Marilyn Monroe.



  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I dont idolize her for her size.

    I idolize her for her ability to party. That chick was a bada$$!!!! I mean, she could get whatever drugs she wanted, could get whatever man she wanted......... Come on! who WOULDNT want to be like Marilyn?!?!?!?!?

    I really compare myself to Victoria Beckham....... without the super hot husband.

  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    She was a freaking ICON is why. Many different women (nothing to do with size) compare themselves to her because of her confidence and realness.

    I think its funny when people describe her as confidant,she was pretty much an insecure mess. And lets start on her realness,um she pretty much allowed Hollywood to make her unrecognizable to become a star.
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    Cool story bro
    O RLY?
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    She was a freaking ICON is why. Many different women (nothing to do with size) compare themselves to her because of her confidence and realness.

    I think its funny when people describe her as confidant,she was pretty much an insecure mess. And lets start on her realness,um she pretty much allowed Hollywood to make her unrecognizable to become a star.

    ^^Sorry, forgot to say "In my opinion" - as did you.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    She was a freaking ICON is why. Many different women (nothing to do with size) compare themselves to her because of her confidence and realness.

    I think its funny when people describe her as confidant,she was pretty much an insecure mess. And lets start on her realness,um she pretty much allowed Hollywood to make her unrecognizable to become a star.

    ^^Sorry, forgot to say "In my opinion" - as did you.

    Um its a pretty well known fact that she was an insecure mess,she projected that in almost every action. Hence the sleeping with married men and drug abuse.
  • jessie1480
    jessie1480 Posts: 132 Member
    I just want to point out, we are on here to better ourselves, not judge people: at least I thought that was the point. If you want to have an open discussion about a sensitive issue, social grace helps.

    Size 12 today isn't nessasarily obese, and size 8 dosent make you thin. Rude is rude, no matter how you paint it.

    You are posting on a sight full of ladies of all shapes and sizes and supporting eachother should be a goal not telling people what they should think of their bodys.

    I'm not directly addressing anyone. And for the record: most human don't have a realistic view of their bodies on here, especially when they aim for a specific body. You can use a certain body for motivation but you should strive to look exactly like another person.

    But you did make a generalization about "bigger" women. And you were not kind about it. Nothing that you had to say was supportive or up lifting. Maybe before you clump people in one catigory you should think about what you say, and others sensitivites.
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    According to measurements from Marilyn Monroe's dressmaker:
    Height: 5 feet, 5½ inches
    Weight: 118-140 pounds
    Bust: 35-37 inches
    Waist: 22-23 inches
    Hips: 35-36 inches
    Bra size: 36D

    Not even close to plus size, even at her biggest. Mystery solved... lol

    One thing makes me question the accuracy of this entire size quote. You say the dressmaker says she had a 35-37 inch bust, but you also say she wore a 36D bra. A 36D bra would mean a chest (underbust) measurment of 36 inches, plus an additional 4 inches for her breasts. That would mean her actual bust size would be at least 40, not 35-37. Given that, perhaps the other measurements were also 'reduced'?

    eta: This is coming from a 5'1" woman whose actual measurements are 37-24-35, and I KNOW I don't look anything like Marilyn!

    Her weight went shifted between 115-140lbs.
    So maybe those measurements were taken when she was smaller?

    Read it again - the person that provided these said that she was never close to a plus size even at her thickest and gives a range for each measurement. There is no way on earth the woman in the white bathing suit (presumably at the 140 pound 'highest' weight, although I have my doubts about that number as well) has a 37" bust, 23 inch waist or 36 inch hips - the largest of the numbers provided.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    She was a freaking ICON is why. Many different women (nothing to do with size) compare themselves to her because of her confidence and realness.

    I think its funny when people describe her as confidant,she was pretty much an insecure mess. And lets start on her realness,um she pretty much allowed Hollywood to make her unrecognizable to become a star.

    ^^Sorry, forgot to say "In my opinion" - as did you.

    Um its a pretty well known fact that she was an insecure mess,she projected that in almost every action. Hence the sleeping with married men and drug abuse.

    It can't be a "fact" that she was not confident, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard lol

    As for the sleeping with married men part that does not make her an insecure mess.

