Paleo Diet?



  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    How many of you have an overweight dog or cat.
    Read the labels for their food. most will have corn, wheat, soy, even peanut oils.
    I don't know about you, but I have never seen a dog or cat stalking these items down to eat.
    But they do eat some types of grasses berries, and tubers when they are sick are their body tells them to.

    SO, now step back and look at your food. Are you overweight? Well just like your pets you eat things that you are told is good for you. Corn, Wheat, Soy, Gain nuts. These things have been added to our diet after we became smart and successful at the top of the thinking and food chain. And it is true that we may not even be here because of the grains. But they are not the same as they used to be.

    Let us just look at corn. Just in the recent 100 and some years the plants that we see now are not anything that grew then. Look at American civil war pics, The men are standing in corn fields that are only 3feet high at maturity. Now watch any movie that has corn fields in it from 1980 or up. They grow upwards to 8 feet tall. and produce ears of corn longer than a grown man's hand. and has sometimes 12 ears each if not more. I know some will say "this is field corn, we don't eat it," well you would be wrong. the majority of the corn you see grow goes to other counties for food the rest is used for oil here in the states. Sweet corn which grows even taller and the ear to stalk is closer to 20 comes from other countries, that is what we eat.
    Corn was grown originally for animals, even the Indians did not eat it they way the modern world does. they used it in moderation. Now it is in everything we eat. Right now, in my sugar free coffee I have creamer made of veggie oil, the main ingredient is corn.
    Be healthy and wise, eat the apple a day to keep the Dr away.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    Lets see - I can choose for an indulgence from the following:
    1. Grain based products
    2. Ice Cream
    3. Candy
    4. Booze.

    We know who's winning that battle. haa haa haa - why would I ever want a grain again?

    Nice of you to point this out. You will find grin products in all of these choices. Corn syrup, wheat and barley, hopps.