Eggs - Why do people not eat the yolk?



  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I eat hard boiled eggs every day for breakfast
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    Depends how I'm eating the egg,scrambled I will eat the whole egg,but fried and hard boiled I won't I'll usually give it to my husband,for me it's the texture of the yolk when I hard boil them,so for me it doesn't have anything to do with calories or fat it's just a personal choice.
  • lordsangel
    lordsangel Posts: 167
    cholesterol, fat and cals and I personaly dont like that part of the egg by itself
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    don't like hard boiled yolks. I prefer soft boiled, sunny side up or scrambled with onions, bell peppers and maybe a breakfast meat of some sort.

    I do like deviled eggs though.

    i just discovered soft boiled eggs, and OMG, love them!
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    My husband ate a 6 eggs scrambled last night for dinner. That is a lot of fat to consume in one meal. I think it worked out to be 45-50g of fat.

    I eat 3 in the morning, and that is 12 grams..
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    The yoke contains all the calories and all the nutrition. The cholesterol is not an issue, that was hype created by the medical community. Eggs contains lecithin which breaks down the cholesterol. The complete egg is complete nutrition, so people who throw away the yoke are throwing away the best part of the egg. When I eat the egg, I eat the whole egg.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    My husband ate a 6 eggs scrambled last night for dinner. That is a lot of fat to consume in one meal. I think it worked out to be 45-50g of fat.

    I eat 3 in the morning, and that is 12 grams..

    I eat probably 4-6 eggs every day. I'm healthy as a horse.
  • transfixedtoast
    transfixedtoast Posts: 89 Member
    Cons of eggyolks - 3/4 of the calories in an egg are in the yolk. They have a higher fat content than the white.
    Pros of eggyolks- They're bleeping delicious, they're a really great source of vitamin D and other fat soluble vitamins, they're yellow and did I mention that they're delicious?
    I wouldn't worry too much about going out of yoru way to avoid them. I understand that if someone's having a huge amount of egg white for the protein they might want to disregard the yolks but your body needs a little bit of everything and an eggyolk is clasified as everything.
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    I love love LOVE hard boiled eggs. I actually liked them when the yolk is kinda soft inside, but not soft boiled...if that makes sense. I like to slice them up and put them on toast with a bit of ketchup and pepper! I hate the taste of just egg whites. Too blah.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    If I can't eat the yolk, I don't want the egg :sick:
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Throwing out the yolk is just silly
  • justdoit_steph
    I don't like the way they taste when I eat boiled eggs. However, I will eat them scrambled. For me it is all about the taste.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    It's 70 calories for an egg people -- not 200. Eggs are super nutritious AND they fill you up and keep you full. What else can you ask for? I eat 2 to 3 every single day.

    agreed !
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    The egg yolk is the best bit, I actually don't like the white, I'll eat it in a boiled egg but not fried. Fried egg white with crispy underneath is just ... blech
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Added calories and cholesterol. I don't really care for eggs, but I force myself to eat them because I know how good they are for me. I usually do a ratio of 1 whole egg and 2 more egg whites, mostly because I don't like the taste of the yolk very much. I've heard so much about how much cholesterol eggs yolks have, but I don't really pay much attention to it since the rest of my diet is pretty healthy.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    I only don't eat the yolk for hard boiled eggs.
    I don't like the dry texture of it.
    My dog does though - so she's happy.
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    Mhmm runny eggs
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    For yolk lovers, I have a creme brulee recipe that uses 12 yolks and no whites.

    Long live yolks!
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    MMmmmm...egg yolk....delicious!! Egg whites alone are just not worth it and it makes kittens cry when you throw out the yolk...true story.

    I'm going to go get one right now!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I have high Cholesterol. My mom died at 60 of her first heart attack and I'm 56.

    Just fyi, my dear husband had HC and he gave up all dairy products because of Lactose intolerance, no cheese, no milk, no ice cream, no butter and started using some soy products his cholesterol dropped 84 point in a year without exercise or cutting anything else out.

    The doctor was shocked. But then as a woman you have to weigh the risks of soy. Anyway just thought i'd share.