Is it worth it?



  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I've got my problems, but honestly, I ****ing love my life.

    Anyone that doesn't needs to work on fixing what they don't like. There is no one forcing you to be unhappy.

    I understand that some people may be in situations that are harder to get out of than others, but there are very few people who are in a situation that they actually can't possibly change.

    See the woman above who says she is in pain but still loves life - another person would get down about it and give up.
  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
    Life can sometimes be a real downer, trust me I know I have been there.
    But who knows who or what is around the corner. A chance comment from a friend in a pub asking me if I wanted to go on a blind date has led to me being the happiest I have ever been.
    Live every day - life is for living, loving and having as much fun as you can cram into it so that when the bad times arrive they don't seem quite so bad!
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    I would rather go to hear SofaKingRad and GasMasterFlash as motivational speakers, than Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer. These guys are masters......and tell it like it is.
    SofaKingRad and I are hitting the road as motivational speakers. We'll be joined by Olympic gold medalist Mary Lou Retton and former presidential candidate Ross Perot. GET YOUR TIX NOW!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    That's a rather nihilistic way of looking at things. How sad.... Instead of wallowing in self-pity and constantly pointing out the flaws in everything and coming up with any excuse to hate everything I try to stay positive and just enjoy life.
  • GO_NadZ_xO
    GO_NadZ_xO Posts: 445 Member
    Life is a journey, not a destination. Our journey is what we make of it. There's always going to be dramas. But without those dramas 1. life would be completely boring and 2. we would never be able to learn, or grow or 'continue our journey'.

    Embrace the bad stuff, turn it into good stuff..
    Turn your problems into challenges. Challenges can always have a positive outcome. Think about how you feel when you overcome a challenge..
    Something good came from something bad. That's the way life works.

    Btw its 2 am, so I'm sorry if that doesnt make sense!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    There was once upon a time I didn't think it was worth it. My circumstances were overwhelming and I allowed them to define me.

    My circumstances now might be greater actually. I'm 32, divorced, unknown of the future, horrible credit due to the marriage, on my own now, don't have my degree yet, etc etc... BUT the difference is they're not defining me. I LOVE my life.

    I'm willing to work hard. I'm willing to be hopeful. I honestly love life no matter what is around me.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I think everyone goes through periods in their life when we may feel down like that, but that's because life isn't meant to just stay stagnant. It's good to grow and change...that's how we develope into who we are meant to be and how we ultimately find happiness. Something that made you happy years ago probably won't feel the same now. You've grown and evolved into a new person, and if you feel unhappy in your situation now...then you need to grow and evolve again. I think the best place to start is with yourself. Build yourself up into the person you want to be inside and out. Oftentimes in life, we may feel that we have no control over our surroundings and our situation and we may feel stuck, but we're not. You have control over yourself inside, and some forget that we have control over the outside as well. When you realize that and you make the outside match the inside you'll feel different....BETTER. Because then you can openly share yourself with the world. So focus on YOU. Become the YOU that you want to be. All the rest will come later on. ;)
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Just for the record, nihilism is believing that there is no meaning to ones life, but it doesn't mean that life can't be enjoyed. Nihilists can still be very happy people.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Just for the record, nihilism is believing that there is no meaning to ones life, but it doesn't mean that life can't be enjoyed. Nihilists can still be very happy people.

    Nihilism... as well as anarchy, agnosticism... all commonly misunderstood & misused. Atrociously so, sometimes.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Yes, life is worth it. I have made lots of mistakes and hurt more people than I care to remember, been through massive disasters, lost my home, watched friends die, but I learned, I moved on, and I find something and someone to enjoy and share every day.

    I can walk the same trail in our local park every weekend for 18 years, but there is always something new and different and ultimately entertaining and uplifting to experience.

    Experience life. The taste of food, the bouquet of wine, the light of dawn against mountains in our desert, the laughter of my daughters, dancing with my wife, smacking willie while looking at po.....wait forget that....

