Forgive my student loan!



  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    America is so right wing, it's actually Alien to me :L

    Mind you, I'm shocked even by England sometimes, I guess we're just uber liberal in Edinburgh.
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    It took me over 10 years to pay off my undergrad loans. I kept the payoff letter and put it in a college scrapbook.

    I think something needs to be done with the high cost of tuition. It's not cheap to go to State (which is where I went) as people often say it is. I dropped out of grad school (at another State university) because paying $3,000 for *one 3 credit class* was completely unacceptable in my opinion.

    I would love to see student loans be interest-free like they are in Australia and other countries. I also think you should be able to discharge them in bankruptcy.

    People blame each other for "bad choices," which keep us all divided. I don't see a lot of folks talking about the corporations, how we bail THEM out of their bad choices which screwed the economy. Unchecked capitalism runs the USA, but that doesn't matter as long as we have each other to blame.

  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Student Loan Forgiveness...please. Why should my tax money go to pay for someone else's loans? Nobody forced them to take out big loans. I had loans while in college and for a few years after I graduated but I worked my *kitten* off to get them paid off.

  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I think it makes more sense to give money to help people pay down their loans then to give money to people who choose not to work ;) Why does an educated person have to suffer when a person who chose not to go to school, have 5 kids, and not work get every kind of benefit their it. The country pays for their food, insurance, childcare, heating, electric, baby formula and other crap because they are unmotivated... seems *kitten* backwards to me!

    How about we do neither?

    Thank you. A childhood friend of mine got pregnant by her d-bag boyfriend because she "forgot" to take her pill and she got a $5,000 tax return for having that one child last year. So, in other words, she gets a crap load more money back than I do because she was LESS responsible. Makes perfect sense. Or, you know, no sense at all.

    While I agree that the system is not perfect, I don't think we should stop helping people. I honestly think that we need to fix the system, but that will take more money. Fortunately, our tax rate is substantially lower than the rest of the civilized world, so we can afford it.

    Throwing money at it hasn't fixed it before. And you know how they define insanity, right? How about we expect people to help themselves? She didn't need my tax money to help her. Watched it with my own eyes. Her child never went without anything she WANTED, much less needed. We're subsidizing idiocy right and left. People will continue to do stupid stuff if they know they won't be allowed to feel the sting of their bad choices. Trust me, I see welfare fraud in the schools I work in on a daily basis.

    If a child goes without, the onus should be on the family and parents to explain why, not the whole of society.
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    For those of you who are against it, WHY are you against it? Is it because you think it's unfair that you had to pay yours off? Student loan debt has gone up 511% since 1999...why should WE (and I say "we" meaning those who have graduated in recent years, say the last 5) have to pay 511% more for the SAME degrees the people who graduated before 1999 got?. I graduated with my Bachelor's AND Masters in less than 5 years, and my loans cost me 600$/month. The bill says that for those of us who "make payments of 10% of our discretionary income for 10 years, the remaining debt will be forgiven". I am set up on a 10 year plan because of outrageous interest rates. So if I only have 3-5,000$ left of student loans to pay after 10 years, they shouldn't be forgiven? For those of you who graduated BEFORE 1999, how much did YOUR loans cost? Let's compare. And don't get me started on the job market. The economy is slowly sinking, and we are being punished double time by paying incredible amounts of money for college and then not being able to find jobs in our fields.

    And for those of you who worked during college, awesome, I did too, but I didn't work enough to survive (and if I did, I would've never went to class). If you saved before college, awesome, some of us didn't so much. Some people don't have that mindset.

    Tell me, how is this any different than paying for people on welfare? You cannot deny there are many people (probably the majority) who don't need it; they're just lazy. I understand that times are hard. I won't discredit those who really need it. But there are people who have 47 (exaggeration) kids just to live off the govt. What about those of us who work HARD...we pay taxes too and are STILL in this boat. Truth is, you don't know EXACTLY where your tax money goes. It goes to welfare, pork projects, and paying our govt officials. Why not help out those who've paved a path for themselves? Put yourselves in our shoes. Don't be selfish. This plan is to try to HELP people.

    Here's more, in case you want to educate yourself further. Plan FAQs.pdf SLFA.pdf

    I will answer your question by asking one. Why is your debt more important then mine?

    If I pay my mortgage for 10 years should the rest of the balance be forgiven? Why not?

    I bought a house in 2004 for 220k. The original owner bought the house in 1954 for 12k. Why should I have to pay more for the same house? Yes my argument is a little moronic.... but it sounds familiar :)

    We could just say that...well....your home ownership provides substantially less to society than an educated member of theory lol.

    haha you could say that.

