Is it just me...?



  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    I make a mean sammich.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Forget sandwiches, I'm going to make my hunky man a pie. :-D
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    Listen, I'm just as emotional and hormonal as the next gal. You know what I do about it? I apologize to my man for acting crazy and not listening to my rational brain. You know what I get in return? Kindness, support and hot action! Give it a shot, you may like it.
    ^^True story!!

    I love me some self-degrading submission when it is rewarded with hot action!

    ...oh wait... you weren't joking.

    Wow! Admitting when you're wrong and acting crazy is self-degrading submission? Your poor, poor man!

    Not that I'm opposed to self-degrading submission.... :blushing:

    (bahaha, oh there are definitely some forms of submission that are not self-degrading... i didn't mean that sort.)

    ...calling yourself crazy and irrational becoz u r stoopid wimminz who are not capable of being justifiably angry is self-degrading. In what way do you think that you didn't make a self-degrading comment?

    I personally don't go 'crazy' at boyfriends, and the very few times I have gotten angry or upset with one I have been totally fair and justified in doing so. Yes, I am that confident in my rational brain that i believe i can be rationally angry/upset. point in case: I spend 2 years barely able to walk, boyfriend says i've gotten too heavy for my height in spite of me having maintained a healthy BMI... i cry. there is nothing irrational about this reaction.

    In my relationships we are both very careful not to bring unwanted or unnecessary drama to the relationship.

    Sure, like anyone I can be unreasonably reactive (like now... making a mean joke isn't exactly my finest hour), but it's not because i have some level of emotional, irrational retardation genetically woven into my second X say emotional, reactive, irrational things all the time. When i do it, it's because i'm human.

    *agreed that whinging on a public forum is disrespectful (and unproductive? i personally don't relate to it at all). just saying, though, men go to work and whinge, drink beer and whinge, etc. historically, men have been publicly complaining about their wives for much longer than women have - they established the ground rules for this society by setting the precedent for it... doesn't make it right, but you've got to keep in mind that every aspect of public western life was completely controlled by men until 2-3 generations ago. you really can't expect anything different yet. but sure, publicly saying 'hey, this behaviour is uncool' like you have done at least takes us a step in the right direction.
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    Seriously though? If you don't like them complaining just ignore it. No need to insult people on a site thats main point is support.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I make a mean sammich.

    To make a sammich mean do you have to smack it around a lot first?
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