Fat =/= curvy



  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I've read all 12 pages of this thread and I still fail to understand why this matters so much to you. The only explaination I can come up with is that you're proud of your body shape, but don't want to be on a parallel with women bigger than you are.

    It's been said before, but I'm going to say it again. It shouldn't matter what term a woman uses to describe herself in order to feel beautiful. It should only matter that she DOES feel beautiful. We need to start supporting each other and stop this contanstant sabotaging. It's only making a bad problem worse.

    "Be kind and compassionate and the whole world will be your friend."


    i just have to laugh. Yes, the only explanation there is for this being a pet peeve of mine is that I MUST not want to be compared to larger people.

    I seriously have to laugh. That the best you people can come up with?
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    So. What I'm hearing is that unless you're fit, you can't use any positive adjectives about your body because it offends fit women? Also, because it tells fat women that they can feel good about themselves? Why can't fat be attractive? I know my curvy fat behind looks good, I'm here to lose weight to increase my health.

    Apparently, even if I think I look fantastic, I should say stuff like:
    Ohhhh! Look at how my overweight borderline obese body fills this dress!

    I think a lot of you people are experiencing that crazy fatty-hate that people who lose weight have.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    christina hendricks is not curvy...she is fat. here are pictures of her in a bathing suit. we are so used to seeing people who are morbidly obese that we think people who are fat/overweight are normal.


    But she does have curves. She has a small waist, and larger hips. Just because she is overweight in those pictures, it doesn't mean she doesn't have a curvy shape. She does.

  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    christina hendricks is not curvy...she is fat. here are pictures of her in a bathing suit. we are so used to seeing people who are morbidly obese that we think people who are fat/overweight are normal.


    But she does have curves. She has a small waist, and larger hips. Just because she is overweight in that pictures, it doesn't mean she doesn't have a curvy shape. She does.


    yes she does have curves. :)
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    I've read all 12 pages of this thread and I still fail to understand why this matters so much to you. The only explaination I can come up with is that you're proud of your body shape, but don't want to be on a parallel with women bigger than you are.

    It's been said before, but I'm going to say it again. It shouldn't matter what term a woman uses to describe herself in order to feel beautiful. It should only matter that she DOES feel beautiful. We need to start supporting each other and stop this contanstant sabotaging. It's only making a bad problem worse.

    "Be kind and compassionate and the whole world will be your friend."


    i just have to laugh. Yes, the only explanation there is for this being a pet peeve of mine is that I MUST not want to be compared larger people.

    I seriously have to laugh. That the best you people can come up with?

    Then maybe I'll just be blunt about it. It's a pet peeve of yours because you are a downright ugly person. In my honest opinion, the only people who feel the need to put someone down for any reason or who are 'peeved' by someone elses actions that have NO direct effect on them, are people looking to build themselves up.

    Let it go. I promise you - you're life will be so much better if/when you do!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    I've read all 12 pages of this thread and I still fail to understand why this matters so much to you. The only explaination I can come up with is that you're proud of your body shape, but don't want to be on a parallel with women bigger than you are.

    It's been said before, but I'm going to say it again. It shouldn't matter what term a woman uses to describe herself in order to feel beautiful. It should only matter that she DOES feel beautiful. We need to start supporting each other and stop this contanstant sabotaging. It's only making a bad problem worse.

    "Be kind and compassionate and the whole world will be your friend."


    i just have to laugh. Yes, the only explanation there is for this being a pet peeve of mine is that I MUST not want to be compared larger people.

    I seriously have to laugh. That the best you people can come up with?

    Then maybe I'll just be blunt about it. It's a pet peeve of yours because you are a downright ugly person. In my honest opinion, the only people who feel the need to put someone down for any reason or who are 'peeved' by someone elses actions that have NO direct effect on them, are people looking to build themselves up.

    Let it go. I promise you - you're life will be so much better if/when you do!

  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    christina hendricks is not curvy...she is fat. here are pictures of her in a bathing suit. we are so used to seeing people who are morbidly obese that we think people who are fat/overweight are normal.


    lol if that is fat then I must be a whale, she looks like she is healthy and cuvry
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    It doesn't bother me unless it's used in justification or denial for an unhealthy weight. I stand by my opinion that I have a "curvy" shaped body, but I also stand by the fact that I am overweight. One doesn't cancel out the other.

    That said, I've seen a few threads like this in the short time I've been on this website, and I personally think it's in such bad taste and is inevitably going to make the many self-proclaimed curvy girls on this website feel pretty bad about themselves. Triggering threads like this that will probably make someone feel bad about their body does no good for anybody. Why does it annoy you if somebody is happy with themselves? Doesn't that seem a little misguided?

    Besides, saying someone is "curvy" or saying someone is "fat" is totally subjective. There is no set-in-stone archetype for what curvy is or what a fat person is... it's all up to personal connotation and opinion. So, you know, your opinion on what those words mean is not the golden standard.

    I don't mean to be rude, but I think threads like this are totally not cool, and I'm really tired of seeing them. In a place that is supposed to be a haven and non-judging atmosphere for people on the journey to be fit and healthy, I think topics like this are so uncalled for.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    So. What I'm hearing is that unless you're fit, you can't use any positive adjectives about your body because it offends fit women? Also, because it tells fat women that they can feel good about themselves? Why can't fat be attractive? I know my curvy fat behind looks good, I'm here to lose weight to increase my health.

    Apparently, even if I think I look fantastic, I should say stuff like:
    Ohhhh! Look at how my overweight borderline obese body fills this dress!

    I think a lot of you people are experiencing that crazy fatty-hate that people who lose weight have.


    No, it's don't paint yourself to be a body type you're not.

