Do you feel hungry when dieting?



  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    The goals are realistic, but just the idea of eating things i dont like, like fruit and vegetables and grilled meat, just makes me depressed

    Sounds like a punishment. I've always found that eating in moderation, and making small changes work better than going all out and making huge changes that I hate and wouldn't want to abide by in the long run.

    I want to lose weight but eating those stuff that i really dont like its just awful. So why cant i lose weight having my "every day" treat? I dont mind of the vegetables or the soup, but please please...i just want to be able to eat a small portion of fries or a little kinder chocolate. Each have less than 200 calories and make me happy. Its that so bad?

    It's not bad at all... As long as you can work these things into your daily calorie allowance or you exercise to "earn" the extra calories back AND as long as you're eating other foods to get all the nutrients you need, why shouldn't you be able to eat a small amount of something that you really really like?

    I satisfy sugar cravings by putting a Lindor Dark Chocolate Mint Truffle in my mouth and letting it start to dissolve... I savor things more now by eating them more slowly when I give into a craving.

    Also, so as not to feel too deprived I try to have one cheat day a week...