worst comment ever made about your weight



  • MissJoaniB
    MissJoaniB Posts: 2 Member
    I'm with Megladgrl - that's horrible, and horribly uncouth and ridiculous.

    The worst I ever heard wasn't directed at me, or even at a gym - it was at a movie theatre, where a woman was arguing that someone was sitting in her seat. She'd called the usher over, and the usher said, "I'm sorry, but the person sitting there has the right of it." Someone was larger than the first woman, so said woman said, "I can't believe this, I'm losing my seat to this fat ....." I couldn't believe it. I wanted to follow the woman out (though what I would have done if I'd caught up with her, I don't know, probably yelled incomprehensibly until I was blue in the face), but the woman sitting down went to the bathroom and cried. I wanted to say something so badly, and I feel awful that I never did.
    Someone else did go over, and said clearly for everyone, "She had no right to say that."

    I just don't understand how people can get so worked up and either think this is okay to say to someone, or lose the self-restraint that would prevent them otherwise.