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  • shaybethxo
    shaybethxo Posts: 153 Member
    Shannon 583 up, 104 down

    Shannon: A goddess of beauty and love descented from the heavens. Was created by the gods to make all things on earth happier. She is known for her amazingness, beauty, sex appeal, her stunning smile and bedroom eyes. Is a great friend, lover and will make any man proud to have on his arm and to call her his wife. Loves her family and friends. Has charm, confidence,grace and is very flirtacious. turns all heads when she enters a room. Men want her and women idolize her. She is a rockstar in bed, there is nothing she won't do or try......She will leave you begging for more.If you ever get to know a Shannon consider yourself lucky she will be by your side at all times and love you with all her heart and soul weather it be your her friend,lover or soulmate. She is truely unique and wonderful to know!!! She puts her heart and soul into everything she does. Very artistic, hard working, caring, adventurous, hilarious, glamous. Make a house feel like home. She is sometimes shy or quite, sometimes closes up like a delicate flower if one should hurt her. But why would anyone want to hurt her?

    Shannon is comparable to Aphrodite the Goddess of love & beauty.

    buy shannon mugs & shirts

    beauty grace sexy lover sweet caring flirt by MagicJ Feb 2, 2010 share this add a video

    2. Shannon 617 up, 149 down

    She is the girl that you will always want around. She will make you laugh, smile, giggle. She is the best person you can live with. She can be the one that you want to be there when you get out of your bed in the morning. She is the most loving person anyone can love. Shes the best girlfriend/wife you can ever have. When you get to know her you would never want to leave her side. She is the best kisser you would ever kiss. She's even good in bed. The best thing to say about her is she will never leave your side and she will always love you at anytime of her life.

    Shannon shannon love lover shane

    buy shannon mugs & shirts

    love sexy shane love of my life dead gorgues by GuyofherDreams Apr 23, 2009 share this add a video

    3. Shannon 1714 up, 490 down

    irish for little wise owl

    someone who is beautiful, inside and out. she's down to earth and crazy but you can't figure her out, which makes you love her all the more. she's also fun and funny and someone you can defiantly trust.

    they usually have red or dark hair and have beautiful natural highlights that others have to buy in a bottle.

    they are truly a unique person and one of a kind

    wow, there is something about Shannon that i just love!!

    Can't say I disagree :p
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Most of mine were pretty standard, but I had to post this one!

    Becca 2539 up, 1652 down

    to be hit in the face with an artificial penis
    "Man you so totally got becca'd last night."

  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    -sex on a stick
    -at times quiet
    -doesn't talk to people she thinks aren't worth her time
    -loves photography
    -one of the most BEAUTIFUL girls you will ever meet!
    -the most intelligent person ever!
    -great taste in music
    -f***ing great! the end.

    "dude, do you see that laura over there?"

    "totally dude, she is one suga' I'd open my bakery to"
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    Fun, trustworthy, humorous, smart, honest, caring and killer looks! She has everything to become anyone's best friend. People who are not her friend anymore dont know what they are missing in life now! No one is like Sara. She belongs to a totally different league
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    Sara - I like this one
    The better way to spell the name sara. no need for a letter that is not pronounced. also means she is more unique then the sarahs with the h.

    A sexy amazing girl who has tons of guy friends and they all like her but they're to shy to admit it. Shes also gorgeous and has her own unique style . She's tough , smart , not so classy. Loves to live life to the fullest. Shy at 1st but wen you get to know her your like! Damn she's sexy , smart , funny, and badass!
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    1. ken 618 up, 205 down
    It literally means "know" in Scottish. Can also mean "know what i mean?" in Scottish.
    1.Scottie: "Dae ye ken him?"
    Translation: "Do you know him?"

    2.Scottie: "It's ****ed up, ken?"
    Translation: "It's ****ed up, know what i mean?"
    buy ken mugs & shirts
    know i know know what i mean yes persons name
    by Glock21 Sep 24, 2005 share this add a video
    2. ken 635 up, 229 down
    Barbie's ex boyfriend, who has been rumored to have caused the relationship to end by having sex with Barbie's sister. He is currently playing the field, and it seems he has multiple hot girlfriends now.
    Damn, Ken's got all the *****es after him now. Too bad Barbie and him broke up. He could have been her sugar daddy. Now she's out on the streets having sex for crack.
    buy ken mugs & shirts
    hot good looking in demand big **** love slave
    by Jinny Dean Jul 16, 2006 share this add a video
    3. Ken 266 up, 128 down
    The most amazing guy on the entire planet.

