Why do guys stare at women lifters?



  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I have recently started lifting as part of a strength training programme and I am aware that when I am on my own, a lot of the guys in the weights area of the gym are checking out what I am doing. I have had this in more than one gym, but I don't get this when I am working out with my (male) PT. I have not been hastled by any of the guys in the weights area, but the staring does make me uncomfortable and has made me shy away from lifting in the past. I am no stunner and not lifting heavy, so I don't understand the staring.

    I did not post this as an opportunity to bash male lifters, I would just like to understand why they do it.

    Personally I think it's awesome to see a women get away from doing 2 hours of cardio and a couple weight machines and actually do some real weight lifting. Today there was this very attractive woman doing push presses and it was one of the hottest things I've ever seen. :)
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    I feel like its a little cocky of all of you who assume its something sexual. Every time I lift you will see guys watching each other too. You will see people with logs writing down exercises they didn't know about, getting up to help spot someone who needs it, and helping the obvious new guy who needs help with form. So just get over yourself and realize we are there to improve ourselves and our gym community, not hook up with conceited children.

    LOL..also, sometimes I'm just continually checking to see if you're done with the barbell/free weight/bench that I need.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    I feel like its a little cocky of all of you who assume its something sexual. Every time I lift you will see guys watching each other too. You will see people with logs writing down exercises they didn't know about, getting up to help spot someone who needs it, and helping the obvious new guy who needs help with form. So just get over yourself and realize we are there to improve ourselves and our gym community, not hook up with conceited children.

    LOL..also, sometimes I'm just continually checking to see if you're done with the barbell/free weight/bench that I need.

    that.. actually is the most likley scenerio lol
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Actually it's more banal than you may think. When you're say on a bench resting between sets it's boring and there's nothing else to do. You watch what going on around you. Man, woman, rabbit eating leaves outside the window - its just something to do.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    As the original poster, and some time has now passed, I though I would update on the issue.

    I have kept on with using the weights area in my gym, and as I am now a regular, the looking has reduced. This tells me that this is not guys just staring between sets, but had more to do with my novelty value (very few women in my gym use weights). If I use the weights area at the weekend at a sister gym, I still get the looks which backs up my argument.

    I am still a little uncomfortable using the weights area, but will keep up with the weight training as I am loving the results.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    The correct response when you a man someone staring is to face him, bring your arms out to your sides to look bigger, and say in a low-pitched but loud voice, "Come at me, bro!"
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    The men at my gym are almost without exception, young and gay. They still stare.
  • mommy7
    mommy7 Posts: 153
    I stare some at men AND women in the weights area. My #1 thought "Hmm, that looks neat, I should try it". #2 thought "I want that equipment, are they done yet?".
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Does no one take advantage of the mirrors? Helps cut down on being busted staring.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    I haven't noticed staring. I have had men comment on the weight I'm lifting, usually when I'm doing deadlifts, but only to say they are impressed. Or a guy who has been working out nearby comes up to me later to comment on how impressed he was by the intensity of my workout and we'll discuss what I'm doing. I never feel like they have an ulterior motive (I could be wrong, but it never feels creepy). So, I guess they were watching to notice. But it is always respectful in the way the men respect each other in the weight room. I feel like one of the guys. That said, I didn't start lifting free weights until I was in my 40's and now everyone looks like one of my kids. So from the younger guys the respect I'm getting might be respect for someone who could be their mom! And they usually only bother me to find out how many sets I have left in the squat rack. I think the guys are there to work out and in a crowded gym it is hard to avoid looking at somebody. The can only stare at themselves in the mirror for so long.
  • RightNowWellness
    RightNowWellness Posts: 12 Member
    I would like to offer a slightly different explanation.

    Instinctively men are hard-wired to protect women. They don't have to worry about that so much when they are training and no women are around but if there is one around they (even unconsciously) could be watching out for you. Yes they are also hard-wired to notice the female form. Not because they are rude but genetically they are made to want to procreate at all times so our species doesn't die out. So they are also noticing your beauty. Men sweetly enough can see beauty in every women.
    So if you don't understand that it can feel uncomfortable. We are hard-wired as women to want to feel safe and that may not feel safe or comfortable. However if we understand how the other operates than maybe we can see it differently.

    Thank you guys for always noticing women's beauty and looking out for us.
    It took many a long time before I really understood that.

    I am a relationship/sexuality coach. My focus is on celebrating the difference of gender (in case you wanted to know if I just made that up)
    And was in the Army for many years surrounded by mostly men.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    You need to consider what else we have to look at in the gym. There's the ceiling, the floor, walls, and other inanimate objects. But if we stare at those...people will just think we're zombies.

    It's meaningless. Don't be flattered or scared by it.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Does no one take advantage of the mirrors? Helps cut down on being busted staring.

    ^^This! Lol
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    The correct response when you a man someone staring is to face him, bring your arms out to your sides to look bigger, and say in a low-pitched but loud voice, "Come at me, bro!"

    Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee or it'd be all over my laptop screen!! Rolf!!:laugh: :laugh: Love it!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I lift weights for about 30mins twice a week. Upstairs in my gym, there is about oh 50 guys and little old me. I have to walk around the place looking for the weights I want, look for a mat to do my core work on then. I also have grip pads fotr my hands for the machines as I started to get welts on the palms of my hands. I feel people looking at me when I wear them, silly I know.

    I feel I get started at but I don't give a toss why tbh. Maybe it is because I look good and more importantly, I feel good too. That's the most important thing!!!
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    1. Dat *kitten*
    2. What else is there to stare at
    3. Their form
    4. Personal one here, but i find it laughable how many women have better form than the bros
    5. Miring, just like you mire the bro who deadlifts double your 1RM
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    In the way.
  • vancil01
    vancil01 Posts: 70 Member
    Because we are guys and you have tits. Simple answer.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    1. Dat *kitten*
    2. What else is there to stare at
    3. Their form
    4. Personal one here, but i find it laughable how many women have better form than the bros
    5. Miring, just like you mire the bro who deadlifts double your 1RM

    This is why I love you.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    Because we are guys and you have tits. Simple answer.

    That is what I always thought. Weight lifting has nothing to do with it!