How do you report a group?



  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    The issue for me is somehow or another I do see threads from groups I am not in that I am not looking for. Therefore they aren't private and can influence others on here. By its name it is advertising the practice. Maybe the only way is if a friend posts on such a thread but frankly I don't go looking for other groups threads but find myself clicking on a thread and find out it is from a group I am not in. So it isn't just a matter of sticking our noses where they don't need to be. It is also a matter of keeping this site a place we can trust to be having to do with health and fitness. If the group specified it was only for those who are on special medical care that doesn't apply to the average person I could accept that.

    Problem is this is the internet, a forum, and you can NOT trust anything you read here, anywhere in it, it's opinions....nothing more, nothing less. everyone knows everything...... so good luck on keeping this a place that can be "trusted" you have to do your own research and form your own opinions on what is right for YOUR body..... not just take what you see at one website as the absolute truth
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I went to the group thread and did not see anything outrageous. It is a group of folks that do not want to be told to follow a strict 1200 cal eating style. It's ok! I did not see anything promoting diet pills, drinks, shakes, eating disorders, etc. There is no call to arms, riot or agenda to recruit others.
    They are, in fact, adults and can decide what is good, bad or indifferent for themselves. We all did and we are here in one group or another or several.
    Your concern for your fellow beings is fantastic but don't get distraught over something that you cannot control. They are not hurting anyone and, hopefully, will mind their bodies for any snags!

    it must be the mid day i need to go eat lunch syndrome, but I can see who we don't want standing by on a suicide prevention hotline

    "you're an adult, you have to make that choice"

    Hmmmm. That's exactly what I told my ex-husband when he threatened to kill himself if I didn't come back to him.
  • anaussie
    anaussie Posts: 88 Member
    People who are here to seek help and support rather play police, judge, and jury. I better go hide my food diary and exercise logs.

    I'm a diabetic keeping sugar levels under control by means of low carb dieting. I eat 3 healthy nutritious filling meals and fruits. I'm having difficulty reaching 1200 calories.

    Someone report me to moderators.....
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    In mice and stuff, lovey. Those are pretty crude studies, and they don't consider all the negative health implications (low bone density, for instance.... )

    Well you just proved that you didn't actually go to any of the links. Lovey. :huh:

    Sorry, but I actually *know* this research. The body of research as a whole. I've looked into it before, and have read quite widely.

    Monkeys. Mice. But human subjects.... ? Hmmmm.

    If you can find me a study with human subjects (not a couple of anecdotes, an actual study), lovey dove, I'll acknowledge you have a point. But you know what... you won't find one.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Hi Folks,

    Just wanted to let you know that the staff is aware of your concerns.

    We're looking into the matter of whether the group in question is in violation of this guideline
    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.

    However, it's not a cut-and-dried case, as the group is not presenting itself as actively promoting any particular considered-to-be-dangerous supplements or protocols. We're definitely going to weigh our options, but for now we'll err on the side of conservative moderation and all the group to run its course.

    MyFitnessPal Staff

    Thank you for looking into this matter and I apologize for causing the uproar.

    I want to thank everyone else who weighed in on this matter for attempting to broaden my perspective and/or defending my position. I only wish we could have done this in a more civil manner. Personal attacks on this site make no sense whatsoever as we are all struggling in one sense or another.

    I would also like to apologize to FatAssFairy for what may seem like an atttack on her group. I meant nothing against you personally but believed your group to be against MFP's guidelines. I am aware that MFP has guidelines in place for a reason and those reasons include the litigiousness of the Western world. I adore this site and would not like to see it taken down or fined due to the actions of any of it's members.

    As for those of you that chose to attack me personally for this, thank you for making me feel great about being me today. I'm happy that my perspective and outlook on life is so much different from yours.

    To anyone still considering replying to this thread, please do not. According to Steven the matter has been resolved.
  • Helen1860
    Helen1860 Posts: 10 Member
    There are people on this site that have had Gastric Bypass surgery, Lap Band and all the varieties of surgeries and they are not able to eat that many calories a day. I think definitely that the site is helping them to keep track of what they are supposed to be doing according to their doctors, i don't think anyone should judge them or anyone else because that person is the only one that knows their life. Stay out of it. People are trying to lose weight and get healthy, they need all the encouragement they can get.
  • sansouchi1050