I hate water



  • butterfly10398
    I personally LOVE mio... its amazing!
  • ravihira1892
    ravihira1892 Posts: 149 Member
    i LOVE water.

    You could try ice cold water, seems to work for people who hate drinking plain water.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Honestly, I hated water too. And you will continue hating it if you keep sugaring it up. Try to force yourself to drink it for a couple days, drink no sugary beverages and you will actually learn to love it. I went from NEVER drinking water, only juice or soda for the most part...to SOLELY drinking water. Yes, I only drink water now and it only took maybe a week to not even want the sugary beverages anymore. Soda makes me feel ill now. And I would most definitely avoid the packets that add flavor to your water, they almost ALL contain aspartame. A few don't but look carefully. Read up on aspartame, bad stuff!

    Unless you have a reaction to it aspartame is fine. Any why force yourself to drink something you do not like?
  • Ashleacurtice
    Ashleacurtice Posts: 54 Member
    I am the same way! CANT Stand plain water! I bought me a 28 oz sports bottle with a straw from Walmart...they have the flavored water (Propel or Walmart has some that is very good) and it makes it go down WAY quicker. I also put lemon juice and sometimes add some sweet n low...kinda makes it taste like lemonade!! Hope this helps! = )
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Thats quite dumb really, water has tons of benefits that all these other drinks don't.
  • katgirl985
    katgirl985 Posts: 212 Member
    Water's good - drink it carbonated,with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime. Learn to love it, it's one of your best friends!

    Exactly what I would suggest.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE seltzer water. I know that there are some people who believe it isn't as healthy as plain water, but it is just water with carbonation and study after study has shown that there are no bad effects in healthy people. My husband bought me a soda stream for x-mas and I make my own and drink about a liter of it everyday!
  • katgirl985
    katgirl985 Posts: 212 Member
    I hate plain water as well unless I just had a major workout and I'm panting like a dog. LOL. I recommend Crystal Light Wild Strawberry but be careful, has a fairly large amount of caffeine in it. But very good. I drink one of those a day and then for the rest of the day, I substitute cranberry juice, milk, strawberry milk (my favorite), Kiwi Strawberry packets, any of those for water. I wouldn't recommend drinking soda or tea because of all the calories. I hope this helps

    Tea has calories? Wow. All these 53 years I though it was calorie free. I'll update the MFP database, which also lists it as calorie free. How many calories does it have?

    I wonder if they were talking about sweet tea?
  • ThePunkHippie
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.


    Wow, that was a completely helpful comment!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    There really aren't any substitutions for water. Your body is 60% water, not 60% lemonade.
    However, maybe try squeezing some lime or lemon into it. And maybe keep a pitcher of it in the fridge so it can always be nice and cold and refreshing.

    Have you read this thread and the references given here? Lemonade is WATER. And the body's water? Isn't pure either. It's full of electrolytes. All liquids count as water. Anything else is pseudoscience.

    Uhm. Yeah, and I also studied biology for four years. Is that a pseudoscience, too?

    The answer to the question of "what is water?" would fall under the realm of chemistry.

    I majored in art history, though, so I'm not qualified to answer the question, period.

    Actually I think the question here isn't "what is water? so much as "what counts as water for purposes of hydrating the body?" And your degree subject isn't important so long as you learned in college 1)-logic, and 2)- to evaluate research based on things like credentials and peer review. I had listed peer reviewed research from the Mayo Clinic, a well-respected medical research/teaching hospital, proving that water contained in anything you consume hydrates the body equally well. This poster argued with no citation of source that lemonade =/= water in hydrating the body. I referenced the sources and said that unsubstantiated claims such as hers were pseudoscience. (It's usually called "broscience" here.) Her reply, rather than provide sources for her assertions was an "appeal to authority" by throwing out her college major.

    I was a biology major myself for two years before transferring to psychology. I later got an RN. I currently do IT at a company that manufactures metals and chemicals.

    I believe the answer to "what counts as water for purposes of hydrating the body" fall into the realm of biophysiology rather than chemistry.

    I was kidding. I agree with you.

    Edited to add: I see in one of your posts that you have Aspergers, so you might not always catch sarcasm or irony or other sorts of humour. Don't worry - I agree with all your posts in this thread. You're being very logical AND citing highly reliable sources.

    But, you're arguing with some .... um... not very bright people. If they want to drink "pure" water or pay extra for zero-calorie impurities like Mio, at least they won't die of hydration... MUCH LIKE THE PEOPLE WHO DRINK ONLY TEA OR DIET COKE! ;)

    You're right, I don't usually catch sarcasm and/or irony. I understand them if I notice them and can sometimes even use them, but I often don't notice them. Even in person, as we (Aspies) seem to lack the ability to read body language as well. This appears to be biological, so there's a limit as to how well we can be taught to do this.

