Haven't lost anything!?!?! :( :(



  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    The reason that you don't get hungry is because you are not eating enough. If you don't feed a baby enough, it will eventually stop crying and just conserve energy, and that's what your body is doing. You haven't fed your hunger baby, so it is shutting down all unnecessary energy expenditures and just trying to survive on what you are giving it. When you start to eat enough, you will start to get hungry again.

    How do you feel physically? Tired? Headaches? Is your body telling you that you feel well and strong right now, or not?

    I'm tired, I work hard...:>/ My days are long, I'm a single mother...I used to get headaches really bad, but not so much any more. I think it's ok lol. I mean, it's not telling me to 'eat eat eat' lol but it's not really saying 'take a nap' either....:>/ Idk, I have good days and bad...
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Try going gluten free and eat breakfast! Two hard cooked eggs and a piece of fruit is just as easy as a snack bar if you boil the eggs ahead of time. They keep well in the fridge and cheaper too.

    how is going gluten free going to help OP unless she is a diagnosed coeliac?!?!:noway:
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Honestly, you aren't eating enough, sweetie and breakfast is very important. I know what it feels like to be a busy mom who works full-time and don't have "time" to eat dinner, so eat it on the run. I usually grab a Slimfast shake if I don't have time or I will toast 2 low-fat waffles with whipped peanut butter. Peanut butter is a great way to get protein (the whipped is 150 calories for 2 tbs).

    I know it sounds backwards, but your body needs fuel to burn fuel to lose weight. You should be consuming ATLEAST 1200 calories and if you are exercising it should be more. I usually eat atleast 1900 calories/day. I do moderate exercising 3-4 times a week depending on my schedule. It could also be that your body has hit its natural plateau.

    I know I struggle with sweets too, and if you look at my diary - you will see it. Try to substitute it for something more healthy - fruit has natural sugar. I love non fat plain yogurt with frozen red raspberries and some splenda - quite the treat. Also, skinnycow is a good one or the 100 calories packs. Don't get me wrong... I still have the occasionally candy bar (like today because TOM is around the corner). Keep your head up. I have been at this for 16 months now - it is a journey of trial and error.
  • gioisa75
    gioisa75 Posts: 242 Member
    This is whats happening to me. I was not eating up to my 1200 calories each day even stupidly priding my self on the fact that I was "under" the 1200 but in the end I was doing myself a big injustice. That and the fact that I drank like 2 coke zero's each day. Im thinking the low calories and the sodiom in diet soda has held me back. I do have to say that loosening the leash on my calorie intake has not been easy psychologically. I know it may sound strange but its almost like a gateway to letting myself purge and lose control completely.

    EXACTLY!! That's how I feel! Like 'Crap!! I can't eat all that!! I'll gain it back!!" And I love sweets, and hamburgers, and stuff like that. Yes I still eat sweets which I should cut down a lot, but I 'justify' it cause their homemade. Other stuff that I 'crave' or that are 'bad for you' I pretty well stay away from. But I understand what you're saying:)

    Just because it is homemade.. does not mean it is GOOD for you.

    You mean that homemade lasagna is not good for you! lol
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Regularly, yes. Which does not mean you have to eat breakfast. Your metabolism is not going to tank if you eat at 12:00 noon instead of 9:00 AM.

    I am talking about the 1 meal. That is BAD advice.

    why is that?

    you would lose the same amount of weight eating one mean that is 1500 cals vs. 5 meals of 300 cals each, your energy may differ throughout the day, but we are talking weight loss. IF uses this approach, as do many MFPers with full on 6 packs that have read the studies and tried it out themselves. Not something I could do but some people swear by it.

    Considering your body can only digest a certain amount of protein in one meal etc. Yea go ahead and eat 125 grams of protein but your body will only be able to digest a certain amount of it. The rest goes to waste. Calories are not the only thing that matter in a diet. All your other macros are just as important. Feed it all to your body in one sitting and yes some of it gets absorbed into the body, the rest goes right out the ****ter.. literally.

    And how much can you digest at one time? Please provide peer reviewed studies that back up your claim, thanks.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    You need to eat breakfast. I am 4'11" and eat about 2,100 calories a day, and I as far as I know, I am not the size of a Buick. So eating, isn't going to make you fat. Also, you should never eat less than your BMR, your body needs the fuel to function.
  • Flippiefloppies
    This is whats happening to me. I was not eating up to my 1200 calories each day even stupidly priding my self on the fact that I was "under" the 1200 but in the end I was doing myself a big injustice. That and the fact that I drank like 2 coke zero's each day. Im thinking the low calories and the sodiom in diet soda has held me back. I do have to say that loosening the leash on my calorie intake has not been easy psychologically. I know it may sound strange but its almost like a gateway to letting myself purge and lose control completely.

