Why do women wear makeup?



  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I waited tables for 13 years. Days I didn't wear make-up, my tips were always SEVERELY effected. Take that as you will. I have no reason to explain it, and when I bring it up people either refuse to believe it, or come up with random theories.

    Some days I'd wake up and not have time or just not be in the mood to paint my face, and I paid for it,, often in tens or hundreds less than I usually make in a day.

    It's not a confidence thing. I behave the same in make-up, out of make-up, whatever my hair is doing, whatever I'm wearing. It has everything to do with first impressions and how other people percieve you. Apparently, if i don't wear make-up, I look like someone who either doesn't need or doesn't deserve the same tip you would give someone who had eyeliner on.


    Tips were better if I bleached my hair or wore a blonde wig. Hair style or length didn't make a difference, but color made a huge difference. Tips aren't different from brunette to red, but blonde = CASH MONEY.

    Tan level didn't make a difference either. Nor did eye color.

    Yeah, I had lots of time to experiment on appearance vs tips in 13 years.

    Wow. Pretty interesting observations. I've never been in the customer direct service industry and wouldn't even have guessed the differences you experienced.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    For me its to look presentable, awake, alive, and like you took the time out to care for yourself and not just roll out of bed. Wearing makeup going out is the same thing as why we put on propper clothing to go to work and certain occasions. You dont have to wear a suit working in an office but you should. Just like we do our hair. We dont have to but we should to look presentable and well groomed

    Without makeup:


    With makeup:


    You are just lovelly looking with and without make up. It is a wonderful gift!
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    I waited tables for 13 years. Days I didn't wear make-up, my tips were always SEVERELY effected. Take that as you will. I have no reason to explain it, and when I bring it up people either refuse to believe it, or come up with random theories.

    Some days I'd wake up and not have time or just not be in the mood to paint my face, and I paid for it,, often in tens or hundreds less than I usually make in a day.

    It's not a confidence thing. I behave the same in make-up, out of make-up, whatever my hair is doing, whatever I'm wearing. It has everything to do with first impressions and how other people percieve you. Apparently, if i don't wear make-up, I look like someone who either doesn't need or doesn't deserve the same tip you would give someone who had eyeliner on.


    Tips were better if I bleached my hair or wore a blonde wig. Hair style or length didn't make a difference, but color made a huge difference. Tips aren't different from brunette to red, but blonde = CASH MONEY.

    Tan level didn't make a difference either. Nor did eye color.

    Yeah, I had lots of time to experiment on appearance vs tips in 13 years.

    Wow. Pretty interesting observations. I've never been in the customer direct service industry and wouldn't even have guessed the differences you experienced.

    I can vouch! I was a bartender at a few restaurants and at a few clubs down here and tips were always better when I was rocking the make-up! Didn't have a problem with the hair color though as I always made more than my blonde counterparts. At the clubs I worked though, you had to dress up and do the whole make-up and hair dance. My boss would even check to see if we had fake eyelashes on. :laugh: Great money, but not enough patience to continue working there!
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    I love the idea of having a perfectly natural and makeup free face. But unfortunately, my skin is not so good. I have terrible breakouts a lot, so if I don't put on foundation I feel incredibly insecure. If I could change one thing about myself, it'd be my skin, for sure. These pictures are from when my skin was at its best, but now, not so much. It is getting better though. :x But meep.

    No makeup! (If I looked like this EVERY day without makeup...I wouldn't wear makeup. But that is so rare. xD)


    With makeup!


    ...So yeah. In a perfect world, I think we'd all wanna just wake up, put clothes on and head out the door and look smashing, but that's not the case. On the other hand, I DO like makeup, and it makes me feel pretty (prettier!), so I see no harm in it! :D
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I wear make up for me. I feel confident in it. I feel pretty and a little more powerful. It is the outside me. I have decent skin tone and red lips any way but the eye make up makes me feel good. Also I am as white as can be and a little bronzer makes me appear less translucent :)
  • rosiekorzie
    rosiekorzie Posts: 6 Member
    no make-up


    a little make-up


    more make-up




    that was brilliant :D
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    You are super cute without makeup! I think you would look old with makeup.
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    I dont really wear any, a little lip gloss. If I wanna look sexy and complete my look some eyeliner and lipstick. I live in GA, so by the time you put on your make up and walk to your car it looks like one big water color.
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    Some stunners on here, I shave my head does that count ?
  • Serenity64
    They only makeup pictures I have are from over 20 years ago, because that's the last time I even owned any makeup. I used to love mascara, but I've such bad allergies now that I'm constantly rubbing my eyes and it looks worse with raccoon eyes than without. That said, I do tint my eye lashes every couple of months, because they are fairly blonde on the ends without anything.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Fresh faced:


    A little effort:


    Break out the reds:


    Third Tuesday of the month:

  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member

    Third Tuesday of the month:


  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Naked Faced:

  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I don't get hit on either way, but here ya go:

    Before makeup:

    After makeup:

    I wear makeup because I feel more comfortable and confident in it, although most days it's just some mascara.

    Maybe it's just me, because if I wear makeup it's powder to conceal a blemish, but I think you look younger in pic 1.
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you:blushing:
  • mayaaxibal
    . Less is more.

    I only wear make-up base on my mood but I prefer au natural. Either way, I feel and look confident (don't really care if I get hit on or not and I certainly don't really care what other people think).
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I CBA to read everything, but I almost aways wear mascara, but never any other makeup. It doesn't suit me. Sometimes I get hit on, mostly not. I generally get chatted up by people I already know. Rarely by random strangers.
  • mayaaxibal
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I loathe makeup, even though I think it looks very pretty on other women. I'm always barefaced except for, like, weddings and stuff. Sometimes I'll put on eyebrow pencil and smear on some faint eye shadow, but that's about it.

    Part of it is that I do get more attention when I'm wearing makeup (as is usual for most, I'd think), and I don't like that at all.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Because I like it.

    And also because I know that if I don't wear it, I will inevitably run into my ex-boyfriend at the supermarket.