How often do you step on the scale/measure?



  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    You are NOT Alone!! Many do....I didn't own one until MFP and once on seeing the daily losses I at one point found myself doing the daily check like some of my pals....But it was more discouraging and factoring on my mood on a dialy til I said enough....I started checking it bi-weekly and now I am at the point where I check it each holiday.....Granted I am at goal but this was something I practiced before.....Create a challenge for yourself start off weekly and who knows how often you will get on it from there...You will be surprise how much you will focus on eating right and working out...Good luck to you and the scale..

    At the beginning and end of each workout JM DVDS, or Sculpting planning...
  • yocaitygee
    Thanks everyone!!! I do step on everyday, but I don't log it! I haven't logged in a while because I have been fluctuating to begin and trying ot find my groove still! I don't want to log in every little bit dropped and I sure at heck don't want to log gained! But I feel like the every day is so inaccurate! I'm honestly not sure why I do it when I have the rational thoughts in my head, but who acts rationally anymore!?!??! I don't want to start logging until I feel like I have reached a point where I don't feel like I am just fluctuating back and forth and every .2 pounds! I'll definitely start an "official" weigh in day :)
  • mtneerjk81
    mtneerjk81 Posts: 65 Member
    I weigh myself every day and log it every day. But I don't compare a day's weight with the previous day. I like to compare where I was the previous week at that time. May not be the choice of everybody, but it works for me.
  • yocaitygee
    I weigh myself every day and log it every day. But I don't compare a day's weight with the previous day. I like to compare where I was the previous week at that time. May not be the choice of everybody, but it works for me.

    That is such a good idea!!!!!! It would make people be much less hard on themselves day-to-day! Thanks :smile:
  • diadori
    diadori Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, on Wednesdays. I get up in the morning, hit the restroom, strip down and step on the scale. I also do my measurements there. I find weighing in everyday to be a serious de-motivator.
  • Results4achange
    I myself do the same.....I get very discouraged...2 pounds lost on a Friday, then a 2 pound gain on a Monday...not getting anywhere. I beleive that the scale everyday keeps me in check on maintaining.
  • prettytothinkso
    I weigh daily, but I don't log it on this site. I tried weighing once a week, but once I found I somehow managed to gain 8 lbs (sodium binge, which I now track to attempt to avoid) and it freaked me out. Now I like to see ups and downs so I can maybe look closely at my food/exercise diary to see what may have caused it. I don't let it get me down though. If anything, it motivates me to keep on working hard to get to where I want to be.
  • Khole02
    Khole02 Posts: 45
    I weigh myself every two weeks, usually at the same time if I can. I measure myself every month on the same day. I think that doing it everyday you body fluctuates with weight so one day you could weigh less and another day you can weigh more.
  • DanyelePalmer
    Every day for several years. I only count the new lows, however.

    haha same here!
  • jplentl
    jplentl Posts: 12 Member
    hi there! this is my first post ever on mfp. :D

    i also step on every morning...before any intake (even water), before shower, after any expulsions (sry).
    i know i shouldnt do it (or so they say), but i justify it by trying to keep daily track of where i stand and how i need to adjust my behavior between then and my "official" friday morning weigh-ins.

    i dont think there is a right or wrong here, so i vote you do what you wanna do for YOU. :happy:

    YAY welcome to the site/forums!!!! :):) Thank you for this advice!!!! It is good advice and I think it tells me to get the scale OUT! HAHA it only makes me frustrated and is not working! I did it to keep daily track as well, but I think while I am still in the stages of no results :sad: I should just take it week by week! Thanks :)

    I know exactly what you mean. UGH! I go a little overboard and will weigh myself at lunch (I tell myself it is just for shiggles) and then again at night before I shower. I always weigh the same weight in the AM and gain the same two pounds by the end of the day. I think I will try my hardest to stick to making Friday my Weigh in day. It is good to know that I am not alone.
  • agriffitts85
    agriffitts85 Posts: 38 Member
    i weigh myself everyday after my morning routine and i plan on measuring myself every two weeks
  • leap314
    leap314 Posts: 75 Member
  • amymimi12
    amymimi12 Posts: 51 Member
    I obsess every morning too, but I'm trying to cut back on my addiction! Going to every other day and trying to taper off to get to only 2 or 3 x per week - maybe eventually once a week but I'm not sure I can give it up completely! I only log on Monday mornings, to compare one week to the next, but it helps remind me that I'm trying to pay attention and see status. But if it gets discouraging I say stop! Too much checking shows too much fluctuation, I think.
  • xabcdefgee
    xabcdefgee Posts: 41 Member
    the last time i "dieted", i checked my weight every day and was obsessing over it. this time i check once or twice a week. i use the scale at the gym because the two i have at home are so off. using the one at the gym is more accurate but it also motivates me to actually go! lol
  • lemondaisy
    lemondaisy Posts: 1 Member
    I have not been on a scale for over a year. Today was my first weigh in at a Weight Watcher's meeting. After the meeting my daughter and I decided to save our money, and try this web program instead. I cannot weigh every day, otherwise I get too discouraged. I plan to weigh once a week, and see how that goes.
  • BrittanieGo
    BrittanieGo Posts: 60 Member
    I weigh every morning and every night (I like to prep for the let down if it's high at night lol) and measure inches once a month. As long as I dont let the number on the scale determine how my day goes I dont see a problem with it
  • sunnie326
    sunnie326 Posts: 721 Member
    I weigh myself every single day. Usually several times a day. I like to see where I am. I don't like to see the gains, but it just reminds me why I don't need that "insert name of evil food here" lol I only use the first weight of the day, after using the restroom and completely stripped down, right before the shower. I know this almost sounds weird, but it's like a game. It is kind of fun to see the fluctuations throughout the day. Dressed, not dressed. After eating. Before bed. I have taken one set of measurements. Not sure when I will take the next set, but the measurements are what I am using as the true indicator of where I am. I wish I had taken mesurements when I first started, because I know that even though I am only down a few pounds since I have started, I have lost quite a few inches.
  • PrincessMom08
    PrincessMom08 Posts: 120 Member
    I weigh myself probably 3 times a day. The only weigh in I truly count though is the one in the morning right after i wake up and use the restroom.

    The only reason I weigh myself the other 2 times is not to see if my weights changed. I just like to view the impact the food I have been eating has on the number on the scale. For some odd reason I get a kick of seeing my weight being 202 after drinking 2lbs of water. Guess I'm weird like that. lol

    Just wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on your 100lbs lost! WTG!

    I have had a bad habit of every day and sometimes a few times during the day. I've got to start training my brain to do it only once a week or less. I get a little obsessed with the numbers. I think I just got excited because I lost 5lbs in two days at first. Probably from cutting out the soda and the bloating going away. I can feel myself getting more and more discouraged and confused. So I guess it would be good for most of us daily weighers to pick a day out of the week and weigh in.

    I can say though that even with the scale sitting still now, I have seen a drop in my inches in the past week. 3 on my waist and 2 on my hips. I think I'm going to make this a weekly thing as well now. It's going to be tough at first but I gotta train my brain haha
  • sunnie326
    sunnie326 Posts: 721 Member
    I can say though that even with the scale sitting still now, I have seen a drop in my inches in the past week. 3 on my waist and 2 on my hips. I think I'm going to make this a weekly thing as well now. It's going to be tough at first but I gotta train my brain haha

    I feel that inches are a better guage anyways. Congrats on losing 5 inches. I will take 5 inches over 5 lbs any day!!!
  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    Usually 3-4 times a day. I know.....