    EXACTLY!! That's how I feel! Like 'Crap!! I can't eat all that!! I'll gain it back!!" And I love sweets, and hamburgers, and stuff like that. Yes I still eat sweets which I should cut down a lot, but I 'justify' it cause their homemade. Other stuff that I 'crave' or that are 'bad for you' I pretty well stay away from. But I understand what you're saying:)

    Just because it is homemade.. does not mean it is GOOD for you.

    You mean that homemade lasagna is not good for you! lol

    Well apparenlty if you at least know what you are putting in it then it is good for you and you should be able to eat it and lose weight.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Yesterday you ate a little over 1000 cals but you burned more than you ate. Eat your exercise cals!!!

    Here are a few links on why you should eat your exercise calories and another on the "eat more/lose more" explained.

    Quite frankly, there are other ways to get more calories in your diet....nuts, oil, peanut/almond butter, etc.... Plus the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose. Maybe your body wants to stay where it is.




  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    Regularly, yes. Which does not mean you have to eat breakfast. Your metabolism is not going to tank if you eat at 12:00 noon instead of 9:00 AM.

    I am talking about the 1 meal. That is BAD advice.

    why is that?

    you would lose the same amount of weight eating one mean that is 1500 cals vs. 5 meals of 300 cals each, your energy may differ throughout the day, but we are talking weight loss. IF uses this approach, as do many MFPers with full on 6 packs that have read the studies and tried it out themselves. Not something I could do but some people swear by it.

    Considering your body can only digest a certain amount of protein in one meal etc. Yea go ahead and eat 125 grams of protein but your body will only be able to digest a certain amount of it. The rest goes to waste. Calories are not the only thing that matter in a diet. All your other macros are just as important. Feed it all to your body in one sitting and yes some of it gets absorbed into the body, the rest goes right out the ****ter.. literally.

    And how much can you digest at one time? Please provide peer reviewed studies that back up your claim, thanks.

    Look at your hand....now make it into a fist......THAT is how big your stomach is!!!!! That is about the amount of food you should eat in a sitting so your stomach doesn't expand too much!!!! Smaller more frequent meals are better for you than one!!!! My mother is a personal trainer and I'm currently studying to become one as well!!! So don't try and tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. If you have NOT studied up on this stuff then it probably isn't smart to be giving others advice about it. Just sayin'.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    This is whats happening to me. I was not eating up to my 1200 calories each day even stupidly priding my self on the fact that I was "under" the 1200 but in the end I was doing myself a big injustice. That and the fact that I drank like 2 coke zero's each day. Im thinking the low calories and the sodiom in diet soda has held me back. I do have to say that loosening the leash on my calorie intake has not been easy psychologically. I know it may sound strange but its almost like a gateway to letting myself purge and lose control completely.

    EXACTLY!! That's how I feel! Like 'Crap!! I can't eat all that!! I'll gain it back!!" And I love sweets, and hamburgers, and stuff like that. Yes I still eat sweets which I should cut down a lot, but I 'justify' it cause their homemade. Other stuff that I 'crave' or that are 'bad for you' I pretty well stay away from. But I understand what you're saying:)

    Just because it is homemade.. does not mean it is GOOD for you.

    EXACTLY the point everyone is trying to make but she obviously doesn't care what we say
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    you havent lost anything because 1, you are eating waaaay too little, as the above posters have said you need to eat AT LEAST your BMR, this is net, so if you do any exercise you should eat that back too.
    2 - what you do eat is mostly processed *kitten*!
    3 - you dont need to lose any more and should focus on building muscle and lowering body fat.

    The best thing you can do is set a healthy goal based on your BMR & TDEE and eat to that every day with healthy foods such as lean meat, whole grains, fruit & veg, healthy fats, dairy and plenty of water. not to say you cant eat the foods you do, but in moderation as partb of a balanced diet.
    MFP standard goals are low on protein and high on carbs, if you are working out 45c / 25p / 30f or 40c / 30p / 30F is a good place to start.

    if you continue eating as you are, you will lose muscle and end up 'skinnyfat' - you will be thin but saggy which is so not a good look, and also the less muscle you have the less you need to eat to maintain it, see where this is going?!

