worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Nikki206
    Nikki206 Posts: 69
    My boyfriend's ex wife constantly makes fun of me around their kids. They will come over and say, "Nikki, mom says you're fat." I always take the high road when they are around and remind them that we don't call people names in our house because it is hurtful and mean. You'd think after 5 years of him and I being together she would get over it...or she'd be the one trying to teach her kids good manner. Then she cries and wonders why they get suspended for fighting and calling people names...

    I have also gotten the, "When are you due?!" on a couple of occasions. One time I actually said I had about 5 months to go (just because I didn't want to deal with it and the girl said, "Oh, you look so much bigger than that..."

    I'm starting at my gym for the first time today so I'm really nervous about the comments...
  • dt777
    dt777 Posts: 1
    Here's the thing. Saying things like this is easy. It takes little to no effort and these "people" feel a little better about themselves. It's junior high or high school all over again. But is anyone saying to them "you just slapped me across the face with your words" or "I KNOW you are less than perfect. How's your anger problem coming along? Have you lived up to all those things you promised your marriage partner? Are you earning the $ you dreamed about when you were young? Why haven't you painted your house yet - can't dig up the motivation? Have you ever tried to get up at 5:00 am in the dead of winter to go running, or work out at the gym? How are your dreams coming along anyway - written that novel you've been talking about since you were 21?" All those things that prove they are less than who they want to be but you can't see it when you walk up to them. Our challenge can be seen by all.

    For the words you've all expressed here, for the hurts from those you love and those who don't even know you. I will stand for those who've said those awful words, hold your face in my hands and tell you - YOU ARE WORTH IT. You MATTER. You are IMPORTANT to so many people. You might not know it, they might not tell you, but you ARE. Don't stop. Don't let them win. I agree with my brother - turn it into motivation. Metabolize it into one more reason to eat a good meal, instead of an emotional meal. One we don't even taste. One we're eating so we can feel better. And I second the motion another brother wrote - dude your armor photo ROCKS! Go running in that next time and see if that pitiful gym rat wants to take a swing at you with his words.

    And I can speak on one more thing having traveled this fitness, weigh, eating, fit, out of shape, puffy, fat, slender for awhile, feeling young, feeling old, clothes don't fit anymore - gotta buy bigger clothes - OK now months later, they fit again - but do I throw away the fat clothes? The fear, the excitement, the frustration at how LONG it all takes, how SLOW it all is - that road - this road. It's about today, it's not about the day you'll hit your goal weight or fit into your skinny jeans - yeah us guys have those too. It's about doing the thing that's going in the right direction TODAY. Eating a good meal. Tastes great, fills you up, and you feel good after - not that carb coma after an emotional meal. Walking a little, not a marathon, just a good walk around the block, smelling the spring time air, feeling the sun. Spending some time on this blog, reading from our brothers and sisters in this fight, this journey. People who get it, who've lived where we are, who are going to get up tomorrow, monday morning, and commit to one more day of fitness, of working to understand why we are where we are with our thoughts, emotions, health, clothes, feelings.

    Have a beautiful sunday. Feel the hug, the pat on the back, the smile of understanding I'm sending to you.
  • Surferbaseball10
    Some random person asked me "what bra size do you wear?" In college one guy mentioned to me that I have bigger tits than most of the girls in my class. I felt like crap after that. :'(
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    my ex high school sweetheart....stupidly i got back with him recently after losing 25 pounds and toning up (old habits die hard ugh). he said `eat a cheeseburger because i miss the clap your *kitten* had in high school` UGH.

    it just made me feel like a piece of meat.
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    After I lost the weight, my good buddy (who was in both of my weddings as my Best Man) and I was in his later tell me that I was his "second choice" as Best Man and he really didn't want me in his wedding party because I was so big. Especially coming from someone I knew for years, it still stung, even after I lost all this weight. Who knows what other comments were made behind my back through the years. It was after one of my co-workers (now, one of my dear friends) told me that I need to lose weight that I finally decided I had had enough.
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    oh man... people can be so inconsiderate sometimes.. I have a couple stories!