    “Husbands are chiefly good as lovers when they are betraying their wives.” - Marilyn Monroe
  • lolamariem

    Her weight went shifted between 115-140lbs.
    So maybe those measurements were taken when she was smaller?

    Read it again - the person that provided these said that she was never close to a plus size even at her thickest and gives a range for each measurement. There is no way on earth the woman in the white bathing suit (presumably at the 140 pound 'highest' weight, although I have my doubts about that number as well) has a 37" bust, 23 inch waist or 36 inch hips - the largest of the numbers provided.

    As do I. But then again those are when she was measured,like, I'm sure when she gained weight her waist increased, and her measurements shifted. She may have been that size when she was measured though.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Who gives a S what she weighed or what her measurements were? She's been dead for decades! Worry about yourself.
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    Its not her actual measurements I give a *kitten* about. Its that people are using those obviously inaccurate numbers as a way of justifying whatever agenda they have. I like to see arguments based on fact, not on what they wish was so.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Its not her actual measurements I give a *kitten* about. Its that people are using those obviously inaccurate numbers as a way of justifying whatever agenda they have. I like to see arguments based on fact, not on what they wish was so.

    This! My biggest pet peeve is that that white swimsuit one is being thrown around as what Marilyn looked like all the time, which is not so. She was mainly as thin as the other photos that have been posted on here. People try to justify their being overweight as okay, "because Marilyn was thick, and curvy." Thick and curvy =/= rolls and unhealthy.
  • amber2521
    amber2521 Posts: 32 Member
    Marilyn Monroe is my idol. I do not think she was a drug addict. I think she was brilliant. Ive read SO MANY books about her written by her family, close friends, ect. it makes me sad when peple say she was a slut. Long Live Norma Jean!
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    i've never understood what all the hype was about with marilyn monroe. she was pretty and tragic, yes. but so many women are obsessed with her and i dont get it.
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    I personally believe we are being trolled by someone who per their ticker needs to lose 5 pounds and has a limited number of posts on the forums.

    Let's see where this goes from here... >.>
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    What's with every girl who is slightly 'bigger' comparing her body to Marilyn Monroe's?
    I could say many rude comments but the gist of it: f the women that compare their body to her, 99.9 are built nothing like her.
    And pant sizes were MUCH smaller then they are currently. A 1950's 16dress size would be the equivalent of a modern day size 12 or even as small as a size 8!

    Educate yourself:

    that is all.

    Um, no, not so much. Sizes have been moving the other direction. Case in point: I wore a size 12 the last time I was at my current weight. Now I am buying size 8 in the same brand (Lauren).

    I take more offense at the propensity to photoshop already fit (if not overly thin) women into even less realistic proportions.
  • lolamariem
    To each their own. Why are you worried about what someone says or does? Why does it concern you how people perceive themselves or how they go about developing their confidence? You should really stop and ask yourself these things because focusing on others means you are not focusing on yourself. And I am willing to bet you have more than one area that could stand improvement.

    Peace, love, and blessings!:flowerforyou:

    Because it effects society.

    Of course I do, one reason I am on this site. Both physically and personality wise.

    How exactly does it affect society for someone to compare themselves to another? If you are saying that society is justifying being fat, yes, this is true. But you can't make people change unless they want to. Why hold on to negative energy about what others do when you could be putting positive energy towards not being a part of the problem?

    You are not very insightful.
    Why the controversy on banning size 0 models, or a model with a certain BMI? Why is there so much hype between what the media portrays and how it effects young girls, their self image and self esteem. These 'problems' and many like them are sparked when people compare themselves to another.
    I'm not trying to make people change lol I'm just saying.
    Negative energy? I'm just annoyed, and most are embarrassing themselves.

    Why can't these women just be confident because they are. Their confidence shouldn't be controlled or dependent on how others view a certain someones body. And they especially shouldn't use it to justify unhealthy lifestyle habits. (example: If I had Marilyn's hip and bust measurement, I would be extremely overweight for my build and frame. If I did have these measurements, should I start comparing my body to Marilyn's healthy frame? Should I use Marilyn's body to justify why I can eat fast food as part of my daily diet?

