Don't want to be rude BUT



  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    Who cares if they think it is rude? I think it is rude not to think about other people in that situation. I say Eff em if they have a problem with it. (Did I mention I am not real popular at work? Something about my attitude. :bigsmile: )
  • JVonni
    JVonni Posts: 34 Member
    It might come across as rude if you do this on your own and the person organising may feel that you are attacking. Why not get the support of some of your colleagues and 'mention' that the food choices could be more healthy. Perhaps say how much you enjoy the meetings but wish there was more choice?

    I agree. It can't hurt to suggest a few more options. At my office, our catered lunches always include salad and fruit for the people who choose not to eat the other options.
    When I have work luncheons, I choose from a few options:

    - plan my day around that meal so the rest of the day is much lighter
    - eat smaller portions or just part of the meal
    - eat lunch before or after I go

    These options work as well!
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    I need some help! So everyweek at my job we have a lunch and learn meeting where lunch is provided. This is great for the wallet, but bad for the waistline. The woman in charge of ordering is rather large and has little to no concern for eating healthy. SO that means that I am stuck eating fatty greasy foods. For instance, this week is Ham, baked bake mac & cheese, and salad. The mac and cheese is so loaded with grease that it has in the past upset my stomach, and since I have not had anything this heavy in a while, I know it will end badly in the bathroom later. Now before you go and tell me to load up on salad, they only order enough for a side salad, so I dont want to be a pig and load up on it.

    My question is, is it rude go and get a salad from the salad bar? I have already been told I am too skinny, so I am sure this will go over like a ton of bricks. I have already offered to help plan what we are eating, but that is not working, obviously.

    Please help!

    No. It is not rude. Eat whatever you want.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    It is absolutely not rude. Aside from being skinny there are millions of reasons not to eat that crap. I could see it being rude if you make it that way but it doesnt sound like you are. I would send her a note and tell her that you do not eat foods like that can she please order a larger salad or suggest ordering from somewhere else. Offer the suggestion that at least one of the meeting per month be catered by healthy foods, wraps and salads or fruit. If she is not amenable just bring your own lunch and when people ask why tell them you chose not to put that crap in your body.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    First off, you look great in your profile picture! And second, this situation used to happen to me at work all the time. I used to just bring my own lunch, a healthy wrap, salad or fruit salad. I felt like I had to stand up for myself and my health. The other women hated me for it and gossiped about me all the time BUT slowly some of the other people started bringing their lunches too. It was a touchy subject but I wasn't willing to waste calories on gross greasy food that I really didn't even like. I work from home now and it is so great to get out of a stuffy boring office.

    This! I once worked in an office of all larger women (and I now again work with some larger women), and initially, I got a lot of resistance when I ate healthy and was losing weight. As the only guy in the office, I found they were constantly trying to get me to break my diet (bringing in cookies or cakes...and really pushing me to eat my "share"). But, like you, I found that they slowly started to come around (and I think their initial resistance was a little bit of jealousy at my will power), and many of them started to follow my lead (although, some went a little too fad diety). Anyways, I've seen the same thing happen with my current office...initially, there was resistance, but now, some have started to follow my lead and I actually get props in meetings or at lunches for my will power.

    I have had this happen as well. i actually had a co worker taunt me with a cheeseburger. She literally waved it in my face and told me how delicious it was. I just ignored her and finished my own lunch. Later that week she came to me and apologized. She told me she realized how rude she had been and good fro me for not smacking her. You have to do what is right for your body and to hell with anyone else
  • Monkeymomma05
    I used to work in a clinic where the drug reps would bring in food all the time. Mostly cookies and pasta and the such. It got to the point where I would ask them for some healthier options (I also scheduled the lunches too so that helped) but I also asked that if they bring pasta if they would bring salad or some sandwiches from the place. It's not rude if you don't ask expecting them to change everything. When I didn't eat whatever they brought and they asked me why all I did was 'hey if you don't mind can you bring some fruit too when you bring those cookies?' or 'can you bring some grilled foods and salad?' Another option is that bring your lunch, someone is bound to ask why you aren't partaking in the feast. Just tell them that you can't eat the options there. No doubt you aren't the only one who feels this way, it may just be that other people don't want to say anything since it is free.
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    I'd probably just stick with "I feel sick after I eat this"
  • TurtleCrush
    Worrying about this kind of stuff is partly how I got fat in the first place. I didn't want to make anyone feel bad so I would eat what was provided even though it was too much or made me sick. This is another lesson you have to learn while you are loosing weight and getting healthy. You have to put yourself first always. I don't think you are rude at all. The fact that you are so worried about it says that you are like me, a "people pleaser". Its okay to be one just set boundaries and know that in order to help others you must help yourself first. I wish you the best of luck. Be strong. You can do this :)
    Big hugs,
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I always bring my own food. I can't have much other food due to risks of cross contamination. No one thinks it is rude, they just want me to be healthy. Bring your own food and say honestly that the kind of food provided makes you ill. Make sure to say that is smells wonderful and then happily eat your healthy food.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    I need some help! So everyweek at my job we have a lunch and learn meeting where lunch is provided. This is great for the wallet, but bad for the waistline. The woman in charge of ordering is rather large and has little to no concern for eating healthy. SO that means that I am stuck eating fatty greasy foods. For instance, this week is Ham, baked bake mac & cheese, and salad. The mac and cheese is so loaded with grease that it has in the past upset my stomach, and since I have not had anything this heavy in a while, I know it will end badly in the bathroom later. Now before you go and tell me to load up on salad, they only order enough for a side salad, so I dont want to be a pig and load up on it.