    Sweet, Cute, Romantic and Incredible in bed
    I fell in love with Ken
    buy ken mugs & shirts
    amazing guy romantic ken bed incredible
    by trixxxie Jul 26, 2009 share this add a video

    4. ken 162 up, 85 down
    A Scottish word meaning know
    " Ye little ken what cursed speed
    The blastie's makin!
    Thae winks an finger-ends,
    I dread, Are notice takin!
    Robert Burns (1759 - 1796)
    buy ken mugs & shirts
    by St. Ias Sep 20, 2005 share this add a video
    5. Ken 74 up, 38 down

    A "perfect man" in the eyes of a woman. Taken from the 'Ken' male doll of the 'Barbie' series of dolls/toys. Like the toy, a Ken is expected to have perfect hair, lots of stylish clothes, and a multitude of accessories. Kens are also expected to have the same jobs as the Ken doll: see Baywatch Ken, Doctor Ken, Ken (Prince), Ken (Ski Champion), Prince Ken, Rock Stars Ken, Lawyer/Office/Business Ken.
    "I met a wonderful woman, but my nice car, good job, good looks, manners, devotion, and unwavering love weren't good enough for her. She is still waiting to find her Ken."
  • nomorewishing
    nomorewishing Posts: 250 Member
    Rachels are so fabulous you have no idea what has just hit you. When you walk down a street you can instantly spot a Rachel just from her sparkling eyes, and amazing bod. Rachel's are sexy, funny, beautiful and awesome to be around. You are seriously lucky if you know a Rachel. Rachel's are the most fun you can have without eating cheeseburgers.
    'I love that Rachel, she's so great, and I always have fun, even when we aren't eating cheeseburgers.'
    buy rachel mugs & shirts
    beautiful fun sexy amazing fabulous cheesburger
    by Jarlsburg <3 Jun 2, 2009 share this add a video

    Rachel 2742 up, 1075 down
    1. She's the girl that everyone is jealous, fun, smart, outgoing, and easy to talk to. She has a heart of gold and although she might seem bulletproof, she's caring and sensitive on the inside.

    2. A girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind or be herself. Watch out boys, she's a heart-breaker. A girl who won't settle for anything but the best, but rightfully so. She doesn't need a man to have a good time.

    3. She's the friend you call at 2am when you need someone to tell you that everything's going to be ok. Sweet, comforting, and a great listener.
    1. Did you see that chick's hot bod? I'm so jealous. She's such a Rachel.

    2. Damn, I wish I was still with Rachel. She looks like she's having such a good time without me.

    3. She was so sweet to me when I needed a friend...such a Rachel."
    LOL, yeah right! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mtpalacios
    10. Monica 230 up, 93 down
    When something bad happens to her, she has a pokerface/smile on the outside but inside, she's hurting.
    Guy: Monica is so crazily amazing. She's just perfect. I'm addicted to her.
    buy monica mugs & shirts
    attractive amazing perfect loyal helpful
    by i love monica Mar 2, 2011 share this add a video

    1. Monica 371 up, 101 down
    Monica is the coolest person you will ever meet. She is that awesome girl every guy wants but only one very lucky one finds himself with. She plays guitar, piano, and her voice melts the heart. Monica also plays video games, dances, and is skilled with Asian weapons. A lover of animals and nature she respects the earth and makes it a better place with each day. Monica can best be described as a smarticle. Someone who is mature and has her head on her shoulders yet can be adorable at the same time. This girl is every guys dream. She can always make you laugh and smile no matter how down you are. Monica is beautiful. She blesses the eyes of anyone that looks at her gorgeous face. When she looks at you with those big brown eyes it turns you to jelly and lights up your face like a firework. She is a girl that has been through many hardships that have made her into an incredibly strong person. She is someone that gives out more love than you could imagine. Loyalty and compassion find a home in her big heart. Monica always encourages you to follow your heart and brings out the best in everyone. She is the one that gives you that push you need to become great. Always knowing what to say she makes you feel like you are good enough to do anything. You can tell her anything and she will never judge you. Monica is that girl you could never expect was out there, but by a miracle she found herself here to spread happiness and provide an example of a great person. Monica is amazing.