    If you switch to a healthier diet and workout (including weights) as many posters have suggested, you will be able to build muscle and tone up, so you may not lose as many pounds but you will be smaller and look way better in your clothes, also the more muscle you have the more calories you burn, so there is less chance of you regaining the weight.
    There are lots of amazing people on here who eat healthy amounts and look fabulous, eating normally does not make you look like a horse!!

    @ Just feeling a little overwhelmed, but thanks! :)

    Based on your responses I am not sure if you really want to make changes or not, but here goes....

    1. You are not eating enough and are eating too much sugar and processed foods (sausage, bacon, cheese, cheesecake, ice cream, pie filling, etc).

    2. I find that if I focus on what I am trying to ADD to my daily diet rather than what I am taking away, I have a better attitude about it. Focus on getting 5 fruits and veggie servings per day and hopefully the sweets will be less appealing (I know, I have a hard time with this, too).

    3. The fruits and veggies won't go bad if you EAT THEM!

    4. Even if it is just you and your son, you need to be setting a good example for him. What kind of eating habits is he learning from you? Make meals that are healthy for both of you and take the leftovers to lunch for work.

    5. YEs, you will need to bring food and snacks to work and pretty much everywhere else you go to avoid fast food and eating junk. Get a cute lunch bag or small soft-sided cooler to carry your stuff in and fill it up.

    You don't look like you need to lose more weight, but your diet is definitely in need of improvement. Good luck!
  • sara1923
    sara1923 Posts: 53
    ok maybe I am going to take a different stance on you but thank you for having a public diary and BEING HONEST! I am a little shocked to see the responses you have got but also have been surprised that no one has said this yet. You started logging April 11.. There should not be any expectations for you to lose weight yet. You are not overweight to begin with so you are not going to lose the 5lbs a week that other people are capable of. I dont know how you were eating before you started logging but try looking for people with public diaries and seeing if you get any ideas for different foods you could try substituting. There are other people out there with kids that could probably help give you some ideas
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Regularly, yes. Which does not mean you have to eat breakfast. Your metabolism is not going to tank if you eat at 12:00 noon instead of 9:00 AM.

    I am talking about the 1 meal. That is BAD advice.

    why is that?

    you would lose the same amount of weight eating one mean that is 1500 cals vs. 5 meals of 300 cals each, your energy may differ throughout the day, but we are talking weight loss. IF uses this approach, as do many MFPers with full on 6 packs that have read the studies and tried it out themselves. Not something I could do but some people swear by it.

    Considering your body can only digest a certain amount of protein in one meal etc. Yea go ahead and eat 125 grams of protein but your body will only be able to digest a certain amount of it. The rest goes to waste. Calories are not the only thing that matter in a diet. All your other macros are just as important. Feed it all to your body in one sitting and yes some of it gets absorbed into the body, the rest goes right out the ****ter.. literally.

    And how much can you digest at one time? Please provide peer reviewed studies that back up your claim, thanks.

    Look at your hand....now make it into a fist......THAT is how big your stomach is!!!!! That is about the amount of food you should eat in a sitting so your stomach doesn't expand too much!!!! Smaller more frequent meals are better for you than one!!!! My mother is a personal trainer and I'm currently studying to become one as well!!! So don't try and tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. If you have NOT studied up on this stuff then it probably isn't smart to be giving others advice about it. Just sayin'.

    Actually I have studded up on it. I am in the process of obtaining my certificate in fitness and nutrition, upon completing I will be able to write the exam to become a personal trainer, not that I want to become one.

    I didn't say small frequent were not as good or the same as 1 for health or energy. But they are the same as far as weigh loss is concerned.
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    Look at your hand....now make it into a fist......THAT is how big your stomach is!!!!! That is about the amount of food you should eat in a sitting so your stomach doesn't expand too much!!!! Smaller more frequent meals are better for you than one!!!! My mother is a personal trainer and I'm currently studying to become one as well!!! So don't try and tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. If you have NOT studied up on this stuff then it probably isn't smart to be giving others advice about it. Just sayin'.
    I am glad you are studying to become a trainer - but he asked for peer-reviewed studies (scientific evidence) of your claims. I'd also like to point out that he has said that SOME people live that lifestyle and swear by it. There are many means to get to the end...