    But... my property taxes provide funds to educate the youth in my town among other things. The educated unemployed deadbeat doesn't provide much of anything :).

    I said "in theory" lol.

    but in all honesty, I think the interest rates should be kept lowered but the debt should not be forgiven.

  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    I didn't have that much in student loans but I joined the National Guard to help pay them off. I try not to bite off more then I can chew. I live in a small house, even though I wanted a bigger house. I drive a 8 year old car not a new one. I guess my point is why should I pay more for someone else to have what I knew I couldn't pay for on my own. Time for people to take care of themselves.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    Student Loan Forgiveness...please. Why should my tax money go to pay for someone else's loans? Nobody forced them to take out big loans. I had loans while in college and for a few years after I graduated but I worked my *kitten* off to get them paid off.

    Sure, but bail out the banks. . .
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I think it makes more sense to give money to help people pay down their loans then to give money to people who choose not to work ;) Why does an educated person have to suffer when a person who chose not to go to school, have 5 kids, and not work get every kind of benefit their it. The country pays for their food, insurance, childcare, heating, electric, baby formula and other crap because they are unmotivated... seems *kitten* backwards to me!

    How about we do neither?

    Thank you. A childhood friend of mine got pregnant by her d-bag boyfriend because she "forgot" to take her pill and she got a $5,000 tax return for having that one child last year. So, in other words, she gets a crap load more money back than I do because she was LESS responsible. Makes perfect sense. Or, you know, no sense at all.

    While I agree that the system is not perfect, I don't think we should stop helping people. I honestly think that we need to fix the system, but that will take more money. Fortunately, our tax rate is substantially lower than the rest of the civilized world, so we can afford it.

    Throwing money at it hasn't fixed it before. And you know how they define insanity, right? How about we expect people to help themselves? She didn't need my tax money to help her. Watched it with my own eyes. Her child never went without anything she WANTED, much less needed. We're subsidizing idiocy right and left. People will continue to do stupid stuff if they know they won't be allowed to feel the sting of their bad choices. Trust me, I see welfare fraud in the schools I work in on a daily basis.

    If a child goes without, the onus should be on the family and parents to explain why, not the whole of society.

    Well, the sticky part is that, given our current election cycle, nothing is followed through completely. We end up getting a bill passed following one political philosophy then have the teeth of the bill completely removed by the next election cycle. I am not apologizing for the individual actions but my wife worked as an FDNY EMT in Harlem and I can report that the system is backasswards.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    America is so right wing, it's actually Alien to me :L

    Mind you, I'm shocked even by England sometimes, I guess we're just uber liberal in Edinburgh.

    Curious as to what you mean by that? Scottish resources are currently assisting with higher education, but you do realize that these aren't *free*...just as the NHS isn't. A "for instance" is a friend in Scotland pays for certain services (in America, we'd call it a tax), and because of where she lives - these services aren't even available. She still has to pay her share...
  • stardivap413
    I dont mind paying back my loans, afterall I took them out. My issue is the interest that is kicking my butt!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I think it makes more sense to give money to help people pay down their loans then to give money to people who choose not to work ;) Why does an educated person have to suffer when a person who chose not to go to school, have 5 kids, and not work get every kind of benefit their it. The country pays for their food, insurance, childcare, heating, electric, baby formula and other crap because they are unmotivated... seems *kitten* backwards to me!

    How about we do neither?

    Thank you. A childhood friend of mine got pregnant by her d-bag boyfriend because she "forgot" to take her pill and she got a $5,000 tax return for having that one child last year. So, in other words, she gets a crap load more money back than I do because she was LESS responsible. Makes perfect sense. Or, you know, no sense at all.

    While I agree that the system is not perfect, I don't think we should stop helping people. I honestly think that we need to fix the system, but that will take more money. Fortunately, our tax rate is substantially lower than the rest of the civilized world, so we can afford it.

    Throwing money at it hasn't fixed it before. And you know how they define insanity, right? How about we expect people to help themselves? She didn't need my tax money to help her. Watched it with my own eyes. Her child never went without anything she WANTED, much less needed. We're subsidizing idiocy right and left. People will continue to do stupid stuff if they know they won't be allowed to feel the sting of their bad choices. Trust me, I see welfare fraud in the schools I work in on a daily basis.

    If a child goes without, the onus should be on the family and parents to explain why, not the whole of society.
    I think it says a lot about a society that is okay with allowing children to go without because of their own parents stupidity...
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    I think it makes more sense to give money to help people pay down their loans then to give money to people who choose not to work ;) Why does an educated person have to suffer when a person who chose not to go to school, have 5 kids, and not work get every kind of benefit their it. The country pays for their food, insurance, childcare, heating, electric, baby formula and other crap because they are unmotivated... seems *kitten* backwards to me!

