chilli and dry roast potato chips. Huge, filling meal for not much calories. Good enough for me :bigsmile:
  • NKolhar
    NKolhar Posts: 96 Member
    NO way giving up Rice ever !!! Like veganPanda said Asians are nt the most Obese :D
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    White rice actually has an equal or better nutritional yield & also has a better nitrogen-retentive effect than brown rice. This is because the fiber & phytate content of brown rice act as antinutrients, reducing the bioavailability of the micronutrients it contains.
    Thank you for posting those links. Too often we get "information" on here without any source.

    Without an analysis of the research as a whole, I won't say that this proves that white rice is effectively as healthy as brown rice, as those two studies cannot be regarded as conclusive, but they are certainly strongly suggestive.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    White rice is GOOD there's nothing wrong with it
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    For cutting I try to avoid potatos - when I looked into it it was to do with the GI and they are fast burn carbs

    I think rice falls into same - good carbs - but very potao like in terms of burn
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    Besides ninjas eat rice. Nuff said.

    ^This. :laugh:

    White rice is the bomb!
    ..I eat it with a fork to stop me wolfing it down after a workout! :smile:
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Bruce Lee ate rice, or so my son tells me, and he was the fittest man ever.
    The key work is fit…, Bruce Lee worked out. He didn’t just eat rice & was done with it.

    Yes I'm aware of that - us in here we're working out as well to try and burn the calories and we can (if we choose to) learn from what he did and what he ate. His diet consisted mainly of rice for his two main meals with veg, small amount of meat mostly chicken or fish, protein drinks, eggs, wholegrains and he never ate refined flour.
  • dngortegae
    dngortegae Posts: 27 Member
    I love rice and when I was younger lived in Asia for a few years. I could (and would love to) eat it every day. YEAH RICE! :heart:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    There's nothing BAD about eating white rice, white bread, normal pasta... as long as you don't overeat.

    I love rice and use it more than potatoes or pasta. I also use Tilda microwave rice as I can't cook rice without it turning into wallpaper paste. It's so handy and portion-controlled.

    The only BAD foods are the ones you eat in excess. Even eating 3000 Calories worth of fruit & veggies day in day out will almost certainly make you FAT just as much as eating 3000 Calories worth of curry & rice, pizza and lasagne.