    **EDIT - and to the OP. I have yet to see a single DAY where you are >1200 net calories. You are at very unhealthy levels of intake. Please reconsider how much you are eating and really increase it. And if you are close to your goal, re-assess your expectations (planned weight loss) so that you can help maximize weight loss and minimize lean muscle loss
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    you havent lost anything because 1, you are eating waaaay too little, as the above posters have said you need to eat AT LEAST your BMR, this is net, so if you do any exercise you should eat that back too.
    2 - what you do eat is mostly processed *kitten*!
    3 - you dont need to lose any more and should focus on building muscle and lowering body fat.

    The best thing you can do is set a healthy goal based on your BMR & TDEE and eat to that every day with healthy foods such as lean meat, whole grains, fruit & veg, healthy fats, dairy and plenty of water. not to say you cant eat the foods you do, but in moderation as partb of a balanced diet.
    MFP standard goals are low on protein and high on carbs, if you are working out 45c / 25p / 30f or 40c / 30p / 30F is a good place to start.

    if you continue eating as you are, you will lose muscle and end up 'skinnyfat' - you will be thin but saggy which is so not a good look, and also the less muscle you have the less you need to eat to maintain it, see where this is going?!

    If you switch to a healthier diet and workout (including weights) as many posters have suggested, you will be able to build muscle and tone up, so you may not lose as many pounds but you will be smaller and look way better in your clothes, also the more muscle you have the more calories you burn, so there is less chance of you regaining the weight.
    There are lots of amazing people on here who eat healthy amounts and look fabulous, eating normally does not make you look like a horse!!

    @ Just feeling a little overwhelmed, but thanks! :)

    Based on your responses I am not sure if you really want to make changes or not, but here goes....

    1. You are not eating enough and are eating too much sugar and processed foods (sausage, bacon, cheese, cheesecake, ice cream, pie filling, etc).

    2. I find that if I focus on what I am trying to ADD to my daily diet rather than what I am taking away, I have a better attitude about it. Focus on getting 5 fruits and veggie servings per day and hopefully the sweets will be less appealing (I know, I have a hard time with this, too).

    3. The fruits and veggies won't go bad if you EAT THEM!

    4. Even if it is just you and your son, you need to be setting a good example for him. What kind of eating habits is he learning from you? Make meals that are healthy for both of you and take the leftovers to lunch for work.

    5. YEs, you will need to bring food and snacks to work and pretty much everywhere else you go to avoid fast food and eating junk. Get a cute lunch bag or small soft-sided cooler to carry your stuff in and fill it up.

    You don't look like you need to lose more weight, but your diet is definitely in need of improvement. Good luck!

    I love these suggestions.

    I would like to add in another suggestion, use your freezer. You can make a HUGE meal and freeze leftovers. This is super handy when you don't feel like cooking, pull something out of the freezer for dinner - ta-da!

    You can create your own "TV dinners" - if you don't have freezer safe containers, invest in some. I do bulk cooking and it's a life saver when I'm not feeling good.

    Also, another thing that helped me is I do a lot of "prep" work on the weekend (chop up lettuce, cucumbers, etc...) so it doesn't take a lot of effort to throw a salad together.
  • brenteesha
    I read through most of the first page of this, but since I'm at work didn't have time to read through every single reply. However, I will say the same thing as everyone else... EAT MORE!!! I was VERY startled when I saw your diaries from how low your calorie intake is day to day. At these levels, there is cause for concern for your health! Your body thinks it is being starved, so it basically shuts down as another user said -- trying to preserve everything it has because it isn't receiving enough nourishment. As other people have said, 1200 is a BARE minimum... and it should be more than that, ESPECIALLY if you are working out. Be sure to log your work outs, and eat your calories back... otherwise your body may stay in/go back into starvation mode.

    Also, keep in mind that you are not heavy to begin with... so I would imagine that you may not lose quite as fast since there isn't much to lose in the first place. I'm not an expert by any means, but that's just what my common sense tells me.

    If you have trouble with your fruit/vegetable intake, try eating foods that have them included. Yogurt is a good place to get fruit, spaghetti sauce can be made with all kinds of veggies, and chili is another great and healthy option as well. You can buy canned/pre-packaged fruit and canned veggies if you are worried about them spoliling. The only downfall is canned food has higher sodium... I just always try to buy no salt added or reduced sodium items. Either way, getting fruits and veggies from a can is better than none at all! Also, the message boards on here are a GREAT resource -- so many recipes and supportive people!

