A WHOLE Rotisserie Chicken.



  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    i was trying to follow the caveman diet. go ahead n laugh, but i thought it would really give me all the energy i needed. or replace all the stuff i lost working out on E this morning.

    I hate to tell you this, but after studying a lot of anthropology, there wasn't chicken mentioned anywhere in my teacher's lectures. He said a lot about nuts, fruits, roots, vegetation, occasional game but not much, lizards, wild birds, forest boars or monkeys (bush meat), and stuff like that... but no.. chicken ;)

    Honestly, eat more nuts for protein if you don't like the meat. Or if you do eat meat, eat pork, chicken, or beef, switch it up. If you like fish, there's even more choices.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    First, please address the "working out on E". I hope you meant "empty".

    No. Clearly she's worried about bread making her unhealthy but is taking Ecstasy before her workouts.

    Stranger things have happened here...
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    First, please address the "working out on E". I hope you meant "empty".
    yes, thats what i meant. i dont take drugs. and i had no idea rotisserie was a processed food? i thought they just cooked it in a bit of spices and oil and chilled it.
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    i was trying to follow the caveman diet. go ahead n laugh, but i thought it would really give me all the energy i needed. or replace all the stuff i lost working out on E this morning.

    I hate to tell you this, but after studying a lot of anthropology, there wasn't chicken mentioned anywhere in my teacher's lectures. He said a lot about nuts, fruits, roots, vegetation, occasional game but not much, lizards, wild birds, forest boars or monkeys (bush meat), and stuff like that... but no.. chicken ;)

    Honestly, eat more nuts for protein if you don't like the meat. Or if you do eat meat, eat pork, chicken, or beef, switch it up. If you like fish, there's even more choices.

    honestly i wasnt supposed to be eating chicken, but sea animals only. they feed chickens slop.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Unless you cook it from raw, whole foods, it's "processed".
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    If ur craving something sweet, eat something healthy :) like almond butter (or peanut butter) and honey on rice cakes, or whole wheat bread with banana slices!! Or on apples, or melted together and poured on strawberries or whatever other fruit. Or anything else u can come up with to curb those cravings in a healthy way
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Perhaps it is not the best solution but at times after a workout I will be a bit shaky and in need of some quick energy... In that case I keep a stash of meal/snack bars that are high in protein and such. That being said, nothing can replace a really well balanced meal...
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    rotisserie isn't processed LOL what are people talking about?!?! It's a whole chicken, it's not cut up into pieces and mixed with other meat junk and garbage things lol
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    rotisserie isn't processed LOL what are people talking about?!?! It's a whole chicken, it's not cut up into pieces and mixed with other meat junk and garbage things lol

    I could be wrong. I don't try to eat "clean" so I guess I don't know the terminology. I know they are high in salt which is generally considered bad by "clean" eating people.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Heeee. Yeah, it took me a whole page to realize it was "empty" and not ecstasy. I was like, "No wonder why she wants to eat that whole chicken, the addict!"

    And rotisserie is processed, since they inject it with salty chemical water before putting it on the spit.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    rotisserie isn't processed LOL what are people talking about?!?! It's a whole chicken, it's not cut up into pieces and mixed with other meat junk and garbage things lol

    Whole raw chicken is processed too. Out in the wild they have feathers and heads....
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    Heeee. Yeah, it took me a whole page to realize it was "empty" and not ecstasy. I was like, "No wonder why she wants to eat that whole chicken, the addict!"

    And rotisserie is processed, since they inject it with salty chemical water before putting it on the spit.

    You know I never thought to check sodium! Thank you.
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    I think I will give the Rest to the neighborhood cats.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Heeee. Yeah, it took me a whole page to realize it was "empty" and not ecstasy. I was like, "No wonder why she wants to eat that whole chicken, the addict!"

    Yeah I was thinking it'd be hard enough to eat a whole chicken at the best of times but no hope in hell after having a pill...:wink:
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    rotisserie isn't processed LOL what are people talking about?!?! It's a whole chicken, it's not cut up into pieces and mixed with other meat junk and garbage things lol

    Whole raw chicken is processed too. Out in the wild they have feathers and heads....


    But then I wouldn't have considered rotisserie chicken processed either. When I think of processed chicken I think of chicken nuggets.

    Apparently, though, USDA defines processed foods as foods that are "cooked, smoked, cured, roasted or combined with other foods."
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    yes, thats what i meant. i dont take drugs. and i had no idea rotisserie was a processed food? i thought they just cooked it in a bit of spices and oil and chilled it.

    Unless you're eating the food in it's raw state it's processed. Olive oil is processed.

    Honestly this eating clean and paleo can very easily turn into disordered eating as I think the OP has shown.

    OP no food is evil. Not even McDonalds. Thinking of food as having feelings and ill intent is not a healthy way of viewing it. Food is fuel. Some is better fuel than others, some will make you feel better than others, but it's fuel.I can't see your diary so don't know what you're doing but force feeding yourself one type of food is not good. I'm all for eating more food than the VLCD proponents on here but it still needs to be healthy.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I do not understand why eating a whole rotisserie chicken is a goal? Am I missing something here? Is this a new fad diet or something?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I do not understand why eating a whole rotisserie chicken is a goal? Am I missing something here? Is this a new fad diet or something?

    It's a paleo thing from what I can tell.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I've done the paleo/primal thing myself, and if your diet is such that you feel the need to eat an entire chicken in order to compensate for a protein deficiency, you should really be taking a more general look at what you're doing nutritionally. I don't think anyone who understands the paleo/primal lifestyle would suggest you devour a chicken.
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    I think I will give the Rest to the neighborhood cats.

    Seriously? If you can't eat the whole thing in one sitting it has to be thrown away? Eat it over the next few days - in salads, in sandwiches, with rice, stir-fried with noodles and veg, or other way you can think of .Then make stock from the bones and turn it in to delicious soups.

    A whole roast chicken will feed me for a week.