    I also don't know where they'd GET pure water. I'm not sure there's any on earth. Our chemist says water dissolves one thing or another from any material you try to contain it in or deliver it with. Water is as close to a universal solvent as we know of, so it dissolves almost everything. You sure as he11 don't get "pure" water from the tap, or in a bottle at the store.

    I don't drink "plain" water because our water here is awful. I drink coffee (black w/ no sweet) in the morning and iced tea the rest of the day. I drink Mio or diet sodas when I'm out and about, because I can easily get them at the gas station or convenience store. I don't track water or any of the aforementioned beverages because they are essentially nothing. None of those has significant amounts of anything. Not even sodium, which is the oft-cited problem with diet sodas. Diet Coke has 20mg sodium, the others have zero.

    I suppose I "get" that I'll never convince some of these people, no matter how good my sources. It's a little like I'm...compelled. I love Randall Munroe (XKCD) because he's so spot on with so many (admittedly geeky) things. This comic completely hit home:

    (alt-text = What do you want me to do? LEAVE? Then they'll keep being wrong!)
  • katgirl985
    katgirl985 Posts: 212 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Thats quite dumb really, water has tons of benefits that all these other drinks don't.

    Not to mention that artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking it's getting sugar and then when it doesn't get any it can go a little haywire! Some people also believe it stimulates your hunger hormone.

    Better to avoid them if you can.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Thats quite dumb really, water has tons of benefits that all these other drinks don't.

    Not to mention that artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking it's getting sugar and then when it doesn't get any it can go a little haywire! Some people also believe it stimulates your hunger hormone.

    Better to avoid them if you can.

    As well as beer, which completely dehydrates you. I'm sorry, but I just cannot believe someone actually justifies that ANY beverage is hydrating. WOW.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Thats quite dumb really, water has tons of benefits that all these other drinks don't.

    Not to mention that artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking it's getting sugar and then when it doesn't get any it can go a little haywire! Some people also believe it stimulates your hunger hormone.

    Better to avoid them if you can.
    Exactly, artificial sweetners just make u crave the real thing hence why i avoid it.
  • SL22268
    SL22268 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone in this...I gave up all soda (well pop to this Michigander, lol) in January - I drink 1 cup of coffee each morning, and sip on water, sparkling flavored water, or water with Crystal Light-type packets throughout the day, but no where near as much as I should. Thanks for all the ideas on this thread! :smile:
  • ThePunkHippie
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Thats quite dumb really, water has tons of benefits that all these other drinks don't.

    Not to mention that artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking it's getting sugar and then when it doesn't get any it can go a little haywire! Some people also believe it stimulates your hunger hormone.

    Better to avoid them if you can.

    You're missing the point. The whole topic is about what they can drink in place of water. If someone drinks a cup of water then eats something containing an artificial sweetener, does eating that thing negate the effects of the water they drank?
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Thats quite dumb really, water has tons of benefits that all these other drinks don't.

    Not to mention that artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking it's getting sugar and then when it doesn't get any it can go a little haywire! Some people also believe it stimulates your hunger hormone.

    Better to avoid them if you can.

    As well as beer, which completely dehydrates you. I'm sorry, but I just cannot believe someone actually justifies that ANY beverage is hydrating. WOW.
    Woo, and i thought i was quite blonde ha!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Thats quite dumb really, water has tons of benefits that all these other drinks don't.

    Not to mention that artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking it's getting sugar and then when it doesn't get any it can go a little haywire! Some people also believe it stimulates your hunger hormone.

    Better to avoid them if you can.

    As well as beer, which completely dehydrates you. I'm sorry, but I just cannot believe someone actually justifies that ANY beverage is hydrating. WOW.
    Woo, and i thought i was quite blonde ha!

    Well why don't you all take it up with the Mayo Clinic because they believe it does.
  • ThePunkHippie
    The amount of stupid in this thread is incredible

    If I drink a cup of water, then eat a sugar-free candy, does eating that candy negate any hydration effects of the water?
    (if you believe it does, please remove yourself from the gene pool at once, as you are too stupid to live)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Thats quite dumb really, water has tons of benefits that all these other drinks don't.

    Like what?
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Drink whatever you want. Don't like plain water? Diet soda, non-diet soda, Crystal Lite, coffee, tea, juice, milk, sports drinks, beer... All hydrate you just about as effectively as water, the only downside is that some of them have calories you would have to account for. Hydration is all about FLUID, not about water.

    Thats quite dumb really, water has tons of benefits that all these other drinks don't.

    Not to mention that artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking it's getting sugar and then when it doesn't get any it can go a little haywire! Some people also believe it stimulates your hunger hormone.

    Better to avoid them if you can.

    As well as beer, which completely dehydrates you. I'm sorry, but I just cannot believe someone actually justifies that ANY beverage is hydrating. WOW.
    Woo, and i thought i was quite blonde ha!

    Well why don't you all take it up with the Mayo Clinic because they believe it does.

    If you've found support for the Mayo Clinics findings on this, please I'd like to see it. Being totally serious, I'd like to see proof of this.