Which exercise do you do first? Cardio or strength training?



  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    If I can help it I do cardio first. You get a longer after burn if you do cardio then strength training :) Good luck!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    When I did both (I don't really do cardio anymore) I would usually do 5mins on the bike, just to warm up and get my HR going, and then hit the weights, then finish cardio afterwards.

    IMO it's best to get the weights done first, purely because you'll have more energy for them, and more likely to perform at your best :)
  • angelapolite
    Now I read this:

    You should do weights before cardio...UGH...
  • Charabbidan
    Charabbidan Posts: 24 Member
    Personally, I prefer to start with cardio. I feel a lot more energised for the strength exercises afterwards.
    Not an expert though, it's just how I do it :smile:
  • gamehen2
    gamehen2 Posts: 45 Member
    I warm up with 10 minutes of cardio before weight-training. If I'm doing arms that day, I make sure to incorporate cardio that moves my arms (i.e. ellipitcal). I usually do my real cardio work later in the day so I don't kill myself.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I strongly think that strength is best. Being fresh on your lifts allows you to push harder and heavier (which is exactly what you should be doing). ****It's also safer not to be tired****. Cardio can easily be done after. Just do dynamic warm up of 3-5 minutes before weights and do warm up sets on your first weight sets.

    Cardio may have a better "burn" but weights are how you get LEAN.

    You can't work the muscles as hard if you are already fatigued from cardio. And your form can go to crap if your muscles are already tired.
  • angelapolite
    When I did both (I don't really do cardio anymore) I would usually do 5mins on the bike, just to warm up and get my HR going, and then hit the weights, then finish cardio afterwards.

    IMO it's best to get the weights done first, purely because you'll have more energy for them, and more likely to perform at your best :)

    That's what I just read too...
  • BigAardvaark
    I do strength first mainly because I usually go 30 or so minutes before gym "rush hour" and the strength gear gets tough to grab in the order I like. There's always a piece of cardio kit free once I've finished strength.

    Also, I do like to ramp the cardio sessions to the max HR I feel safe with and if I did that first, I'd just want to go home and not bother with the weights!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Thanks all! I've read that you can do either first, but I would agree to do cardio first, then weights.

    Hey, its just my 2 cents. I don't know your goals but I do know there is a LOT of misinformation in these responses. If you want to get lean weights are crucial...they are not a "cool down"

    You certainly don't *have* to do weights first but a lot this reasoning on why you do cardio first is based on approaches to fat loss that quite frankly aren't very well researched.

    I'd be more than happy to explain further if you want. Either way, best of luck in your goals!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I'm not really sure which should be done first, but I also do cardio, then abs/push-ups, then lift. If i did it vice versa I'd be too lazy to do anything else lol
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    doing cardio first is very counter-productive for results, you will get better results lifting first, but I understand why people like to do cardio first, personally, do a quick warm up on the rower, then hit the weights, finish with your cardio and include a warm down.
  • CEQuick75
    CEQuick75 Posts: 311 Member
    Just read a great book that should answer your question: Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?: Workout myths, Training truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise.

    Basically, do the one that you are looking to gain the most from first.
  • Salasel
    Salasel Posts: 69 Member
    Why not do a short warm up on the bike tread mill eliptical then hit the weights. The secret is to keep your heart rate in the right zone. A heart rate monitor will help determine how you need to guage your intenisty.
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    I always do cardio after weights! That's what works for me. It's different for everybody.
  • mellabyte
    mellabyte Posts: 193 Member
    When I used to work with a personal trainer, he would have me do a cardio warm-up (5-10 mins), do weights, sometimes abs and then finish with cardio (at least 30+ minutes).

    Now, I prefer to do cardio first (after stretching, heh) because it warms me up and raises my heart rate (I don't like to hit weights cold), then weights and sometimes finish with abs.
  • angelapolite
    It's best not to do both on the same day, as they actually contraindicate each other. But, sometimes we have no choice. That being the case, warming up with a few minutes of cardio first is fine. But, strength should always be done first. Yes, cardio will boost your heart rate and so it will be higher when you do your weight training but you are not actually burning more calories this way. It's misleading.
    The reason to do strength first is that you want to be able to lift your max weights and have your best form. If your muscles are already tired, you get muscle fatigue sooner and can't lift as much or for as many reps and so you don't actually get the full benefits of the weight training.
    Of course this also works for the cardio - if your muscles are fatigued from weights, you can't work to your max. But the convention is.... strength before cardio.
    But you can see why they will interfere with each other on the same day.

    Yes, that makes sense.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    1) 15 minutes cardio to warm up.
    2) Lifting routine for the day.
    3) Finish with 30-45 minutes cardio.
  • Nigerianebony
    Nigerianebony Posts: 182 Member
    When is it considered cardio? Text book answer is of course 20 minutes. I know a few people who do just about 10 minutes of sprints before weight lifting. Or what about power lifting or tabata training? Those can definitely give you a cardio effect. It is so tricky i think. But i think you can start off with either.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    It's best not to do both on the same day, as they actually contraindicate each other. But, sometimes we have no choice. That being the case, warming up with a few minutes of cardio first is fine. But, strength should always be done first. Yes, cardio will boost your heart rate and so it will be higher when you do your weight training but you are not actually burning more calories this way. It's misleading.
    The reason to do strength first is that you want to be able to lift your max weights and have your best form. If your muscles are already tired, you get muscle fatigue sooner and can't lift as much or for as many reps and so you don't actually get the full benefits of the weight training.
    Of course this also works for the cardio - if your muscles are fatigued from weights, you can't work to your max. But the convention is.... strength before cardio.
    But you can see why they will interfere with each other on the same day.

    Well said!
  • angelique_inspiration
    I do cardio and then strength training.45 minutes of cardio followed by 10 minutes of strength training.