Do you feel hungry when dieting?



  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member

    I want to lose weight but eating those stuff that i really dont like its just awful. So why cant i lose weight having my "every day" treat? I dont mind of the vegetables or the soup, but please please...i just want to be able to eat a small portion of fries or a little kinder chocolate. Each have less than 200 calories and make me happy. Its that so bad?

    I think you should read more carefully. Most of us, I believe, are saying to eat things you enjoy eating rather than punishing yourself with things you dislike. You don't have to eat things you hate to lose weight.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Yes, and it's wonderful! Food tastes sooo much better when I'm actually hungry than just eating out of boredom!
  • tinam76
    tinam76 Posts: 59 Member
    i think the worst thing about me is i've never been a AM eater if i try to early i get sick. now i'm trying to have like a yogurt a while after i've been up but sometimes i don't know what to eat so i won't eat at all. best thing i did was give up pepsi and no it wasnt easy and no i didnt lose a ton of weight doing it
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I want to lose weight but eating those stuff that i really dont like its just awful. So why cant i lose weight having my "every day" treat? I dont mind of the vegetables or the soup, but please please...i just want to be able to eat a small portion of fries or a little kinder chocolate. Each have less than 200 calories and make me happy. Its that so bad?

    You can eat whatever you want, as long as it fits within your daily (or even weekly) calorie goal. I have a major sweet tooth. It's pretty much impossible for me to not eat something sweet after my meals. So, I found an acceptable substitute - crystallized ginger. Pretty much zero nutritional value, but OMG, I loooove it. Last week, I went out to dinner with a client. And had an awesome Tiramisu. Still within my calorie goal, because I had 'banked' some extra calories the day before, ate extra carefully the day off, and worked out hard.

    I love food. I don't want to take the pleasure out of eating. I don't eat to live, I live to eat. It is possible, with a few tweaks and portion control.
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    i am hungry if I do not eat back my exercise calories... I exercise 200 calories worth and eat those additional calories daily to keep me happy and full!
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    When I first started my lifestyle change I thought I could never ever again eat the stuff I liked, like the chocolate the burgers that kind of thing but it all comes down to portion size and staying within your calorie limit,also make sure you are drinking plenty of water,I have found that the more I exercise the more I get to eat,so I'm willing to kick my *kitten* for an extra 30 minutes of exercise if it means I get to have that extra snack :)
  • tinam76
    tinam76 Posts: 59 Member
    maybe changes where you dont taste a difference example i've been making smoothies with frozen fruit lowfat yogurt with the fruit bottoms and ice maybe i will try the nofat and see what the taste is like or if you have tacos low fat sour cream being that we put other stuff on tacos i hate food that taste like diet and i am trying to do things i can live with not feel punished
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I delay breakfast until I'm actually hungry, then I make it a yogurt or nuts, so it's samll with more protein than carb which lasts longer. Some days, I'm not even hungry until lunch which leaves me more calories for a snack if needed.

    I also eat smaller portions of foods I enjoy rather than eating a bunch of foods I don't want; just eat half and save half for another meal.

    And, if I do get hungry, I eat then boost the workout to make up for it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Sometimes if I'm out and get hungry I'll just stay hungry till I get home rather than stop for fast food crap, but other than something of that nature, when I get hungry, I eat. Which is a good thing since I am always dieting.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I absolutely do not feel hungry because I do not diet...I couldn't lose at 1200, 1350, 1500 and didn't start to until I started eating 1800, then bumped to 1900 and I am still losing with refeed days twice a week where I eat my maintenance calories.

    It is sad so many women believe the right thing to do is eat less and cardio more I did that for 8 works for a while until the body realizes you are not eating enough to cover your BMR (basal metabolic rate...what you need to lay in the bed and breathe). I was fed up of starving and not losing and started there is a group of over 1000 ladies that have all joined the "Eat More to Weigh Less" campaign... We eat Tdee (total daily energy expenditure) - 15% and never net less than BMR...the testimonials just keep rolling in about inches lost, having more energy, feeling better, less crabbiness/aggitation, weight loss...etc.

    You don't have to starve or feel deprived. When you eat too few cals the weight loss stops because the metabolism slows to conserve energy. When you fuel your body, you are then able to build muscle, lose fat and the metabolism burns higher because it has food to burn. Long story, totally against what many preach, but I as well as many others are walking proof that you need to eat to properly to fuel your body which then in turns allows the body to relax because it has the fuel it needs to allow it to release the fat it is holding storage....
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    you're thinking about it all wrong.. it's not a diet. it's a lifestyle change. diets do not work.
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    Yes and I don't mind it. I feel satisfied and full once I eat my meals.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    you're thinking about it all wrong.. it's not a diet. it's a lifestyle change. diets do not work.

