Which exercise do you do first? Cardio or strength training?

I'm trying to do both types of exercises in one day. Which one should be done first?


  • joanie152
    joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
    I do Cardio first - it raises my heart rate and I feel like it keeps it elevated for weights. No science behind this advice - it is just what I do.
  • tngfordisney
    I always thought that cardio first warmed up your muscles for strength training.
  • SouthernCountryGirl
    SouthernCountryGirl Posts: 195 Member
    I've heard both sides, do cardio first then weights and also do weights first then cardio to burn more calories. I would love to know some hard facts though. I'm just as curious :)
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Most people recommend doing the strength first and cardio after.

    I do the cardio first myself. 20 minutes of intense cardio on the elliptical or rowing machine then 45-60 of weight training. I like to make sure Im really warmed up and the blood is pumping before I start lifting. 36 years old and want to make sure I dont injure myself. Have not noticed a difference in strength doing it this way.
  • jhm57
    jhm57 Posts: 11 Member
    I alternate cardio and strength training days on the advice of some personal trainers, but on strength training days I still do 18-24 minutes of cardio to warm up. Cardio days are usually 48-60 minutes.
  • schlagers
    schlagers Posts: 58
    I do cardio first as well. It really helps my muscles get warmed up. I especially love doing the elliptical for about 5 minutes because it warms up my whole body, not just my legs.
  • fatfiske
    fatfiske Posts: 33
    You should do cardio first, it raises the heartrate and helps warmup the muscles. The more warm your muscles are, the less likely you'll get injured doing weights. Also, do some more cardio after your weight training as well. You'll get the best burn starting and ending with cardio. Cardio, cardio, cardio!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I strongly think that strength is best. Being fresh on your lifts allows you to push harder and heavier (which is exactly what you should be doing). ****It's also safer not to be tired****. Cardio can easily be done after. Just do dynamic warm up of 3-5 minutes before weights and do warm up sets on your first weight sets.

    Cardio may have a better "burn" but weights are how you get LEAN.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    No science here, but I do both. 30 min on ARC machine, 30-45 min weights, then end with 35 min on elliptical.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I've heard you are supposed to do weight training first but I burn more calories when I do cardio first, plus i'm usually too beat after weight training to do the stairmaster
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I always thought that cardio first warmed up your muscles for strength training.

    I do otherwise my mucles feel weird.
    Mainly I do 10 min run 10 min strength and alternate...I get bored really easy.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I also do cardio first because it's my warmup. I have to do all of my exercising during my lunch break, which is an hour, and that needs to include a shower afterward. 30 minutes on the elliptical going full-tilt-boogie, 15 minutes of weight/core work, shower, back to desk. On days I don't do weight/core work, I hit the elliptical for 45 hard-pumping minutes.

    It just seems more efficient to make the elliptical my warmup and the core work be my cooldown. Warmed muscles are less likely to incur injury, and my core work is more intense in terms of actual muscular effort.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I'm not really sure why, but I've always done my cardio first. I think it's because, to me, strength training seems like cool down time after good cardio xD
  • angelapolite
    Thanks all! I've read that you can do either first, but I would agree to do cardio first, then weights.
  • Manabug01
    Manabug01 Posts: 23 Member
    I change it up from week to week but really like doing strength first after a 10m warmup walk to get the heart rate up. I feel I can push myself harder with the weights if I'm not wiped out from intense cardio first.
  • angie_sample
    i personally do half my cardio before then my strength training then the rest of my cardio. I didnt get this from anyone its just the way i've done it. I've lost 71 pounds so far its working for me.
  • kevsprincess
    I switch it up, one day I start with cardio, the next time start with strength.... I stretch before doing anything always! Iv'e been told to switch up your workout routine that way?? idk
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Bump x
  • cPT_Helice
    cPT_Helice Posts: 403
    It's best not to do both on the same day, as they actually contraindicate each other. But, sometimes we have no choice. That being the case, warming up with a few minutes of cardio first is fine. But, strength should always be done first. Yes, cardio will boost your heart rate and so it will be higher when you do your weight training but you are not actually burning more calories this way. It's misleading.
    The reason to do strength first is that you want to be able to lift your max weights and have your best form. If your muscles are already tired, you get muscle fatigue sooner and can't lift as much or for as many reps and so you don't actually get the full benefits of the weight training.
    Of course this also works for the cardio - if your muscles are fatigued from weights, you can't work to your max. But the convention is.... strength before cardio.
    But you can see why they will interfere with each other on the same day.
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    I do a 10 min cardio to warm up before weights, but do my "real" cardio after the weights. Have to be careful not to fall off the treadmill with rubbery legs though. :)