    I wish you the best with your journey! Just PLEASE start to eat MORE, and a more balanced selection... I'm sure you'll see great results!
  • brenteesha
    I love these suggestions.

    I would like to add in another suggestion, use your freezer. You can make a HUGE meal and freeze leftovers. This is super handy when you don't feel like cooking, pull something out of the freezer for dinner - ta-da!

    You can create your own "TV dinners" - if you don't have freezer safe containers, invest in some. I do bulk cooking and it's a life saver when I'm not feeling good.

    Also, another thing that helped me is I do a lot of "prep" work on the weekend (chop up lettuce, cucumbers, etc...) so it doesn't take a lot of effort to throw a salad together.
    I love THESE suggestions! (: I totally agree. I have chili, pot roast and chicken taco soup frozen in my freezer for when I'm running low on options. I'm a big fan of options that include meat and veggies combined, so I make a lot of chili, stew, etc. Also, chili is incredibly low on calories considering how filling it is! I recommend it to everyone.

    Definitely invest in freezer safe containers... I bought a 5 pack and had some random Tupperware in the cupboard as well.. and between what is in the fridge and what I'm saving in the freezer, I ran out in no time!
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    you havent lost anything because 1, you are eating waaaay too little, as the above posters have said you need to eat AT LEAST your BMR, this is net, so if you do any exercise you should eat that back too.
    2 - what you do eat is mostly processed *kitten*!
    3 - you dont need to lose any more and should focus on building muscle and lowering body fat.

    The best thing you can do is set a healthy goal based on your BMR & TDEE and eat to that every day with healthy foods such as lean meat, whole grains, fruit & veg, healthy fats, dairy and plenty of water. not to say you cant eat the foods you do, but in moderation as partb of a balanced diet.
    MFP standard goals are low on protein and high on carbs, if you are working out 45c / 25p / 30f or 40c / 30p / 30F is a good place to start.

    if you continue eating as you are, you will lose muscle and end up 'skinnyfat' - you will be thin but saggy which is so not a good look, and also the less muscle you have the less you need to eat to maintain it, see where this is going?!

    If you switch to a healthier diet and workout (including weights) as many posters have suggested, you will be able to build muscle and tone up, so you may not lose as many pounds but you will be smaller and look way better in your clothes, also the more muscle you have the more calories you burn, so there is less chance of you regaining the weight.
    There are lots of amazing people on here who eat healthy amounts and look fabulous, eating normally does not make you look like a horse!!

    @ Just feeling a little overwhelmed, but thanks! :)

    Based on your responses I am not sure if you really want to make changes or not, but here goes....

    1. You are not eating enough and are eating too much sugar and processed foods (sausage, bacon, cheese, cheesecake, ice cream, pie filling, etc).

    2. I find that if I focus on what I am trying to ADD to my daily diet rather than what I am taking away, I have a better attitude about it. Focus on getting 5 fruits and veggie servings per day and hopefully the sweets will be less appealing (I know, I have a hard time with this, too).

    3. The fruits and veggies won't go bad if you EAT THEM!

    4. Even if it is just you and your son, you need to be setting a good example for him. What kind of eating habits is he learning from you? Make meals that are healthy for both of you and take the leftovers to lunch for work.

    5. YEs, you will need to bring food and snacks to work and pretty much everywhere else you go to avoid fast food and eating junk. Get a cute lunch bag or small soft-sided cooler to carry your stuff in and fill it up.

    You don't look like you need to lose more weight, but your diet is definitely in need of improvement. Good luck!

    Thank you. I will look at more fruits and veggies for sure:) And good point about adding too instead of taking away:) thanks!
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    ok maybe I am going to take a different stance on you but thank you for having a public diary and BEING HONEST! I am a little shocked to see the responses you have got but also have been surprised that no one has said this yet. You started logging April 11.. There should not be any expectations for you to lose weight yet. You are not overweight to begin with so you are not going to lose the 5lbs a week that other people are capable of. I dont know how you were eating before you started logging but try looking for people with public diaries and seeing if you get any ideas for different foods you could try substituting. There are other people out there with kids that could probably help give you some ideas

    No, but I was expecting at lest 2 pounds a week....and I started trying to lose this last bit before I started logging.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Move along folks, you can give advice to someone who won't take it.