    How about we do neither?

    Thank you. A childhood friend of mine got pregnant by her d-bag boyfriend because she "forgot" to take her pill and she got a $5,000 tax return for having that one child last year. So, in other words, she gets a crap load more money back than I do because she was LESS responsible. Makes perfect sense. Or, you know, no sense at all.

    While I agree that the system is not perfect, I don't think we should stop helping people. I honestly think that we need to fix the system, but that will take more money. Fortunately, our tax rate is substantially lower than the rest of the civilized world, so we can afford it.

    Throwing money at it hasn't fixed it before. And you know how they define insanity, right? How about we expect people to help themselves? She didn't need my tax money to help her. Watched it with my own eyes. Her child never went without anything she WANTED, much less needed. We're subsidizing idiocy right and left. People will continue to do stupid stuff if they know they won't be allowed to feel the sting of their bad choices. Trust me, I see welfare fraud in the schools I work in on a daily basis.

    If a child goes without, the onus should be on the family and parents to explain why, not the whole of society.

    Oh, for the love of. . .first of all, it's not just "your" tax money. In order to get Earned Income Credit, people have to work. "Welfare fraud" is the least of my concerns over what's happening with my tax dollars: how about worrying about the fact that most Fortune 500 companies pay $0 in taxes each year instead of trying to "stick it" to poor people for their "bad choices" (as if people are only ever poor because of their choices--guess what, many people don't have the privilege to go to college, get good jobs, and those people shouldn't be the only ones who should have the privilege to BREED).

    And "if a child goes without the onus should be on the family and parents"? I hear so much of this from so-called Christian conservatives and it makes me want to barf. Seriously. If a child goes without (hell, if an ADULT goes without food, shelter, clothing), it's EVERYONE'S problem.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    America is so right wing, it's actually Alien to me :L

    Mind you, I'm shocked even by England sometimes, I guess we're just uber liberal in Edinburgh.

    Curious as to what you mean by that? Scottish resources are currently assisting with higher education, but you do realize that these aren't *free*...just as the NHS isn't. A "for instance" is a friend in Scotland pays for certain services (in America, we'd call it a tax), and because of where she lives - these services aren't even available. She still has to pay her share...

    Someone in Edinburgh please marry me.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I didn't have that much in student loans but I joined the National Guard to help pay them off. I try not to bite off more then I can chew. I live in a small house, even though I wanted a bigger house. I drive a 8 year old car not a new one. I guess my point is why should I pay more for someone else to have what I knew I couldn't pay for on my own. Time for people to take care of themselves.

    /\ This...

    I also live in a house that I can afford the payment on - in case something happens to my spouse. I also drive a 10 yr old car... Some young people seem to feel that they deserve to live the way their parents did - right out of school. Some people seem to believe that they have the right to own their own house...yeah, if they pay for it. And in my book - that means actually paying the amount you agreed upon, not complaining that you overpaid and loan is now underwater. (Somehow, some people think that is somebody else's fault - let the taxpayers pay for it...)
  • debydeb57
    debydeb57 Posts: 53
    i took out a couple of student loans in a job that had nothing to do with my training.... i went to heald college, graduated and got a job that even a monkey could do..... i paid on my loans for 5 years then i became disabled.... i agree that if you borrow the money you should pay it back but in my case i matter how much i would like to i can afford it .... i only get 645 a month income.... and they wanted 500 of it for 10 years per month...not going to happen.... if im lucky i will get mine taken care of thru a program because i am disabled and cannot work no matter how i want to... dont hate me for it...
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    America is so right wing, it's actually Alien to me :L

    Mind you, I'm shocked even by England sometimes, I guess we're just uber liberal in Edinburgh.

    Curious as to what you mean by that? Scottish resources are currently assisting with higher education, but you do realize that these aren't *free*...just as the NHS isn't. A "for instance" is a friend in Scotland pays for certain services (in America, we'd call it a tax), and because of where she lives - these services aren't even available. She still has to pay her share...

    I mean more the attitude of the people :L like it's funny to read these types of threads, where people are SO strongly anti welfare, anti NHS's just weird :L

    I know it isn't "free", but I'd rather pay higher taxes so that the whole of the country had equal opportunities and healthcare etc, rather than being selfish, paying a tiny tax and seeing others suffer as a result. Besides, you have to pay for higher education and healthcare so the tax difference balances out.