    Girl's shouldn't idolize her JUST because of her body and how she was viewed at the time.
    That's along the same lines as a girl idolizing Nicole Richies body or Victoria Beckhams frame.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    What's with every girl who is slightly 'bigger' comparing her body to Marilyn Monroe's?
    I could say many rude comments but the gist of it: f the women that compare their body to her, 99.9 are built nothing like her.
    And pant sizes were MUCH smaller then they are currently. A 1950's 16dress size would be the equivalent of a modern day size 12 or even as small as a size 8!

    Educate yourself:

    that is all.

    The fact that this bothers you SO much that you would create a thread about it is disturbing!
  • lolamariem
    What's with every girl who is slightly 'bigger' comparing her body to Marilyn Monroe's?
    I could say many rude comments but the gist of it: f the women that compare their body to her, 99.9 are built nothing like her.
    And pant sizes were MUCH smaller then they are currently. A 1950's 16dress size would be the equivalent of a modern day size 12 or even as small as a size 8!

    Educate yourself:

    that is all.

    Um, no, not so much. Sizes have been moving the other direction. Case in point: I wore a size 12 the last time I was at my current weight. Now I am buying size 8 in the same brand (Lauren).

    I take more offense at the propensity to photoshop already fit (if not overly thin) women into even less realistic proportions.

    Just because the jean brand you own happen to different sizing doesn't mean sizing in general has gotten smaller.
    Women were much smaller back then.

    Also If any of you have shopped in Europe, I'm sure you've noticed how much smaller the sizes/fit were. US brands seem to run big

    Also the jeans you bought, it can depend on the fit.

    Yes I agree, photoshopping is getting out of control and is becoming wayyyyy to common.
  • lolamariem
    Please Read :)

    Pointing out Marilyn Monroe’s dress size and weight has long been a body image warrior’s battle cry. Reportedly between a size 12 and 14, Monroe is frequently referenced when we talk about the evils of the media and the increasingly unrealistic standard of beauty in our society.
    “But did you know that Marilyn was a Size 14?” we say, incredulously. “If she were alive today, she would be considered fat!” And then we puff out our chests and raise our eyebrows expectantly, hoping these facts will knock some sense into the masses that we think are deluded by the Kate Mosses and Calista Flockharts of our day (Okay, so I clearly need a bit of celebrity updating. Miranda Kerr, perhaps?).
    Don’t get me wrong, I certainly recognize just how distorted our perception of thin has become. And pointing to Monroe’s slightly larger frame can give an attention-grabbing reason to think twice about our cultural norms.
    But what if history was wrong? Does our argument fall apart?
    For better or worse, Monroe likely wasn’t a Size 12 or 14 or 16 – at least not by today’s sizing. In a witty piece on NPR, writer Jessica Siegel (who wears a 12) tried on a Marilyn original dress… and couldn’t zip it up. There was apparently over a six inch gap. []
    So if Monroe wasn’t a Size 12 – if we can’t point to a beauty icon to show how these standards have changed – where does that leave us?
    Ironically, maybe it leaves us in a better place than where we started. I’m not so sure that using a sixty-plus year old statistic about another woman’s dress size really helps the cause of creating our own body size appreciation.
    What I’ve found is that while facts like this one are interesting, they rely a bit too much on our left brains. They make sense, we nod our heads in agreement, but don’t change much about how we feel about ourselves – at least not substantially. Attention grabbing? Yes. Life altering? Not so much.
    And maybe the point is not to be life-altering, but rather to remind us that cultural ideals do shift and change, and thus enslaving ourselves to them is a futile effort. Even more interesting, in my opinion, is learning about the way that Monroe’s own body changed in the course of her life. According to historians, her weight fluctuated by about 20% in her adult life – not a huge amount, but enough that it made a difference on her 5’5 frame. And through that Monroe remained poised and confident, proud of her beautiful curves.
    So perhaps Monroe’s Size 16 doesn’t hold water anymore, but there’s still plenty that we can learn from the bombshell. One of my favorites? ”I want to grow old without facelifts. I want to have the courage to be loyal to the face I have made.” Now that is truth.


    "not her size and what that means today.. but rather how she embraced her size during that period of time. I actually think another star of the time did something similar – Katharine Hepburn (who embraced her more boyish figure). I think the concept of CREATING YOUR OWN BODY IMAGE ideal is a powerful one. Not having a society create one for you. But CREATING YOUR OWN, based upon how you are… your body knows what’s ideal for itself."