    My question is, is it rude go and get a salad from the salad bar? I have already been told I am too skinny, so I am sure this will go over like a ton of bricks. I have already offered to help plan what we are eating, but that is not working, obviously.

    Please help!

    do whatever you feel is best for you

    is it rude for a vegetarian to avoid the meat? or someone allergic to gluten to avoid grains and such?
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    Say you're lactose intolerant and can't eat mac & cheese and bring your own lunch!

    It's nobody's business what you eat or why, really. I'd just get a salad or whatever and if their feelings are hurt that's their problem.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I find that since my diagnosis of Celiac Disease I found my voice when it comes to this. I will politely ask what is being served, ask if they can accommodate my needs saying if not I'll gladly bring my own food as to not inconvenience anyone. I find by doing this most people will try and accommodate you. If it helps, tell them your doctor has you on a lean meat/veggies/fruit/low fat diet. That'll keep the haters opinions to themselves (usually). Best of luck!
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    I would just pack a lunch and explain that you're trying to watch what you eat. Nobody should argue with you about that, and if they do it's kind of rude on their part.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    It's a cultural thing, and it's changing fast. For instance, we've gotten to the point in this society where smoking cigarettes is shunned and embarrassing. People used to turn a blind eye toward it for societal and cultural reasons. Society and culture have changed.

    Eating garbage and being overweight is going to head the same way.

    I've turned down gross mass-produced sheet cake at office birthdays, and been pressured by unhealthy coworkers - - "oh you can afford it!" I just say, "I afford it because I don't indulge. I can't have it both ways. Enjoy!"

    What it WOULD be rude to say is that - - if I'm going to cut loose and indulge, it's going to be for something exquisite - - not some generic Food Lion yellow cake and chemical-tasting 3-tbsp buttercream frosting balloons for February Birthdays.

    OMG - This! This! This! I <3 you.
  • melgillis
    melgillis Posts: 75 Member
    Pack a lunch. Then, if someone points out the obvious, just say "no thanks, I brought my own" and then drop it. It's really none of their business what YOU choose to eat for lunch.
    I agree with this person.

    Listen, you owe no explanation. You need to eat what is right for you. Many times I just go to the salad bar. I can't tolerate a whole lot of fatty rich foods either. Those foods don't jive with my eating plan these days either.

    Also, others could take a lesson from you. it's no one's business what your weight is, or whatever. So NO you are not being rude. Good luck on your fitness goals!
  • melgillis
    melgillis Posts: 75 Member
    Yeah, if you're going to blow the diet and the tranquility of your digestive system; make it on something good that youll really enjoy!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I bring my own food or - yes - use the salad bar option.

    It's your body and your health. Don't worry about what other people think.
  • jukemaster
    jukemaster Posts: 49 Member
    Not rude at all. If someone comments that you're too skinny, then say you're eating this food to be healthy, not skinny. There's a difference. As someone who did a lot of work in wellness, company means are some of the worst offenders in contributing to unhealthy employees. Try to get a lunch and learn setup with a nutrition expert to talk about healthy eating. Have a side-bar with that person beforehand and ask that he or she comment on the food the company serves, since it's always unhealthy. Also, go to your company, especially the people who manage your benefits, and suggest a healthy food policy. Message me if you want some samples and suggestions on how to get support for a healthy food policy.
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    I need some help! So everyweek at my job we have a lunch and learn meeting where lunch is provided. This is great for the wallet, but bad for the waistline. The woman in charge of ordering is rather large and has little to no concern for eating healthy. SO that means that I am stuck eating fatty greasy foods. For instance, this week is Ham, baked bake mac & cheese, and salad. The mac and cheese is so loaded with grease that it has in the past upset my stomach, and since I have not had anything this heavy in a while, I know it will end badly in the bathroom later. Now before you go and tell me to load up on salad, they only order enough for a side salad, so I dont want to be a pig and load up on it.

    My question is, is it rude go and get a salad from the salad bar? I have already been told I am too skinny, so I am sure this will go over like a ton of bricks. I have already offered to help plan what we are eating, but that is not working, obviously.

    Please help!

    I can understand how you feel on this one however, you may never know who is watching and why. The thing is for you is to take control of what you eat. And when questioned I have a tendency to say food allergies or that it doesn't agree with my stomach and come prepared with my own food. Yes it is hard at time but when it comes to my health, I already struggle with food choices I don't feel like others have control over what I eat no matter what the situation.

    Skinny or not, I would still make decisions that will affect me directly opposed to someone's feelings. And at times if you know that an event is being planned I have occasionally asked for the menu and ordered food myself so that I can still feel and be apart.