Does Slim Fast Really Work?



  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I like the Slimfast Slimquick pure powdered drink mix in wild berry. In fact, I am addicted to it! It's soooo yummy and yes it has assisted me with my cravings and a little appetite supressant, it also gives me a little bit of extra energy and it's loaded with vitamins.

    I also use Shakeology and can't say enough great things about it! I drink one as a meal replacement for lunch with added spinach and a little almond milk. Yummy!
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    And yeah as others have said be careful about which ones you use as some of them are loaded with high calories, sugars, carbs, etc....

    I've done some research and found that the two I mentioned above work the best, for me anyway. Like anything else though it's not a miracle, you can't expect to drink shakes for the rest of your life. Better off with real food and find a plan that is sustainable over the long term. I use mine during the work week because it works and it's very easy in the office and I usually have it on my way home due to my schedule I have a small gap to fill between the end of the day and a workout so I don't want to eat/eat but don't want to starve either :)
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I use the shake mix sometimes, but I normally toss a banana, kale, and peanut butter in with it in the blender. I use almond milk, so unless I add protein, it's pretty much empty of protein.
  • bethreardon39
    bethreardon39 Posts: 1 Member
    I quite enjoy the SlimFast shakes - I don't follow the 3-2-1 plan, because, IMO, it's nowhere near enough to keep you going, but I often find myself way under in terms of calories and so can have one of the shakes at lunch along with a salad to fill me up and keep me going until dinner, as well as pack some nutrients in.

    I've never really used it for a 'get fit quick' method, more of a way of trying to keep myself full on the go!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I've just bought two tubs of the milkshakes as they were on offer. Was wondering if anyone on here has ever used them before and could give me some feedback?

    I really hope they do work!

    Yep, they do work.... in taking more from your wallet. Pay more, get less. If that was your government operating a tax scheme like that, there would be outrage.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I've just bought two tubs of the milkshakes as they were on offer. Was wondering if anyone on here has ever used them before and could give me some feedback?

    I really hope they do work!

    Yep, they do work.... in taking more from your wallet. Pay more, get less. If that was your government operating a tax scheme like that, there would be outrage.

    Mmm, not really true. I bought mine with BOGO coupons, making 8 shakes 4.88 or nearly 50 cent a piece. That's not really expensive, if you ask me.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I've just bought two tubs of the milkshakes as they were on offer. Was wondering if anyone on here has ever used them before and could give me some feedback?

    I really hope they do work!

    Yep, they do work.... in taking more from your wallet. Pay more, get less. If that was your government operating a tax scheme like that, there would be outrage.

    Mmm, not really true. I bought mine with BOGO coupons, making 8 shakes 4.88 or nearly 50 cent a piece. That's not really expensive, if you ask me.

    Well done. Now can you please direct me to the tree which hands out endless coupons, and then when it produces the other BOGO coupons for all other milkshakes, then you have a fair comparison...
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    As soon as you stop taking the Slim fast shakes and bars you will gain weight and it will mess up your metabolism.

    This. My co-worker lost 25 lbs in 2 months by eating/drinking nothing but slim fast shakes. Claimed she was never hungry and she felt great as the pounds dropped. Fast forward a month. She joined a gym, started working out, added a very small amount of food (hummus and veggies every night for dinner in addition to her shakes) and started gaining weight. That's right...gaining. The shakes are easy and fast but they don't teach you a sustainable lifestyle. You have to "diet" the same way you will "maintain." If you like to eat real food, eat real food. Just less of it. And for goodness sakes, do not try to survive on slim fast alone. One shake is only 170-180 calories. You cannot fuel your body on 700 calories a day and you certainly can't work out on 700 cals.
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    I've just bought two tubs of the milkshakes as they were on offer. Was wondering if anyone on here has ever used them before and could give me some feedback?

    I really hope they do work!