    I've been dieting since Jr. High. It's how I've avoided becoming obese for half a century (and counting). For me, dieting is my lifestyle.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I am hungry especially for the first week or two. I think it might be my body detoxing from the sugar and junk in its system. It might not really be hunger but just craving.

    Now I get hungry here and there but not too bad. I will eat a salad or a handful og trail mix to keep it at bay.
  • jamima88
    jamima88 Posts: 6 Member
    I absolutely do not feel hungry because I do not diet...I couldn't lose at 1200, 1350, 1500 and didn't start to until I started eating 1800, then bumped to 1900 and I am still losing with refeed days twice a week where I eat my maintenance calories.

    It is sad so many women believe the right thing to do is eat less and cardio more I did that for 8 works for a while until the body realizes you are not eating enough to cover your BMR (basal metabolic rate...what you need to lay in the bed and breathe). I was fed up of starving and not losing and started there is a group of over 1000 ladies that have all joined the "Eat More to Weigh Less" campaign... We eat Tdee (total daily energy expenditure) - 15% and never net less than BMR...the testimonials just keep rolling in about inches lost, having more energy, feeling better, less crabbiness/aggitation, weight loss...etc.

    You don't have to starve or feel deprived. When you eat too few cals the weight loss stops because the metabolism slows to conserve energy. When you fuel your body, you are then able to build muscle, lose fat and the metabolism burns higher because it has food to burn. Long story, totally against what many preach, but I as well as many others are walking proof that you need to eat to properly to fuel your body which then in turns allows the body to relax because it has the fuel it needs to allow it to release the fat it is holding storage....

    I get this and it sounds good but do you eat your exercise cals on top of that aswell? Or do you just eat TDEE-15% each day regardless of what exercise you do?
    This is what Im confused about!
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 172 Member
    Well, etymologically speaking, the word diet means the food you eat. That's all. We're all on diets because we eat food. Any negative or positive connotations with the word are simply a reflection of the person, not the word.

    Finally. Somebody said it.
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    i know i am not alone in this, but i am or THINK i am hungry all the time...the reason may be actual hunger but its also when i am sad,happy,mad,avoiding something i dont want to do, etc.

    Same here.
    I already notice that when i get really bored i also get hungry
  • Sharney3154
    Sharney3154 Posts: 9 Member
    My granddaughter has juvenille diabetes and to keep her blood sugar level when she eats carbs she needs to eat protien with it. It works.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I absolutely do not feel hungry because I do not diet...I couldn't lose at 1200, 1350, 1500 and didn't start to until I started eating 1800, then bumped to 1900 and I am still losing with refeed days twice a week where I eat my maintenance calories.

    It is sad so many women believe the right thing to do is eat less and cardio more I did that for 8 works for a while until the body realizes you are not eating enough to cover your BMR (basal metabolic rate...what you need to lay in the bed and breathe). I was fed up of starving and not losing and started there is a group of over 1000 ladies that have all joined the "Eat More to Weigh Less" campaign... We eat Tdee (total daily energy expenditure) - 15% and never net less than BMR...the testimonials just keep rolling in about inches lost, having more energy, feeling better, less crabbiness/aggitation, weight loss...etc.

    You don't have to starve or feel deprived. When you eat too few cals the weight loss stops because the metabolism slows to conserve energy. When you fuel your body, you are then able to build muscle, lose fat and the metabolism burns higher because it has food to burn. Long story, totally against what many preach, but I as well as many others are walking proof that you need to eat to properly to fuel your body which then in turns allows the body to relax because it has the fuel it needs to allow it to release the fat it is holding storage....

    I get this and it sounds good but do you eat your exercise cals on top of that aswell? Or do you just eat TDEE-15% each day regardless of what exercise you do?
    This is what Im confused about!

    If you're looking for straight up weightloss, no, don't eat them back. If you're looking for a full body recomposition, you eat about 10% surplus to your TDEE on workout days. For now, don't eat them back and stick with -15% every day :)
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm almost never hungry. I think that is generally because I eat more than 100 grams of protein a day and drink plenty of water.

    I also eat on a regular schedule of every 2-3 hours as I'm hypoglycemic and in order to keep my blood sugar stable this is how I have to eat. According to my PCP and the nutritionist that I've spoken with I should eat at least 6 grams of protein every few hours and attempt to eat a complex carb with it. I have plenty of sugar cravings.. GAH! but it's not really hunger!

    When it's all said and done I end up eating about the same amount of carbs and protein on a daily basis and the ratio is very satisfying for me.