Counting coffee as water consumption?



  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    I don't always drink water...but when I do, I prefer diet.

    i don't always drink diet, but when i do, it's store brand

    stay thrifty my friend

    Hahaha, you're great.

    no YOU
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    It's not water, it's coffee.

    It IS water flavoured with coffee!

    If the inner stomach could talk, it would say something like this:
    Hello what is this? Fluid. Brown coloured fluid. Is it a solid food? No. Is it water? Hell I don't know! Is it a fluid? YES
    Is it a liquid? YES

    Does the body need fluids? YES

    Is too much coffee bad for you? Probably

    Is it OK to have coffee in moderation? YES

    Great- then my gin and wine are just flavored water--- LOL!!

    I figure water is the best thing to hydrate because it has NO calories, artificial anything, sugar etc... I believe diet drinks are worse then regular drinks and since I have strarted counting calories I don't want to waste my calories on a drink that has no nutritional value. That is just me. But I am thrilled that in 5 days I have gone from 126 to 124. 1200 calories a day is such a small amount so I don't dare waste it on drinks-- except my CHEAT day---

    haha very funny - so why don't you try making gin or wine without using any water?!!!!! :wink:

    Ha- I just want to make them with no calories!!! That would be awesome!!!

    lol yes I agree.
    Wish fat and sugar had zero calories as well.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I think MFP is quite right to set a water consumption target. However it would be daft to take it literally - people on this site are all sizes, heights, and activity levels. Water does help curb hunger pangs, some people eat thinking they're actually hungry when they're thirsty, and many people have had their weight gains fuelled by drinking excess quantities of soda, and others have their health damaged by excess sodium. Obesity reduces water content in the human body.

    For all these reasons drink as much water as you're comfortable with in the cause of hydration and habit change - but there's no reason to force it. Coffee's great in moderation, but speaking as one who spent a surprising amount of time and discomfort breaking a coffee habit I don't agree that it is just "flavoured water". I log all fluids separately according to what they are just so I can see patterns of consumption and pay attention to nutrition in general - although in fact I don't log water because I routinely drink over two litres a day anyway, and have done for years.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    At the end of the day.....WATER is WATER. Coffee is NOT water. Tea is NOT water. Pop is NOT water. If you truley want to be healthier have your coffee BUT drink more water to compensate for potential losses.

    Oh by the way, I have to ask you this question. If you were to make a cup of tea - how can you make it WITHOUT the water? Do you like suck on a dry tea bag or ? :laugh:
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I don't really count it as water consumption but liquid consumption. It's made from water so....
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Water is water. Coffee is coffee. Beer is mostly liquid, too, but it's still not water. I can't even believe this conversation is happening...
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    At the end of the day.....WATER is WATER. Coffee is NOT water. Tea is NOT water. Pop is NOT water. If you truley want to be healthier have your coffee BUT drink more water to compensate for potential losses.

    Oh by the way, I have to ask you this question. If you were to make a cup of tea - how can you make it WITHOUT the water? Do you like suck on a dry tea bag or ? :laugh:

    well that's a bit dirty
  • kikokateyy
    kikokateyy Posts: 136 Member
    Water is water. Coffee is coffee. Beer is mostly liquid, too, but it's still not water. I can't even believe this conversation is happening...

  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    At the end of the day.....WATER is WATER. Coffee is NOT water. Tea is NOT water. Pop is NOT water. If you truley want to be healthier have your coffee BUT drink more water to compensate for potential losses.

    Oh by the way, I have to ask you this question. If you were to make a cup of tea - how can you make it WITHOUT the water? Do you like suck on a dry tea bag or ? :laugh:

    well that's a bit dirty

    OMG it wasn't meant to be! lol
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I log coffee, tea, Diet Coke, milk, and water as water consumption. :drinker:
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    People seriously consider diet sodas as WATER consumption? Use the water tracker for PURE, STRAIGHT UP WATER. The whole point of it is to make sure you're drinking enough water. Not soda or coffee. Decaf tea is a bit more acceptable, but those saying "otherwise, I'd only drink 1 cup a day!" are ridiculous. If you're only having 8 oz of actual water a day, maybe you should try incorporating it more into your day, rather than trying to call other drinks water. :/
  • kikokateyy
    kikokateyy Posts: 136 Member
    At least track the calories that go with it. Youre only kidding yourself if you track coffee as water but dont add in the calories that go with it
  • dodizim
    dodizim Posts: 3
    I heard that for one cup of coffee one cup of water should be drunk, as coffee flushes some minerals from the body. So, I don't count it as a water consumption.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    People seriously consider diet sodas as WATER consumption? Use the water tracker for PURE, STRAIGHT UP WATER. The whole point of it is to make sure you're drinking enough water. Not soda or coffee. Decaf tea is a bit more acceptable, but those saying "otherwise, I'd only drink 1 cup a day!" are ridiculous. If you're only having 8 oz of actual water a day, maybe you should try incorporating it more into your day, rather than trying to call other drinks water. :/

    Nope - the point is to make sure you are drinking enough FLUIDS
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    At least track the calories that go with it. Youre only kidding yourself if you track coffee as water but dont add in the calories that go with it
    I don't think anyone was suggesting that...
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I don't log my water. I can tell that I'm plenty hydrated. But to answer the question, your body can still use the water from other beverages... even coffee! Even if you put sugar in it!

    But I still wouldn't log anything else as water BECAUSE I'd already have it logged, so I wouldn't want to count it twice. Up to you, though.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    At least track the calories that go with it. Youre only kidding yourself if you track coffee as water but dont add in the calories that go with it

    unless you mean sugar, syrups, creamer, etc, coffee has about 5 calories/ 8oz serving

    you burn those all by consuming them, so it's practically a negative-calorie drink
  • kikokateyy
    kikokateyy Posts: 136 Member
    At least track the calories that go with it. Youre only kidding yourself if you track coffee as water but dont add in the calories that go with it

    unless you mean sugar, syrups, creamer, etc, coffee has about 5 calories/ 8oz serving

    you burn those all by consuming them, so it's practically a negative-calorie drink

    Fair enough. My point is, just make sure you also track the calories that go with it. Why drink a caloric drink and not track calories?
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    At least track the calories that go with it. Youre only kidding yourself if you track coffee as water but dont add in the calories that go with it

    unless you mean sugar, syrups, creamer, etc, coffee has about 5 calories/ 8oz serving

    you burn those all by consuming them, so it's practically a negative-calorie drink

    Fair enough. My point is, just make sure you also track the calories that go with it. Why drink a caloric drink and not track calories?

    your point is not lost, I just think it's fair to point out the specifics in a coffee-related thread
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    I don't count coffee as my water but if I add a flavor (not an icetea or lemonade mix) to it then yes, I count that.