40s - anyone else?

eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
Hi there,

I am 43 and will be 44 in July. I was told that I look more like a 30-something..but frankly many vibrant seniors put me to shame! That's why I am on myfitnesspal :)

I had - and still have relatively speaking - a high metabolic rate. But since I turned 40, which was also when I gave birth to my second child, things seemed to change overnight. Really crept up on me!

I am at the beginning of my journey, have had a great start with tracking my caloric intake and doing regular pilates and TRX. A long way to go for sure, and I am so psyched to see what I will look and feel like in the near future!

Would love to connect with everyone here. I highlighted the age in this post just because with each decade comes a different body and often lifestyle hence a different strategy to be fit and healthy, IMO.



  • Melissa42399
    Hi, Im 44 and when I hit 40, it was like my waist was gone!!!!! Ive steadily gained since then. That is why Im trying to get in the swing of watching my weight. Im still trying to get motivated to start the treadmill again.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    No one believes me when I said I am 20 pounds over! Maybe it is unfair to compare to my 20/30 weight baseline, before kids, when I worked out regularly. Well,at least I am older and wiser now and am trying to find and customize a realistic program for myself. Are you on treadmill alone? What else?
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    I'm 41. :) Feel free to friend me.
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    I'll be 40 in June. For some reason it's freaking me out. Add me if you want!
  • sonjakp
    sonjakp Posts: 2 Member
    I'll be 41 in June, Ladies the 40s our the new 20s :)
  • shiremom69
    shiremom69 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi, I'm soon to be 43. It's an interesting journey! It's definitely harder now than when I was younger. But still worth it!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'll be 41 in June, Ladies the 40s our the new 20s :)

    Ain't that the truth! 42 here!
  • _HeyMommy_
    _HeyMommy_ Posts: 323 Member
    I will be 41 in June as well... please feel free to add me, everyone. :o)
  • teenasbody
    teenasbody Posts: 212 Member
    Hello I am 40 and feel your pain. I never worried about what I ate or when I ate or working out, and then I woke up one day and I was 167lbs and had no idea how I got there.

    Feel free to add me I am always looking for pals to help motivate me. :-)
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    I am 46! I can tell you all what to expect in the next few years :)

    So far, the last few years have brought cellulite on my arms (I am used to this on my legs, but not my arms!), brown patches on my face, and reading glasses scattered all throughout my life !!! Strangely, the reading glasses bother me the most!
  • azbutterfly1324
    azbutterfly1324 Posts: 74 Member
    I just turned 44 and have struggled more with my weight since turning 40. I'm never been super heavy, but have gained & lost the same 20 pounds over & over & over. In my 20's and 30's it was so EASY to lose weight though. I have to try so much harder now. Trying to focus on getting fit now instead of 'losing weight'. I just finished 90 days of p90x; then took a rest week and started Body Revolution (also 90 days). I'm definitely more fit, though still not as small as I would like!

    PS. Many people tell me I look a lot younger too! We just went to dinner tonight @ a restaurant where my 21 yr old daughter works and her coworkers thought I was her sister! That makes me feel really great!!!!
  • chasingbabes
    40 here! But feeling fantastic! My journey has been slow and steady. Just eating right, moving and loving the simple changes! Next on the list is learning about muscle and lifting heavy things. :-)
  • candigirl29
    I just turned 43 yesterday and definitely have a lot more trouble losing it but its so much easier to gain. So I have started tracking my calories again and exercising and walking. I am doing 30 day shred with my daughter so i hope to see some results soon.
    I have always believed age is just a number and your only as old as you want to be.
  • MomOfJoey
    MomOfJoey Posts: 58
    I am 40 and had my son when I was 37. I was never overweight before, and could always eat whatever I wanted. I lost all my baby weight because of breastfeeding, but had to eat a high calorie diet to maintain weight while nursing. Then, once my nursing decreased but my diet remained the same, I put it back on. I want my waist back!
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    I am 44 and finally reached my goal weight. Feel free to add me. And Welcome!! =^_^=
  • purple0777
    purple0777 Posts: 6 Member
    I will be turning 40 in July. Please feel free to add me
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    i'm 42.... have four children and often get told i look a lot younger as well. i feel great and just want to drop a few mystery pounds that crept on about 1.5 years ago. welcome and best wishes!
  • SierraElegance
    SierraElegance Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 44, 45 in September. I did my first bikini competition last summer and got in the very best shape of my life! I'm having a harder time this year getting back there for some reason, but I'm competing June 9th. I can't seem to lose the last 10 pounds no matter what I do! But it's never too late to do what I'm doing-- don't underestimate what you can do because of your age! I have never been more proud!
  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    Hi there I'm 43 and am fighting the 'progressive lenses' with every fiber in my being :-) . Feel free to add me!
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Tamara and I'm 42. I too have found it much more difficult to lose and maintain my weight since I have turned 40. Amazing how that magic number seems to work. One would think if our bodies look and feel younger they would cooperate and react that way as well. LOL Good to know there are others in the same boat. Feel free to friend me.