  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    christina hendricks is not curvy...she is fat. here are pictures of her in a bathing suit. we are so used to seeing people who are morbidly obese that we think people who are fat/overweight are normal.


    lol if that is fat then I must be a whale, she looks like she is healthy and cuvry

    take a look at her pics in the link where she is in a bathing suit. that is her in reality w/o photoshop, girdle..etc...
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Thank you. Why does it matter if a woman is overweight/obese calls herself curvy? To me that says she needs to feel like cr@p for being big, but instead she may call herself curvy because is confident and comfortable with herself. Not all large women cry in a corner because they are big. Some of them are proud to be who they are regardless of size. To me, whatever makes them happy. If you have never been in their shoes, never been a LARGE (i'm talking 250+lbs here) woman you should not judge. People have body issues at any and every size. People also have confidence and are happy with themselves at any and every size. If someone is 500lbs but they are more than happy with it, who cares?

    but if she's happy with her fat body, surely she wouldn't need to lie to herself and pretend her rolls of fat are "curves"?
    She'd just say, "yeah I'm fat and I love it"
    not, "I'm fat, but I'm gonna tell everyone it's just curves"

    Thank you.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    What does "Le sigh" mean?
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    christina hendricks is not curvy...she is fat. here are pictures of her in a bathing suit. we are so used to seeing people who are morbidly obese that we think people who are fat/overweight are normal.


    lol if that is fat then I must be a whale, she looks like she is healthy and cuvry

    take a look at her pics in the link where she is in a bathing suit. that is her in reality w/o photoshop, girdle..etc...

    If you look at her in those pics compared to this, you can see she's at a slimmer weight in this one.

    Of course, when she's slimmer, her curves are going to be more noticable.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Most fat people simply don't want to call themselves fat. When I was fat I didn't want to use the word either. Didn't make it any less true. But fat is such an ugly word. I can understand not wanting to be associated with it.

    However calling oneself 'curvy' will not make people see you as such. In a way I see the OP's point. Why not own up to what we are?Whether we like it or not?
  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
    I am 370 pounds and quite curvy. I have curves where curves shouldn't be...my curves have other curves growing on them. My rolls do not make me curvy. They just make me... rolly? Fat? Yes, they make me fat. :P I have no problem with saying "I AM FAT" because it's true. The only time I've ever been offended by being called "fat" is when I knew that I wasn't doing anything to change it. lol
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    What does "Le sigh" mean?

    2. le sigh 177 up, 219 down

    a phrase commonly used by a blogger to express their frusteration with life
    "le sigh...today when i went to mcdonalds i had to wait in line for five minutes. and then...(*****, moan, whine, etc)"

    buy le sigh mugs & shirts

    by flense May 30, 2004 share this add a video
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Most fat people simply don't want to call themselves fat. When I was fat I didn't want to use the word either. Didn't make it any less true. But fat is such an ugly word. I can understand not wanting to be associated with it.

    However calling oneself 'curvy' will not make people see you as such. In a way I see the OP's point. Why not own up to what we are?Whether we like it or not?


    But there are so many 'nicer' terms for fat than distorting descriptions to fit your own ideals.

    I mean, I can describe myself as athletic but it doesn't make it true.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    So. What I'm hearing is that unless you're fit, you can't use any positive adjectives about your body because it offends fit women? Also, because it tells fat women that they can feel good about themselves? Why can't fat be attractive? I know my curvy fat behind looks good, I'm here to lose weight to increase my health.

    Apparently, even if I think I look fantastic, I should say stuff like:
    Ohhhh! Look at how my overweight borderline obese body fills this dress!

    I think a lot of you people are experiencing that crazy fatty-hate that people who lose weight have.


    No, it's don't paint yourself to be a body type you're not.


    Fine. I'm going to ask that all women who are straight up and down start calling themselves rulers, bricks, and bananas unless they are athletic looking enough to call themselves fit. Of course I decide what's "athletic looking", so unless they're rocking a Jamie Eason they are going to be called rulers, bricks, and bananas.

    Also, if your ribs are showing, we wont call you slim, we'll call you underweight. This is totally going to help you come out of your denial about being underweight and make you want to pack on the pounds. Forget being comfortable with your ribs showing while you slowly and healthily gain the weight your health requires. Obviously, again, I decide what is underweight, and since I'm fat, I've decided to be quite strict with this rule.

    What other restrictions? Hmmm.

    Also, I'm mandating Skinny Fat, Bulky, and all other kinds of negative words just because I am totally master of how you use your available vocabulary.

    ...Yeah, except I'm not because I actually like people in all body shapes and I LIKE IT WHEN THEY LIKE THEMSELVES.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I knew what your meant by grossly obese, same as if someone was talking about a misunderstanding as "grossly mistaken."

    The only contrbutions to the topic I have are:

    1) Why are people who are offended by "grossly" so much happier with "morbidly"?

    morbid [mawr-bid]


    1. suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude; unwholesomely gloomy, sensitive, extreme, etc.: a morbid interest in death.
    2. affected by, caused by, causing, or characteristic of disease.
    3. pertaining to diseased parts: morbid anatomy.
    4. gruesome; grisly.

    How the feck does that make you feel better about yourself? Besides it being a medical term

    2) i also really dislike when obese ladies make a deal of how large their breasts are, when its only becaise they are large all over. That may be because Ive been flat chested through fat and thin ;p

    Edited for my bad typos, oop!
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    christina hendricks is not curvy...she is fat. here are pictures of her in a bathing suit. we are so used to seeing people who are morbidly obese that we think people who are fat/overweight are normal.


    I think you've got into your head that the "Hollywood norm" is what "normal" is...Christina Hendricks is beautiful and yes, she's curvy.
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