Are you a Lesbian or Gay?!?



  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    First of all, you two are a gorgeous couple!

    I'm not gay, but I totally check out other girls at the gym - clothed, not clothed, whatever. That being said, it's not a sexual thing, it's more of an appreciation for our beautiful bodies! I'm impressed with great muscle definition (vs skinny) and I'm usually checking out arms, backs, or abs. It's also nice to see that EVERYBODY has cellulite and that each of our "problem areas" are usually "problem areas" for everybody else and reminds me to not be so hard on myself! It sounds to me like I'm more likely to get ousted than you are! ;-)

    If anybody has a problem with you in the locker room, tough *kitten* for them. It just goes to show how ignorant they are about lesbians.

    Totally agree with this!

    I am not lesbian and I also check other women out. I even comment on other women with my husband. I can appreciate a beautiful body whether it is male or female without being attracted to them.

    You will always find ignorant people and I know it is easier said that done but you should just stop thinking what others might think and move on with your life. You and your girlfriend look like a cute couple.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Oh when I was younger (like early teens) I can admit that maybe some hormones were a bit high so when I began visiting the gym I did find myself just looking at the women in there but just to look ._. but I'm older now and I definitely don't do that anymore, if i do its usually like I wonder how she got her tummy to look like that or oh she has nice legs wonder what she does, or awwww her shoes are super cute but definitely not every girl I see I want to bone and I think all my friends realize this too because we do sleep overs at times and they undress in front of me and i barely even notice because im not thinking about them like that hehe even though one time one of the girls said I could watch her but she didn;t think id find any pleasure in it but i would have because she has a nice body but i told her that out of respect for her privacy ill turn around and i did and that was that.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I've been watching you watching me .......!!!!

    Just kidding...first of all I wanted to say that you two are both beautiful..and if someone is looking at your its not becasue you are a lesbian Im sure they are simply admiring your beauty !!

    I wish you BOTH the best and to hell with what everyone else thinks !
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    ditto to this, don't sweat the ignorance. and you guys are adorable!
    I'm a proud lesbian and I don't worry about what people think when I'm looking at them, nor what they think when they look at me.

    I mean really, just as in a heterosexual lifestyle, just because someone is looking at you doesn't mean they are plotting to take your booty candy. And just because you see someone of the same gender that looks gay doesn't mean they are going to turn on their super gay magnet and lure you over to them so they can do things to you that you are deathly afraid of. You feel me?

    By the way, you two make a beautiful couple.
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Congrats on your relationship, you are sounding very happy my dear! I'm friends with gay and transgendered people and think no different of either to my hetro mates. Men and women are both beautiful to look at, it doesn't mean it's a sexual thing to appreciate what God/mother nature made right?

    Enjoy life to the full, live to the max hey!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member

    I'm engaged to a fantastic guy, and I'm bi.

    I check people out all the time. Like "Whoa look at that guys shoulders," "Whoa did you see her abs? Dang!" "That guys got a nice butt." "She is SO CUTE," "I love her hair." I'm not planning on sleeping with anybody, I'm in a commited relationship. But that doesn't stop me from oogling pretty people. I don't think I could stop even if I tried. :P

    If there is a lady in the locker room with some body part that I'm impressed with or something, (DANG your abs are AMAZING!) I usually start chatting with them, and they usually appreciate the complement and we start discussing our journies a bit while we're changing or whatever.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is... You don't need to be afraid of people, because people are just people like you. They like to get compliments and like to chat sometimes, they work hard and sometimes make mistakes. Just like you and me. *shrug*
  • Shawnie_B
    Shawnie_B Posts: 17
    Not gay, but very gay friendly. I live with a lesbian too :) lol anyways, I think as long as your straight friends are reasonable people they should understand that not every lesbian wants to sleep with them. Just like not every guy wants to sleep with them. If they don't understand that, get better friends!

    AMEN AMEN AMEN...AS a lesbian...I DO NOT look at every female in that way...some ppl just dont get that
  • SkyMusic
    SkyMusic Posts: 43
    I'm bisexual and proud of it. :) I've had a relationship with a girl and it was the longest lasting and best relationship I've ever had.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Don't tell any of the straight guys this secret, okay? During the times in my life when I went to the gym, looking at attractive guys was part of my motivation for getting off my fat behind and actually going. But one thing I figured out pretty quick was that the really fit guys were not the ones hanging around in the locker room. The hot guys were all out on the floor exercising, not sitting around in the sauna.
  • androde
    androde Posts: 96 Member
    meh, I've seen a t-shirt I want to get with the slogan "just because I'm gay doesn't mean you're good looking" but can't link to the image
  • BoxingCoachMo
  • Shawnie_B
    Shawnie_B Posts: 17
    People ridicule what they dont understand.

    ssooooo very TRUE!!
  • Shawnie_B
    Shawnie_B Posts: 17
    meh, I've seen a t-shirt I want to get with the slogan "just because I'm gay doesn't mean you're good looking" but can't link to the image

    I LOVE THAT quote!!
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    They might not feel uncomfortable at all or they might be uncomfortable because they feel the energy you are putting off about being scared they are thinking that. Just relax and it will all be fine. "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter."!
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    I'm very obviously a's easy to tell just by looking at me and I can't say I've ever had one bad or uncomfortable moment at the gym. When I go I'm focused on getting in and getting out and I find the majority of people there are doing the same.

    On the flip side I work with a boatload of straight women and they are always checking out and discussing other women. They are interested in their outfits and their bodies. I just think that's the way women are.
  • triggs456
    triggs456 Posts: 14
    I hate that! just because i am a lesbian doesnt mean im attracted to every damn one of you!! straight girls aren't attracted to every guy they meet!! I am with you sister!
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member

    I'm in a very happy same sex relationship (see picture)... and we're both really comfortable with being gay and being out.

    However, i have straight girl friends who i sometimes worry think I'm looking at them in a sexual way just because they are female and I'm a lesbian......

    Also... in the gym/pool, I find myself getting embarrassed incase someone/friends thinks i'm looking at them in the changing room (I'm NOT because i have my eye candy at home) just because i'm looking at their swimsuit and thinking 'wonder if that would look nice on me'..... OR I get hit on by men/male lifeguards when all i want to do is be left alone to do my thing!!!

    Anyone else feel like this?!

    Yes I feel like this too, I never know where to look in the changing room!! Recently my girlfriend flashed me in the changing room ( it was only us in there at the time) and I just automaticly looked away in case it wasn't her, lol.
  • little_people
    I hear you loud and clear. I'm an out lesbian with a long term partner and a beautiful baby. It's a weird world out there but I'm so grateful for open minded people and my family! My heart goes out to those struggling with their own self identity.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Women are beautiful creatures. :flowerforyou:

    I'm a straight woman but would rather look at a woman naked than most men hahhaha. Sometimes to simply compare my body to theirs, other times to truly appreciate their hard work ("Damn.............wish I had abs like that!").

    Don't worry about what others think. :)
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    meh, I've seen a t-shirt I want to get with the slogan "just because I'm gay doesn't mean you're good looking" but can't link to the image