    I've tried them before. I could not stick with them because I don't like the taste and the consistency reminds me too much of paint for my comfort. I drank one and brought the rest to work for my coworkers to drink.
  • CatyaKiller
    CatyaKiller Posts: 10 Member
    I lost 20 lbs on Slim Fast a few years ago... Then as soon as I stopped the weight came back on over about 4 months... It wasn't a good long term solution for me... I think I had a lot of trouble transitioning back to "normal eating" after I stopped because I didn't make a real lifestyle change.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I've just bought two tubs of the milkshakes as they were on offer. Was wondering if anyone on here has ever used them before and could give me some feedback?

    I really hope they do work!

    Yep, they do work.... in taking more from your wallet. Pay more, get less. If that was your government operating a tax scheme like that, there would be outrage.

    Mmm, not really true. I bought mine with BOGO coupons, making 8 shakes 4.88 or nearly 50 cent a piece. That's not really expensive, if you ask me.

    Well done. Now can you please direct me to the tree which hands out endless coupons, and then when it produces the other BOGO coupons for all other milkshakes, then you have a fair comparison...

    It was endless for me. I work at Walmart, and they were giving out free samples with coupons. The sample guy gave me about 30 since we know each other. I also get 10% off the purchase since I work there. It's not fair for everyone, but the free sample dudes will let you take however many coupons you want. Once I'm done with my current supply I probably won't buy them again, but the deal was too good to pass up (and since I love the taste, it was win/win).
  • Brooke4206
    Brooke4206 Posts: 140 Member
    I tried slimfast and I was just way too hungry on that diet. I switched over to just eating healthy and that has done wonders.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I tried and couldn't do them regularly with 2 shakes a day and what not, I do have one for breakfast as it's easy and fast since I son't have time in the mornings, but that's only M-F weekends I eat all my meals.
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    i keep a 4 pack in the frige. if im in a hurry or know i have alot of things to do after work i can grab one. it will hold me over until i can eat a good meal and not feel the urge to go to a drive thru. i will also drink one an hour or so before going to a buffet style dinner or party because i wont be as hungry. a 4 pack usually lasts me 2 weeks. its just there if i need one. its also a good way to take care of that sweet chocolate craving
  • cggrlsteph
    cggrlsteph Posts: 36 Member
    I only use the powder as an addition to my protein whey shake for taste... plus it has the extra vitamins... I don't use it by itself.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Only works if your eating in a deficit. Probably would of been better if you just got some whey protein and add some fruits or something for carbs.

    If you eat at a deficit EVERYTHING works , even real food !
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Years ago I drank Ensure twice a day and ate at night (at the time it seemed to have less garbage chemicals in it than the market weight loss shakes and all the protein and vitamins). However, it only worked because I was taking a very strong and now very banned herbal appetite suppressant. Otherwise, sugary liquid just makes me really hungry and grouchy. And anything with artificial sugar in it is out of the question for me because yech! It tastes disgusting!
  • onlyjulz
    onlyjulz Posts: 11 Member
    I dont like to eat in the morning so I started using slim fast as my breakfast (since breakfast is so important to keep that metabolism going!! ) .. Its great.. I only use it to replace the one meal.. It gives you lots of nutrients and keeps me satisfied until lunch...

    FYI... the Equate (walmart brand) of slim fast taste much better and is an oz bigger.. Equate = $10 for twelve 11 oz cans.. Slim Fast is $10 -$14 (depending on where you shop) for only eight 10 oz bottles

    Ive lost 30 lbs in 3 months by keeping my calories low and adding breakfast to my day!!
  • Arthas2580
    Arthas2580 Posts: 7 Member
    I did this but to an extreme level which I wouldn't recommend. I had 3 shakes a day for two weeks then one week on the 3-2-1 plan and another on 2 weeks on 3 shakes. It works but even when you go back onto a low carb high protein diet (which I was doing before) the basic salt content in food really did cause trouble. I put on 1kg just because of the salt due to my body being about to deal with the 2 litres of watet I puy in it. It sorts itself out but takes a few weeks for yout body to adjust back to the increased salt intake and digestion. Be careful as it can be difficult not to over eat after.
  • MysteriousDreamer
    MysteriousDreamer Posts: 96 Member
    I had the worst stomach aches ever, left me crying. :-(