    1. I worked at a coffee house during high school/college. After coming back from school for summer break, one of the regulars told me " boy you really gained the freshmen 15 huh?" That sucked...

    2. When I was younger, I remember going into the fridge and getting something to eat and my grandmother would be pointing at me and then puffing out her cheeks and making a big belly motion with her hands- implying that if I ate I was going to get fat.

    3. Just a few weeks ago, my boyfriends friend described a girl and said that she had the same body type as me -> "thick". I have lost about 25 lbs and I'm still considered thick?? I weigh 118 at 5'3'' and I'm thick????? He tried to fix it by saying that I was athletically thick.... still I was so upset I don't think I ate the next day.
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    Wow. mine are mellow compared to these... o_o'

    ~My mom calling me a fatass right to my face in high school. (She was on one of her rampages and probably didn't mean it, but that sure as hell didn't make it hurt any less.):brokenheart:

    ~My mom making condescending little comments about "portion control" every single time I grab more than a handful of something to eat. And giving me these skeptical looks whenever I tell her about my progress or tell her I'm serious about it this time. REALLY makes it hard to stay motivated when she's sitting there waiting for me to fail again.

    ~My brother doing stuff like taking some of my food when I'm not looking, then telling me he's "doing me a favor" if I notice.

    The only people I really catch **** about this is my family, out of which I am pretty much the only overweight person.
  • kammygirl
    I was in junior high and we had to write down our height and weight for our graduation gowns. The teacher sent around another student to collect the papers. The b!tch opened mine and read my disgusting weight (which was well into the 200's) out loud, to which everyone started chanting the number and continued to refer to me by that number for the remainder of the year. To this day, I am still mortified just thinking about that moment. It is the day all of my insecurities took over my life and probably my most humiliating moment.
  • munchlax65
    Been asked quite a few times if I am pregnant. When talking about weight issues with people had them say to me "at least you have a pretty face". It hurts at the time, but after you think about it - you realise the people who make those comments are idiots anyway, who cares what they think? - oh and another thing, I once had a new dress on and someone said to me "you actually look quite slim in that" URGH! go away, horrible people!
  • grainne_eire
    People make me so frickin mad! To every single person who has shared on this thread.. I admire every single one of you.

    My story:

    I was at my cousins engagement party in January , and I was the talk of the party because at the inevitable singing session that happens at family get togethers, I had the courage to sing for the first time, everyone was shocked because I'm too shy to sing but can sing pretty well. I took the limelight away from my Uncle (who used to be my favourite cool uncle). Once things had settled down we had a moment and he was saying how brilliant I was blah blah, and as he was talking I grabbed a little canape that was left over from the party, I had managed to resist all the bad food up to this point but was a little tipsy and starving so I indulged. My uncle then turned around and said " you really need to stop eating" .
    I broke down completely. He was one of my heroes, a father figure because my dad was never one. What made it worse is that he weighs about 200lbs and at that time I was around 160. I'm now 143 and every time I think I'm too tired to go to the gym or crave junk food I think of that moment. In a way it was a motivation but it hurt like a B***h.

    People can be so cruel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    Whatever they aren't, they will make fun of. it's just a way to make themselves feel better.
  • kimber_av
    kimber_av Posts: 98
    over heard my mom talking to a friend once.
    a little background... I'm 5'5.5 and was 125 at the time. my sister is a totally different build 6ft and was 135.
    "yeah I have a very tall slender daughter and a short round one!"
    it haunts me even to this day. and evenw hen i confronted my mom about it she denies it and said I misunderstood.
    I know my sister has a model figure. and i'm short with a very curvy build. and tahts what she meant. but it still hurt to be compared to my sister. someone whose figure I can never have..
  • carlynn13
    carlynn13 Posts: 281
    Wow, some of these were so sad to read. I think the worst thing for me was when a good friend of mine asked me about a year ago if I was ok, because he noticed that I had put on weight. He was being nice, making sure I wasn't depressed or something, but I was so humiliated. I guess that was my "aha" moment, and I got on the weightloss bandwagon soon after.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    From the time I was around 11 or 12, my mom would comment on my weight. Every time she made a comment, I would immediately go into "diet" mode, which inviarably turned into a starvation diet. I would go for as long a possible eating very little, then my mom would sabotage it by baking or buying some sort of sweet and making me eat it. She would say, "it won't hurt you, just eat it." I was just under 5' and usually maintained between 100-105 lbs, curvier than my younger sister and my mom always compared me to her.

