Opinions On Adult Work to Pay Bills

I know this will offend someone and someone will go crying to the mods to have it closed. But until then I want your opinions on a male or female doing "adult" type work to pay bills, school payments, medical bills, etc. Sure you can say GO GET A REAL JOB! But what IS a REAL job?

Please no insults and no rude comments. There ARE excuses so no "They should get a job, there's no excuse." You never know a person's situation and you never know what they've been through or what have you.


  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    Like hooking???
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Like hooking???

    Isn't that illegal?
  • Like hooking???
    Not just that, I mean like stripping, videos, webcam, photos, escort service, etc.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I know this will offend someone and someone will go crying to the mods to have it closed. But until then I want your opinions on a male or female doing "adult" type work to pay bills, school payments, medical bills, etc. Sure you can say GO GET A REAL JOB! But what IS a REAL job?

    Please no insults and no rude comments. There ARE excuses so no "They should get a job, there's no excuse." You never know a person's situation and you never know what they've been through or what have you.

    I'd say do what you need to do but your looks and body won't last forever. The money will be great and very enticing at first but it won't last forever. At some point, nobody will want to give you singles are log into your viewing room. Take the time and be patient while you're young to get some kind of education to set yourself up for future success. You will need a fallback plan at some point in your life.
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    Are hookers called "female escorts" now? or are those just the higher class ones?
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    Like hooking???

    Isn't that illegal?

    Not in Vegas???
  • BuckeyeBoi
    BuckeyeBoi Posts: 233 Member
    Like Adult Modeling or something else...l think that is something that seems easy maybe at first but with the addition of children and the internet age it might be something that is regretted. Just an opinion not a judgement
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    Interesting question but too broad to say. If there is "excuses" as you say there might be, unless these are known its tough to call. But generally I try to not judge anyone.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    It's their body, who am I to say what they can and cannot do with it? There are some women who really do like being strippers, so I wouldn't say it's degrading to them. I mean, if you like getting naked and you like money, then it's the perfect job, right?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Like hooking???

    Isn't that illegal?

    Not in Vegas???

    It's illegal in Vegas, they're just really good at getting around it. Pahrump NV it has some legality.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I say if they have the confidence to do it, and feel good doing it, then Go for it! I won't lie, I've thought about doing web chats..Could never do phone chats,cause I'd either be totally grossed out or laugh my butt off.
  • celticgladiator
    celticgladiator Posts: 49 Member
    as long as it is legal and you have no moral problems with it it shouldn't be anyone else's business
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    Like hooking???
    Not just that, I mean like stripping, videos, webcam, photos, escort service, etc.

    There is alot of places that one can strip in that would not be as bad.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    I have a friend who resorted to becoming a hooker. While I disagree with her life choice, its her life and I still love her for what's inside somewhere.
  • Grabber116
    Grabber116 Posts: 7 Member
    I would say if you have to question whether or not you should do it, then you shouldn't.
  • I know this will offend someone and someone will go crying to the mods to have it closed. But until then I want your opinions on a male or female doing "adult" type work to pay bills, school payments, medical bills, etc. Sure you can say GO GET A REAL JOB! But what IS a REAL job?

    Please no insults and no rude comments. There ARE excuses so no "They should get a job, there's no excuse." You never know a person's situation and you never know what they've been through or what have you.

    I'd say do what you need to do but your looks and body won't last forever. The money will be great and very enticing at first but it won't last forever. At some point, nobody will want to give you singles are log into your viewing room. Take the time and be patient while you're young to get some kind of education to set yourself up for future success. You will need a fallback plan at some point in your life.
    No one said it's a forever job. I said to pay bills and to help pay for school. So clearly someone could be trying to put themselves through medical school by getting naked on a nightly basis and once they actually land the high paying job and are able to support themselves they can just stop or whatever.
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    I would say if you have to question whether or not you should do it, then you shouldn't.

    Good point there!
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    If you feel safe and you're not morally opposed to it, then it would preferable to starving. However, I'd be wary of anything that required actual physical contact (I'm being delicate), simply because of the risks (I'm not just talking diseases – human trafficking and forced prostitution are very real threats). You should also be aware – especially if footage of your work ends up online – that this could impact your future career opportunities. If you have children, you'd have to determine how to hide your work (or explain it to them, depending on their age). But if you've considered everything and it seems like the best path... heck, go for it, and get your bills paid.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    A REAL job is normally something that is legal, state/federal taxes are taken out social security, you know that sort of thing-without getting too into it.
    What kind of opinions did you want? You'll probably get at least two quite varied sides, and one is certainly going to say 'go get a real job' however, it sounds like you only want one opinion so, I guess spread your legs and spread the word; you do you.

    In all honestly though, I would say consider it carefully. You don't want what you've done early on in adulthood to follow you and hold you back later on in life. We've all heard stories like that.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    If the person can live with the consequences of their career choices for the rest of their life it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
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