Over 60, I am NOT willing to give UP! Anyone my age??



  • RGonVSH
    RGonVSH Posts: 44 Member
    I am 60, turning 61 in a few months. We are never too old, and while it is true that it gets harder to lose weight as we age, I am finding that I am plugging along at about a pound a week. I have lost 25 lbs. now, and I have about that many left to go. As I get lighter and more in shape, I am finding that the weight bearing exercise is getting easier and easier as I go! :happy:

    Being older has also made some things easier I think. I am more serious about losing this weight than when I was younger because then, I would just say, "oh I'll start tomorrow (or next month or next year!) . I don't do that any more. I am doing my best to live in the now and do the work now, so that tomorrow will be better.

    I love MFP and recommend it to all of my friends, young and old. Tracking my food has opened my eyes to how terribly I was eating and has helped me realize that I had to change HOW I eat, not just how many calories. Life is so much better now!
  • Loislaine61
    As you can see you are not alone in your age group. I am 67 and just have a little bit more weight to lose. You can do it, you just need to commit to it and make it a priority. MFP and your friends will help. The Food Diary is so easy to use, you don't even have to calculate calories it does it for you. Just make good food choices and portion control to stay within your calories. :drinker:
  • Gunnarbear
    Gunnarbear Posts: 186
    I am 61 and have been at my goal weight since the beginning of the year. Lost 45 pounds in 9 months using MFP and feel terrific. Daily back pain is gone and my energy level is much higher. Using MFP now to maintain. It has been motivational to see others achieve success along the journey. You can do it and the rewards at the end are worth it too.....
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    I will be 60 end of this year. I joined mfp in Feb 2011 and have lost 50+ pounds so far. It can be done. Good luck! :smile:
  • luismolina88
    Not 60 yet...Im actually 23 but it puts a smile on my face to see so many people taking care of themselves regardless of age. Each and every single one of you look great for your ages...Keep it up!! :-)
  • synchopatedhoover
    I only joined two days ago, and am slowly finding my way around. I fit perfectly into this topic! I'm just out of hospital so not moving around much. Just hoping I can stay focused once I go back to work.
  • redpaisleyrose
    Oh My Gosh, there are a few 60ish out there!! Thank you for the support, and the enthusiasm you showed me! Thank you for the comments from the younger "whipper snappers" too. I have to say losing weight has made me wake up earlier in the morning without any problems. It is energizing to the heart muscle when it is not pumping through the extra miles of fat...Oh, did I say the "F" word???
  • housegirl2
    housegirl2 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 66 and have lost over 20lb using MFP. It really helps!
  • Never2Bz
    Never2Bz Posts: 90 Member
    I'm 61 and on a great journey! Lost 38 lbs. in about 3 months. I designed my own program by eating all the foods I like. And I admit to being a 'treadmill' addict! It all started because of an event coming up in early May. I want to look the best I can be, and I am also giving away the clothes I outgrow or put items that are too big in the dryer on 'high' heat to shrink them! You are not alone... keep up with the good work!
  • lindalou4850
    lindalou4850 Posts: 217 Member
    I am 61 and I will not give up either. In the past trying to loose weight was sooo hard for me.I am not giving up either. I have reached my goal weight but still need to tone up. please feel free to add me as a friend!!:flowerforyou:
  • Gunnarbear
    Gunnarbear Posts: 186
    That was a very nice comment by luismolina88 and I know it was appreciated by all. Thank you and wish you great success in life.
  • sharonnna
    sharonnna Posts: 21 Member
    I am 64 and been active since mid Feb. This is the place to be to get to where you want to be. My sister is 62 and is a member. There are lots of members around our age group and losing weight very well. Add me as a friend if you would like.
  • PlumeriaToo
    PlumeriaToo Posts: 188 Member
    I'm here!! Sixty-five and just joined MFP. I'm so exited because it's actually working. I'm so tired (literally) of being over weight and I finally decided to make a change and find that it is not painful and since I started to work on this on March 20, I've lost 10 pounds and feeling motivated and supported by all my new pals. Lets work together on this.
  • Epetrovitch
    Epetrovitch Posts: 67 Member
    I'll be 57 next month. I just joined MFP at the beginning of the month. I lost 50pounds before joining and have lost an additional 9 pounds. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I like the support at MFP and the food log really helps. Ed
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Logging exactly what I eat is 90% of the solution, IMO. 55 here. Was feeling pretty old at 54. Getting younger at 55.! :)

    This is me. WIll be 55 in August and started on my last birthday. I quit drinking Diet Coke (and all other pop) and quit eating chips. I think sometimes that it is easier to lose when you are post-menopausal because I don't get bloated or have PMS food cravings. I have lost 55+ and plan to lose another 70 or more.
    It's never too late. My 81 year old mother recently tried Zumba (worried about her balance) and Tai Chi, loves it and will continue.She is not horribly over weight but wants to feel more energetic. She eats pretty healthy and is about 15 pounds overweight.
    TRIPLESEC Posts: 11
    You are not alone. I am 63, joined in Oct 2011. The last time I weighed was 2 or 3 months ago and had lost 17 lbs. I love this program!!!!!!!
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    awww thanks:)
  • debtittle
    Hi...I'll be 61 in a few days, and I'm glad to hear it is actually possible for 'oldies' to lose weight. I've been pretty inactive for a long time and have LOTS of arthritis in my bones, and I'm pretty sure it won't be easy. Back in 1993 I lost 105 lbs after going to one of those weight loss centers (I'd better not give their name!)...mostly by starvation ,virtually no carbs, and lots of LIES, such as "This is only temporary...then you can go back to eating NORMALLY"!! But as soon as I tried to go 'maintenance' I started BINGEING Big Time, and put all the weight back on in less than five years. I found out then that I was eating only about 900 cal/day and when I tried to ask them why I was bingeing, all they would say was "Go back on the diet." I was crying and begging for their help. I thought I had gone crazy!! I spent the next 15+ years reading everything I could on weight loss/weight control and being afraid to try another diet for fear I would go on a binge again! Now I think I'm ready to try once again. I just discovered this site TODAY and I've already added it to my FAVORITES list.
  • RunChristyRun
    RunChristyRun Posts: 72 Member
    I am with you! Giving up is not an option at any age! :O)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I am not over 60 ... I am 52 but really, I even at this age I can pretty much do what the younger guys are doing... Maybe not as fast or furious... But I am doing it and having a good time in the process... And since New Year's have dropped 53 lbs along the way.