    But, I showed her...I went on so many diets, I ended up weighing almost 225 before I decided on a gastric bypass. When I started losing weight, my mother would comment that I was getting "too skinny!" Before finally hitting my goal weight, she insisted that I needed to stop losing weight. I reminded her that I was still 20 lbs. heavier than when I was a teenager and she used to nag me to diet. She denies ever doing that, but, fortunately, my sister confirmed it. I've long since given up in trying to please her where my weight is concerned.
  • JessyeS
    JessyeS Posts: 30 Member
    My mum's favourite comment : "You wouldn't be depressed or such a loner and a loser if you were skinny like your sister"

    I remember a few guys that I liked saying "You are like the perfect girl to date if you weren't fat"
  • isweatglitter
    Someone told me I was so fat I couldn't walk. I was 5'4" and 120-125.
  • texasheathers
    texasheathers Posts: 23 Member
    The comment that stands out the most to me.... my son came home upset from school one day after I'd been in his classroom volunteering. (1st grade) He was mad at one of the little girls and he had pushed her in the mud at recess and gotten in trouble. I asked him why he pushed her - his reply "She called you 'fatty fatty cakes.' " Fatty cakes?? Is this an elementary school fat joke I'm unaware of?

    Honeslty, I laughed out loud when he said it. But it was sobering because I don't want my kids to be upset or embarassed.
  • texasheathers
    texasheathers Posts: 23 Member
    Oh, and I had almost forgotten this - really the only person in my familyl that makes me feel bad about my weight is my MIL. Everytime I'm around her she tells me how my brother-in-laws wife likes her men fat. Or she will tell me "You'll be shocked when you see him, he's put on so much weight." My BIL is a big guy - as in tall and broad shouldered - the kind that has to duck to come into a room you know?? So - I see him and he looks great to me - so if she thinks HE's fat - no telling what she says behind MY back. My husband thinks she's too dumb to be doing this on purpose - but I don't - I think it's perfectly calculated and vicious. But, I'm not a big fan of my MIL so maybe I'm taking it too personally. It's a good thing I don't have to see her often because I couldn't keep up the smile and nod I usually do. After reading all these posts, I think next time I'm going to call her on it.
  • pclarinetto
    pclarinetto Posts: 33 Member
    I was in junior high and we had to write down our height and weight for our graduation gowns. The teacher sent around another student to collect the papers. The b!tch opened mine and read my disgusting weight (which was well into the 200's) out loud, to which everyone started chanting the number and continued to refer to me by that number for the remainder of the year. To this day, I am still mortified just thinking about that moment. It is the day all of my insecurities took over my life and probably my most humiliating moment.

    oh man, this reminded me of junior high. i wasn't large in jhs, but i wasn't skinny either. for p.e. we had to do wrestling because my teacher didn't want to do gymnastics. i was paired with a girl that had about 30 lbs on me and i remember during the "final" which was wrestling in front of the class some jerk face said "sumo time". i remember being so angry and embarrassed. ugh, totally forgot about that until now....sad day.
  • KathyChampi
    KathyChampi Posts: 66 Member
    That's horrible. People that are that rude and obnoxious to people have deep insecurities about themselves. What is worse than an adult bully. They should so be ashamed of themselves. The people that make comments at the gym for people who are overweight and trying to get healthier should be kicked out.