    I have watched my grandparents and parents die from old age and they were dynamic and opinionated people who loved life, hated to see their capacity to enjoy life diminish with age. And by the time they were 90+ and the tastebuds and nostrils didn't work so well, and reading was near impossible , and it was really difficult and undignified to get dressed, poop, and shower, they knew it was time to check out.

    We are here for the purpose of taking care of each other, ourselves, and the space around us, don't you think? Is it worth it? As long as I can laugh and get someone else to laugh, and the beer is cold and the fish fresh, and the weather tolerable, absolutely!

    You made me thanks!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    No offense. But your friend sounds like a coward. And who would say that to another individual?
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    If you want to lead a happy life then that is how you should live it. I used to be somewhat pessimistic about life in general, but since I met and married my husband, I have wanted to do more for myself to be a happier person. One step at a time and it is for sure worth it!

    Life is what you make of it.
  • jeannec3631
    jeannec3631 Posts: 108 Member
    life has is struggles...that's expected. some of our choices aren't always the best but life is MOST definitely worth it. part of choice is choosing to BE HAPPY. just as if you choose to be miserable. I CHOOSE HAPPINESS! prove to your friend that he can enjoy his life too
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    Some days I like life. Others I don't.

    I'm plagued by anxiety and panic attacks that have taken over the years I'm suppose to be partying and going out with friends. I have no friends [seriously]. My mom and dad are divorced and since that happened, my mom treats me like a piece of *kitten*. She has always wanted to basically make my life into what she never got a chance to do. My brothers are a-holes and are slobs. I STILL live with my mother. I have a dead end job with no where to go. I feel like time is running out for me to accomplish my goals.

    Right now? Yeah ,life pretty sucks.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Some days I like life. Others I don't.

    I'm plagued by anxiety and panic attacks that have taken over the years I'm suppose to be partying and going out with friends. I have no friends [seriously]. My mom and dad are divorced and since that happened, my mom treats me like a piece of *kitten*. She has always wanted to basically make my life into what she never got a chance to do. My brothers are a-holes and are slobs. I STILL live with my mother. I have a dead end job with no where to go. I feel like time is running out for me to accomplish my goals.

    Right now? Yeah ,life pretty sucks.

    CHANGE! If you don't like something, make a change. Look for a new job (I know, easier said then done in this economy) but you still should be out there looking!! Taking a pro-active stance is empowering and can give you hope and light at the end of the tunnel. with Mom and can't stan it. MOVE! What are the reasons and excuses holding you back. CHANGE! No friends....try being more positive, positive energy attracts positive people. Open yourself up to the possibility of CHANGE.

    Panic and anxiety suck. I've been there. There are wonderful, safe medications out there to help manage your anxiety. Find a doctor that you like and discuss it with them.

    Take care :flowerforyou:
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    "Thoughts become things. Pick the good ones." -- The Universe :happy:
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    "Thoughts become things. Pick the good ones." -- The Universe :happy:

  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    lol, no, I'm not asking if it has meaning. Seeing all the "rate the person above you because they have low self-esteem and they need your approval to function" posts doesn't inspire much confidence. I simply want to see if anyone is genuinely happy with their lives.

    I am
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    yeah, he probably has his own issues. It's weird, though, because many people I've spoken to say that they simply "tolerate" life. Yikes.

    Anyway, despite what he said, I'm going to focus on living positively and making the best out of every situation.

    I don't tolerate it! I live it! life is fun -- problems will always exist but it depends on how you deal with them if you will progress forward and be happy or sit there like a bump on a log.

  • SuzyQq02
    SuzyQq02 Posts: 64 Member
    Yes, I am happy!. There are certainly things that I am working to improve, and some things that I wish were different, but overall, I'm genuinely pretty satisfied with where I am now, and the path that I'm on.

    I think that there are people who have expectations about what happiness is that's simply unrealistic. No one is going to be 100% happy, follow their bliss 100% of the time. Life is going to be made up of some amazingly wonderful moments, some truly terrible ones, and for the most part, a lot of mundane ones in between. We get to choose how we approach the vast majority of the everyday.