    The postcode lottery thing is a huge problem, and we acknowledge that, and they do want to change that, but you can still go to other places for an operation r service if your area can't afford it. And, I'd rather have a system where, in the minority, some cases can't be treated because they're too expensive, rather than like a 9th of the population (or whatever it is) suffers cuz they can't afford ANY health care, and social mobility is stalled because poor people can't afford univeristy.

    No our Uni education isn't free - it's paid for with taxes, because we choose to spend our taxis on bettering our country and taking care of our people.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I think it makes more sense to give money to help people pay down their loans then to give money to people who choose not to work ;) Why does an educated person have to suffer when a person who chose not to go to school, have 5 kids, and not work get every kind of benefit their it. The country pays for their food, insurance, childcare, heating, electric, baby formula and other crap because they are unmotivated... seems *kitten* backwards to me!

    How about we do neither?

    Thank you. A childhood friend of mine got pregnant by her d-bag boyfriend because she "forgot" to take her pill and she got a $5,000 tax return for having that one child last year. So, in other words, she gets a crap load more money back than I do because she was LESS responsible. Makes perfect sense. Or, you know, no sense at all.

    While I agree that the system is not perfect, I don't think we should stop helping people. I honestly think that we need to fix the system, but that will take more money. Fortunately, our tax rate is substantially lower than the rest of the civilized world, so we can afford it.

    Throwing money at it hasn't fixed it before. And you know how they define insanity, right? How about we expect people to help themselves? She didn't need my tax money to help her. Watched it with my own eyes. Her child never went without anything she WANTED, much less needed. We're subsidizing idiocy right and left. People will continue to do stupid stuff if they know they won't be allowed to feel the sting of their bad choices. Trust me, I see welfare fraud in the schools I work in on a daily basis.

    If a child goes without, the onus should be on the family and parents to explain why, not the whole of society.

    Oh, for the love of. . .first of all, it's not just "your" tax money. In order to get Earned Income Credit, people have to work. "Welfare fraud" is the least of my concerns over what's happening with my tax dollars: how about worrying about the fact that most Fortune 500 companies pay $0 in taxes each year instead of trying to "stick it" to poor people for their "bad choices" (as if people are only ever poor because of their choices--guess what, many people don't have the privilege to go to college, get good jobs, and those people shouldn't be the only ones who should have the privilege to BREED).

    And "if a child goes without the onus should be on the family and parents"? I hear so much of this from so-called Christian conservatives and it makes me want to barf. Seriously. If a child goes without (hell, if an ADULT goes without food, shelter, clothing), it's EVERYONE'S problem.

    I'd be interested to meet these so-called "priveleged" people. My father was unemployed due to disability (a massive stroke) when I started college. My mom was a public school teacher. They couldn't help me financially at all. What privelege are you talking about, exactly?

    And somehow, some way, I never had to rely on anyone else to put food in my belly and gas in my car. I got a job pushing paper for $6.75 an hour and shared a tiny apartment with two roommates. And I kept my legs closed specifically to avoid getting pregnant before I could afford a child. So screw people without the same motivation. No one owes them anything.

    And those evil right wing christians you rant about so ignorantly are statistically more charitable than folks who would see money taken through coercion to fund "charity" (which it's not if it's mandatory, by the way.)

    But yeah, we should totally make individual problems into community problems. Because that's worked well in the past.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    America is so right wing, it's actually Alien to me :L

    Mind you, I'm shocked even by England sometimes, I guess we're just uber liberal in Edinburgh.

    Curious as to what you mean by that? Scottish resources are currently assisting with higher education, but you do realize that these aren't *free*...just as the NHS isn't. A "for instance" is a friend in Scotland pays for certain services (in America, we'd call it a tax), and because of where she lives - these services aren't even available. She still has to pay her share...

    Someone in Edinburgh please marry me.

    Lesbian Marriage isn't legal (yet) but we could get a civil partnership
  • DragonSkip
    DragonSkip Posts: 59 Member
    I don't mind paying for my student loans but it would be nice if my interest rates where a little lower. Half of my monthly payment goes to interest so that's a big bummer.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    A lot of things cost more than they did 20 years ago. It is referred to as inflation.

    It was a hardship for many to go to college then, just as it is now. The big difference is the unemployment rate is much higher right now.

    The solution to this problem is definitely not debt forgiveness, but rather finding ways to stimulate job growth.

    The cost is substantially higher when adjusted for inflation but I agree that total debt forgiveness is not the answer. Oddly enough, I am a fan of state funded education but, given the current political/social climate, I fear that voters involved in college funding would retard the process.

    *disclaimer - "retard" is used in the proper usage meaning to slow or be to the detriment of. No PC police please.

    I was thinking about this earlier... and given the state of public education... I do not want the government funding college education..unless they fix the WHOLE system... starting at kindergarden